Tuesday 14 November 2017

The Hau de no sau nee - Message to the Western World

Policies of oppression in the name of democracy

The Hau de no sau nee is the 
traditional Six nations council at Onondaga [Syracuse in New York State], also referred to as the Iroquois Confederacy. Native North American Iroquois "indians" who have a sophisticated nation that goes all the way back to the Pleistocene era; I kid you not.

These texts offer a unique, and stunning, perspective on modern Western "civilisation" from people who have a true grounding in reality. They contain so many lessons for the thoughtful truthseeker. The Hau de no sau nee have experienced the full force of "civilisation" and it has been a salutary experience for them. After centuries of oppression they remain unbowed. Their story deserves to be heard by all modern humans.

We see ourselves as sophisticated and modern. This Hau de no sau nee presentation demonstrates our utter ignorance in comparison to them:


Extracts, bold is my emphasis:

"The mechanism for the colonization of the Hau de no sau nee territory is found, in legal fiction, in the United States Constitution. That document purports to give Congress power to “regulate commerce with foreign nations and among the several States, and with Indian tribes.” Contrary to every principle of international law, Congress has expanded that section to an assertion of “plenary” power, a doctrine which asserts authority over our territories. This assertion has been repeatedly urged upon our people, although we have never agreed to that relationship, and we have never been conquered in warfare. The Hau de no sau nee are vassals to no people — we are a free nation, and we have never surrendered our rights as a free people."


"The following is the first of three parts (1380 lines total) comprising an exceedingly penetrating examination of western civilization as seen from the perspective of “the most politically powerful and independent non-Western political body surviving in North America”, the Hau de no sau nee, or traditional Six nations council at Onondaga, also referred to as the Iroquois Confederacy.

This work articulates a history of the increasing incoherence of destructive and frenzied human activity manifesting on Mother Earth. One theme is “The dishonoring of treaties is essential to the goal of the U.S. and Canadian vested interests which are organized to remove any and all obstacles to their exploitation of the Earth and her peoples.” The act of “taking without asking” is attributable to both children and immature cultures alike.

My father’s father’s mother’s father was a friend of Lincoln’s from Illinois, who later served as U.S. Representative. I found out recently he also fought with the Young Abe in the Blackhawk wars. Thru my great-great grandfather, I am that closely related to the genocide of some of the first people’s of this continent. The ignorance and fear in the people who destroyed so many indigenous people and their ways of life around the world, and then justified it to themselves simply because these people were “in the way”, or “didn’t understand the `necessity’ of `progress’,” or were “heathen” or “savages”– the legacy of this ignorance and fear produced a tragedic eradication of the wealth of understanding, of wisdom, of the seeing these people lived in their relatedness to the earth, to each other, and to themselves. Their descendants exist in pockets around the world today, still attempting to survive and to maintain their basis of relatedness to Mother Earth and “all my relations”.

This Basic Call to Consciousness is an expression of their understanding that “For centuries we have known that each individual’s action creates conditions and situations that affect the world. For centuries we have been careful to avoid any action unless it carried a long-range prospect of promoting harmony and peace in the world. In that context, with our brothers and sisters of the Western Hemisphere, we have journeyed here to discuss these important matters with the other members of the Family of Man.”

excerpts of part I lay the groundwork:

The papers which follow are position papers which were presented by the Hau de no sau nee to the Non-governmental Organizations [NGOs] of the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland in September, 1977. The Non-governmental Organizations had called for papers which describe the conditions of oppression suffered by Native people under three subject headings, with supportive oral statements to be given to the commissions. The Hau de no sau nee, the traditional Six nations council at Onondaga, sent forth three papers which constitute an abbreviated analysis of Western history, and which call for a consciousness of the Sacred Web of Life in the Universe.

It is a call which can be expected to be both ignored and misunderstood for some period of time. But the position papers themselves are absolutely unique — they constitute a political statement, presented to a representative world body, pointing to the destruction of the Natural World and the Natural World peoples as the clearest indicator that human beings are in trouble on this planet. It is a call to a basic consciousness which has ancient roots and ultra-modern, even futuristic, manifestations.

