Thursday, 1 September 2016

The UN

A wolf in sheep's clothing

The UN is not what it seems.

It does not work for all of humanity.
It does not work for you.
It works for the global elites to help them use, and develop, their human control systems.

It is a wolf in sheep's clothing

It uses millions of fine sounding words and it always talks a good game about itself.

But its not what it says that really counts, its what it does.

It certainly deserves a far more critical appraisal than it ever receives in the corporate media.

Here is s short piece, by a real independent journalist, and with plenty of links in evidence:

"The UN was the brainchild of the Council on Foreign Relations’ War and Peace Studies Political Group (itself born from the failure of the globalists to secure US participation in the League of Nations).
I could go on (and I have before), but I think you get the picture. Every person in every nation should be denouncing the United Nations and vowing to withdraw, UN Charter be damned.

Some damning evidence then. But the brainwashing by media is very effective. It has been relentless over decades and it obviously works.

The usual automatic assumption about the UN is that it is working for the common good. But, scratch the surface, and you often find something that is very rotten.

UN gives "legitimacy" cover for the invasion of Libya
For a much more detailed look at just how the UN operates as an integral part of the US/UK/NATO war machine then lets take a look at the destruction of Libya in 2011. Here is a detailed report, with copious links, that shows just how the US/UK/NATO criminals operate. They turned a prosperous, peaceful, secular country into a failed state:

"Africa’s wealthiest nation. Libya had the highest GDP per capita and life expectancy on the African continent. Less people lived below the poverty line than in the Netherlands."


"The UN's Human Development Index report* from 2010 - less than a year before the 2011 collapse of Libya - cited Libya as No.1 on its index for rate and scale of development."

Our "elected", "democratic", criminal, governments destroyed Libya in our name.

This long report is by S Awan aka "the Burning Blogger of Bedlam", another independent. The book is available free to download from his website:

It is a devastating critique which lays bare the despicable methods that the Western powers used to loot and destroy Libya. It also reveals the deceptions that the corporate media foist on us all routinely and which were an integral part of their psyop on the western public about Libya.

They used exactly the same modus operandi in Syria too.

It is essential reading if you at all interested in current geopolitics, media lies, and understanding the truth about how the world really operates.

The UN provides the cover of "legitimacy" for the criminals who run US/UK/NATO.

The UN is thus knowingly criminal itself. Their hypocrisy is breathtaking.

Summary,  from page 6 of 141:

"Please read and share this text far and wide. This text will demonstrate clearly that; 

(1) the NATO powers are War Criminals that need to be brought to account for their actions in 2011, 

(2) that key officials of the governments of the US, the UK, France, several European nations and the Gulf States need to be tried in an international court for these crimes, including Hilary Clinton, Nicolas Sarkosy, and David Cameron,

(3) that the alliance of governments, corporations and military agencies that currently control the Western world are morally bankrupt and need to be thoroughly investigated as criminals. And

(4) that the mainstream/corporate media and news broadcasters are entirely complicit in aiding and abetting an international criminal conspiracy and should also be either investigated or boycotted. 

In doing so, this article will also demonstrate;

(1) that there was no 'Civil War' in Libya in 2011,

(2) that there were no civilian 'demonstrations' against Gaddafi or the Libyan government in 2011,

(3) that wholesale lies and fabrications were concocted by our governments and by the corporate news-media and that neither Gaddafi nor the Libyan regime was guilty of any of the 'crimes' it was accused of,

(4) that NATO and the Western governments deliberately murdered Muammar Gaddafi and installed Al-Qaeda into Libyan cities,

(5) that the entire operation was illegal under international law, and

(6) that NATO, France, Britain and America, committed mass murder in Libya."

Those responsible, from page 99:

"You'll note I keep referring to Libya/2011 as a 'criminal enterprise' rather than a 'humanitarian intervention'. If we accept that premise, every 'crime' needs a mastermind and a motive. We'll come to Motive shortly; but who were the Criminal Masterminds? Well, that's easy. They were

(1) our government officials and political leaders,

(2) multi-national corporations and financial institutions,

(3) America's Al-Qaeda and other terrorist legions/proxies, and

(4) our mass, corporate media organisations. Meanwhile this criminal conspiracy was wilfully aided and abetted by

(5) the UN."

The failure of the UN, from page 105:

"The UN failed to verify any of the allegations against Gaddafi's government and the Libyan authorities; failed in fact to even investigate any of it, even after being asked by the Libyan government to send a fact-finding commission.

Libya was the final, conclusive and damning proof that the UN is an utterly worthless, pointless institution, just as Gaddafi himself had said in 2009.

Ironically, of all the people and world leaders to ever speak at the UN, the one who most summed up the true nature of the UN was Muammar Gaddafi himself, in that famous 2009 address, which should go down as the one of the greatest in the UN's history.

Addressing the assembly both as representative of Libya and Chairman of the African Union, Gaddafi argued that power should be held by the General Assembly and not the Security Council.

"65 wars since 1945 have not been prevented by UN," he told the assembly.

The UN was not democratic, he said. According to Gaddafi, the General Assembly is made worthless by the domination of the superpowers and the dictatorial powers held by the Security Council's five permanent members. He argued that there should be democracy and equality among the member states and that power should be transferred from the Security Council to the General Assembly. He argued that a structure where the General Assembly has to do whatever the Security Council dictates was unfair and unjust, but that the Security Council should instead be subject to the democratic wishes of the 192 nations represented in the General Assembly.

"How can we be happy about global peace and security if the whole world is controlled only by five countries? The Superpowers have global interests and they use their vetoes to protect those interests," Gaddafi said, as he tore up a piece of paper representing the UN Charter and startled the assembly in New York.

And how ironic that this same Security Council Gaddafi was so unhappy about in 2009 was the same Security Council that sealed his fate in 2011.

If the UN was worth anything, it wouldn't have allowed such a callous criminal enterprise as the 2011 intervention to occur. More than that, it would have some means to hold to account the nations, governments and parties who were responsible for it. But the UN is nothing; just "Speaker's Corner in Hyde Park," as Gaddafi called it, "we make speeches, we talk, and that's all.