Sunday 9 October 2016

The White Helmets

Syrian civil defence saints?


War facilitators for the Western powers?

Update #1 - 10th October 2016

More utterly damning evidence.

Scroll to end for update

Original post

If you rely solely on the Western lamestream corporate media for your info then you might think that the White Helmets are peacekeepers in Syria. Assuming you know anything about them at all that is. They are lauded as saviours of the Syrian civilians. The good guys who look after the suffering civilians.

They were even being promoted as possible recipients of the Nobel Peace prize for 2016. This is a good clue about their true provenance. Had they been awarded the prize then they would have joined such warmongers as the European Union [2012], Barak Obama [2009], Shimon Peres [1994], Menachem Begin [1978] and Henry Kissinger [1972]. All recipients of the peace prize.

The Nobel committee wisely did not give them the prize. Too many people know the truth about them.

A few facts about the White Helmets:

* They are funded by the UK and US spooks. To the tune of $100 million, for 3,000 operatives. They are a Western construct. Most definitely not independent or even Syrian.

* They are based in Turkey, a NATO country that has been the base for most of the Western funded terrorists that operate in Syria.

* They only operate in the terrorist areas of Syria, not in the government controlled areas. Pretty well all the terrorists in Syria are Western funded. ISIS was created, funded, trained and facilitated by the US, and their proxies Qatar, Saudi and Turkey. Just about everything that the corporate media told you about ISIS is a lie. This is widely known. But not if you only read the Western corporate media of course.

* They kill the official government civil defence operatives where ever they can.

* They are an integral part of the Western psyop propaganda to persuade us that Assad is the bad guy. He was in fact re-elected President of Syria in 2014. He won 88% of the vote. The election being overseen by officials from 30 other countries.

* The White Helmets facilitate media propaganda images for the Western media. Remember the, obviously fake and staged, "dust boy" recently? A White Helmets fake story. There are plenty of others.

Here is a very informative discussion about the White Helmets:

Apart from the RT host Peter Lavelle, the participants are all independent journalists. The 2 ladies have spent lots of time in Syria over recent years. They are both very brave individuals. Vanessa Beeley has done some great work about the true current situation in Aleppo. They have both posted some excellent work from the front lines that exposes the truth about the Syrian conflict.

The truth is very different to what you have been told by our corporate presstitutes.

The 21st Century Wire site was founded by the third participant, Patrick Henningsen. It has an extensive archive of Beeley's work.

Also for lots more detailed info, here is a Canadian blogger, "Penny for your thoughts", who has been blogging about the atrocity of Syria for years:

I would urge all this blogs readers, who have any interest in the real Syria story, to have a look at both these sites. They demonstrate categorically that the controlled western corporate lamestream media, including the BBC, is utterly corrupt. It lies to you all the time. As a default mode.

Syria was a peaceful, secular, independent country with no foreign debts before the West [US, UK & EU with their local proxies, as above] set up its "Syrian Arab Spring" psyop, the so called "Syrian revolution". Just about everything that they have told you about Syria is a lie.

Worst of all, hundreds of thousands of Syrians have died in this Western created war. All in our name.

It makes me want to puke.

And people wonder why I won't vote....


Remember Jo Cox the MP who was allegedly killed by a rabid Brexit fan in the week before the referendum? The presstitutes sold us this ludicrous story about a lone nutter [the ubiquitous lone nutter]. Who killed her with a homemade gun ffs. The story sounded like a crock of shit to me at the time. Very dodgy script writing I thought. The photos that they released had numerous anomalies. Not least the alleged perp having tattooed arms in some, but not in others.The UK saturation media coverage was totally OTT and so very suspicious. Copious crocodile tears were shed by the big political actors, including Mr Corbyn. Always a sign of bullshit. And the timing was very, very, convenient for the Remaindeers.

Jo Cox was a big promoter of the White Helmets. So she was a big promoter of the psyop. She must have known that it was a psyop too. Unless she was stupid, which was clearly not the case. So she appears to have been a UK deep state operative who was actively promoting the psyop in the UK. Cox is alleged to have had very close contact with the UK spooks. A glance at her Wiki page reinforces that suspicion [Educated at Cambridge and the LSE, both spook factories]. So she was maybe even a spook herself. My bet is that she was.

All this makes me even more suspicious about the murder story. All spooks know that they can have a reassigned identity as necessary. It is part of the job. Whatever, her "murder" was certainly very convenient for the Remain campaign which probably picked up several percentage points of votes as a result. Fortunately not enough to swing the final outcome. [Oggi, oggi, oggi, out, out, out!]

The whole story smells rancid to me. I will be interested to see just how much of the perps upcoming "trial" is covered by the lamestream. Not much is my guess.


Jo's husband, Brendan Cox, is a piece of shit too. A Gordon Brown lackey - say no more. Allegations of molesting female employees when he was a senior executive at Save the Children. Allegations which were not "investigated" but which led to his resignation. Such allegations being no impediment to a smooth change of career into some other dodgy NGO/charity after he left S the C.

Update #1 - 10th October 2016

More damning evidence from another independent.

This is a must watch.

BBC, Channel 4 and more.

Nauseating, disgusting and utterly damning.

"Makes your blood boil".

"Venerating child beheading"

"Blood on the hands of the mainstream media"

Lies, lies and more lies


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