It is a statement which points to the fact that humans are abusing one another, that they are abusing the planet they live on, that they are even abusing themselves. It is a message, certainly the first ever delivered to a world body, which identifies the process of that abuse as Western Civilization — as a whole way of life — and which acknowledges the immense complexity which that statement implies.

What is presented here is nothing less audacious than a cosmogony of the Industrialized World presented by the most politically powerful and independent non-Western political body surviving in North America. It is, in a way, the modern world through Pleistocene eyes. 

Be that as it may, the Hau de no see nee position is derived from a philosophy which sees The People with historical roots which extend back tens of thousands of years. It is a geological kind of perspective, which sees modern man as an infant, occupying a very short space of time in an incredibly long spectrum. It is the perspective of the oldest elder looking into the affairs of a young child and seeing that he is committing incredibly destructive folly. It is, in short, the statement of a people who are ageless but who trace their history as a people to the very beginning of time. And they are speaking, in this instance, to a world which dates its existence from a little over 500 years ago, and perhaps, in many cases, much more recently than that.

And it is, to our knowledge, the very first statement to be issued by a Native nation. What follows are not the research products of psychologists, historians, or anthropologists. The papers which follow are the first authentic analyses of the modern world ever committed to writing by an official body of Native people."


The Hau de no sau nee, People of the Longhouse, who are known to many Europeans as the Six nations Iroquois, have inhabited their territories since time immemorial. During the time prior to the coming of the Europeans, it is said that ours were a happy and prosperous people. Our lands provided abundantly for our needs. Our people lived long, healthy, and productive lives. Before the Europeans came, we were an affluent people, rich in the gifts of our country. We were a strong people in both our minds and bodies. Throughout most of that time, we lived in peace."


"Our traditions were such that we were careful not to allow our populations to rise in numbers that would overtax the other forms of life. We practiced strict forms of conservation. Our culture is based on a principle that directs us to constantly think about the welfare of seven generations into the future. Our belief in this principle acts as a restraint to the development of practices which would cause suffering in the future. To this end, our people took only as many animals as were needed to meet our needs. Not until the arrival of the colonists did the wholesale slaughter of animals occur."


"Our leaders, in fact, are leaders of categories of large extended families. Those large extended families function as economic units in a Way of Life which has as its base the Domestic Mode of Production. Before the colonists came, we had our own means of production and distribution adequate to meet all the peoples' needs. We would have been unable to exist as nations were it not so.

Our basic economic unit is the family. The means of distribution, aside from simple trade, consists of a kind of spiritual tradition manifested in the functions of the religious/civic leaders in a highly complex religious, governmental, and social structure.

The Hau de no sau nee have no concept of private property. This concept would be a contradiction to a people who believe that the Earth belongs to the Creator. Property is an idea by which people can be excluded from having access to lands, or other means of producing a livelihood. That idea would destroy our culture, which requires that every individual live in service to the Spiritual Ways and the People. That idea (property) would produce slavery. The acceptance of the idea of property would produce leaders whose functions would favor excluding people from access to property, and they would cease to perform their functions as leaders of our societies and distributors of goods.

Before the colonists came, we had no consciousness about a concept of commodities. Everything, even the things we make, belong to the Creators of Life and are to be returned ceremonially, and in reality, to the owners. Our people live a simple life, one unencumbered by the need of endless material commodities. The fact that their needs are few means that all the peoples' needs are easily met. It is also true that our means of distribution is an eminently fair process, one in which all of the people share in all the material wealth all of the time."


"Ours was a wealthy society. No one suffered from want. All had the right to food, clothing, and shelter. All shared in the bounty of the spiritual ceremonies and the Natural World. No one stood in any material relationship of power over anyone else. No one could deny anyone access to the things they needed. All in all, before the colonists came, ours was a beautiful and rewarding Way of Life."

Source of the above quotations. It is well worth the effort to read it all:

I found this from Dublinsmick whose blog is now defunct. He summed it up perfectly:

"It is such a simple message and yet so difficult to understand for the underdeveloped earthlings."

