Thursday 27 October 2016

Are you brainwashed?

Plus some thoughts about Brexit and reality

Update # 1 - Same day

The War on Reality

Scroll to end for update

-------------------- original post---------------------------------------------

To get an idea how brainwashed you are then: ask yourself the following 25 questions.

If you answer yes to any of them then: you’ve been brainwashed.

Do you believe that:

1 People at the top of the power structure have your, and the Earths, best interests at heart
2 A deep state, or shadow government, does not exist; politicians are at the top of the power structure
3 Politicians work for the people, rather than this shadow government
4 Democracy is in a healthy condition and there is no need for major electoral reform
5 The UN works for, and on behalf of, the people
6 The EU works for, and on behalf of, the people
7 The legal system works for, and on behalf of, the people
8 Personal freedom is built into our legal, and "human rights", systems
9 Mainstream media and TV provides generally accurate information; and that information reflects the truth about what’s happening in our world
10 Private banks loan pre-existing money, rather than creating money out of thin air
11 We need private banking organizations to run our money creation system
12 The current, debt and usury [interest] based, money system is not a tool of enslavement
13 Academics and scientists are independent of, and not beholden to, this money power
14 The widespread suffering by poor people across our planet is a result of natural forces; and not this money power
15 Wars are natural political events; and not the creations of this money power
16 Adding chemicals to our food, water, air and medicine is good for our health
17 The medical/pharmaceutical complex always wants to create cures, not customers
18 Vaccinating a 2 month old baby certainly does not poison it
19 Finding the cures for cancer is more important than finding the causes of cancer
20 Scientific research results are not fixed to the advantage of the corporations funding the research
21 Natural therapies are pseudoscience and not effective
22 The state education system is designed to educate children in the best possible way
23 Reality is only made of ‘matter’, and consciousness is its byproduct
24 There is empirical evidence for Darwinian evolution
25 There is empirical evidence that the Universe was created in the Big Bang; and that gravity is the key force at play

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you are brainwashed to some degree.
The more yeses, the more brainwashed you are.
You’ve got some study to do.

Your consolation is that: You are not alone!

Don’t believe me though; do your own research before the open information internet becomes fully controlled.

[Thanks to Phillip J Watt]

With the current state of the world then, that anyone could want the status quo to continue is utterly incomprehensible to me.

I think that this thought was a key underlying psychological driver for the UK's Brexit vote last summer. It was not necessarily a conscious thought.

Virtually the whole of the UK political class was united in campaigning for Remain, ie. to maintain the status quo. The only senior pols who campaigned for Brexit looked to be, and turned out to be, stooges. Our Imperial overlords from the US even sent their head puppet, Obomber, over here to instruct us all to vote Remain. That probably sealed it.

A clear majority of the people wanted to give the whole political class a good hard kicking. If that included the US overlords then all the better. Particularly those people whose interests have been consistently ignored by the London bubble elite. It was a well deserved good hard kicking if you ask me. Which was duly delivered on referendum day. Whenever else do people get the chance to kick them?

Most ordinary people are not stupid. Many may be badly educated, most are very badly informed, but they are not stupid. Though they are treated by the pols, and the corporate media, as if they are.

My motives were somewhat different, as readers of this blog will know. I am fundamentally opposed to the globalist, corporate fascist, elite created and driven EU.

I am opposed for ideological reasons.

I am anti globalism. I am anti corporatism [fascism]. I am anti elitism.

You cannot be anti those and also be pro the  EU.

That is Doublethink.

And, hey, it felt very good to administer the kicking with everybody else. It was worth it just to see the pigs squeal as the realisation dawned about what was happening. The look on their faces was a picture. One of the few highlights, among the many lowlights of 2016.

It will not make much difference in the end, hard Brexit, soft Brexit or no Brexit. The advantaged classes will still stay advantaged, and all the rest will be ignored as usual.

Of course the elites media continually tells you that Brexit will be a disaster, or a triumph, depending on who you read. Certainly a disaster according to the reprehensible faux left faction of the elites media. [Who are actually NeoLiberal and NeoCon in reality]. Media like the BBC and the Guardian. If you believe all their old rubbish then you really are stuck in the Matrix. You must still be taking the blue pill. The evidence for their institutional mendacity is overwhelming.

So, for some light relief, here is some more clear evidence of that media mendacity, not that you should really need it. This one is about the Dallas cop shooting last summer. When a few cops were "killed" by "snipers" in Dallas. You didn't think that was real did you? Of course it wasn't! It was all just another act, yet another psyop, a psychodrama. Part of the ongoing "gun control" rubbish that they keep pumping out. One of many such in 2016.

Light relief? Wtf? Watch this:

The contrived, or false, stories in the media this year have turned from a deluge into a torrent. They are blatant and often transparent. They really do think that we are idiots. Is anything that they show us actually real? Precious little it seems to me. I have said it before and I say it again:

My working assumption for all main media stories, particularly on the TV, is that they are false by major omission, or outright false. Just about everything they show us nowadays fits into one of these categories.

They lie as a matter of routine. Black is white. Up is down. Right is Left.

Orwell was so prescient when he wrote:

"War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength."

So stop worrying folks, that's what they want you to do.

And stop getting angry, that's what they want you to do.

And stop blaming other groups of ordinary people, that's what they want you to.

It's mostly bullshit and you cannot be sure that what they show you on TV is actually real.

In fact, if its on the TV "News" then, most probably it isn't.

You might just as well ignore it. That's what they don't want

So that's what I do.

You should try it sometime, it's very liberating.

Update # 1 - Same day

The War on Reality: How the globalists occupy your mind to control everything

This is a very powerful short film that supports, and thoroughly surpasses, my post:


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