Sunday 1 October 2017

Globalism 101 - Rule by oligarchs

Fascism and Fabian Socialism are 2 sides of the same coin

Both want big government at the expense of our liberty and freedom.

Both put corporations at the heart of their system.

Both are tools of the globalists.

Wake up leftists!

Wake up rightists!

You are both being played by the globalists........

Here are some key extracts from a recent piece by one of my favourite Reality bloggers, Brandon Smith of alt-market. My further extensive comments follow the quotes. The link to the quotes is at the end:

"If you want to be able to predict geopolitical and economic trends with any accuracy, you must first accept a couple of hard realities. First and foremost, the majority of cultural shifts and fiscal developments within our system are a product of social engineering by an organized collective of power elites. Second, you must understand that this collective is driven by the ideology of globalism — the pursuit of total centralization of financial and political control into the hands of a select few deemed as "superior" concertmasters or "maestros." As globalist insider, CFR member and mentor to Bill Clinton, Carroll Quigley, openly admitted in his book Tragedy And Hope:
"The powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world’s central banks which were themselves private corporations. Each central bank ... sought to dominate its government by its ability to control Treasury loans, to manipulate foreign exchanges, to influence the level of economic activity in the country, and to influence cooperative politicians by subsequent economic rewards in the business world.""


"The philosophical basis for the globalist ideology is most clearly summarized in the principles of something called "Fabian Socialism," a system founded in 1884 which promotes the subversive and deliberate manipulation of the masses towards total centralization, collectivism and population control through eugenics. Fabian Socialists prefer to carry out their strategies over a span of decades, turning a population against itself slowly, rather than trying to force changes to a system immediately and outright.  Their symbol is a coat of arms depicting a wolf in sheep's clothing, or in some cases a turtle (slow and steady wins the race?) with the words "When I strike I strike hard."
Again, it is important to acknowledge that these people are NOT unified by loyalty to any one nation, culture, political party, mainstream religion or ethnic background. In fact, they will happily sacrifice any country or any group of people if it will get them closer to their goal.
They are not defenders of the free market as the idiots on the extreme left like to claim. In fact, they abhor any business model that is not dominated by a government and a bureaucracy designed to give them an unfair advantage through legislation. Anyone who thinks free markets are the cause of our economic ailments in the past decade has lost sight of the fact that we have not had anything even remotely resembling free markets for more than a century. The corporations leftists and common socialists constantly wail about could not exist without government charter and the legal loopholes surrounding limited liability. So please, socialist warriors, shut up about free markets. You have no idea what you are talking about."


"This assertion falls apart fantastically when historical fact is applied and one realizes that BOTH communism and fascism were movements funded and supported by the very same financial elites. Yes, that's right, fascism cannot be opposed to globalism, because globalists created fascism to serve their purposes.
To find the most comprehensive evidence compiled on the relationship between the financial elites and the rise of fascism and communism, one of the best sources is the work of Professor Antony Sutton. Here Sutton answers questions on some of these ties, including the elitist funding and technological development of the Nazis as well as the Soviet Union:""
"So, to be absolutely clear - Fascist movements are NOT a counterweight to communism, they are controlled opposition to communism.  If you want to join a real opposing movement to cultural marxists and communists, then the only answer is a movement that supports individual liberty and the reduction of government power.  Fascism does not support either.
Beyond general cash flow and technological backing for fascist governments, the globalist ideology is almost identical to fascist models. Mainstream assumptions aside, fascists are not true nationalists, rather, they are ideologues seeking to spread globally — their propaganda base just happens to begin with national pride. As mentioned earlier, globalism is best understood through the lens of Fabian Socialism, and Fabian Socialism is essentially fascism; though fascism tends to add a frontman dictator as a figurehead rather than an open cabal of oligarchs.
Fabian Socialists (globalists) are so fond of fascism that they have in the past presented unabashed defense of the Third Reich. George Bernard Shaw, a celebrity member of the Fabians, is notorious for praising the methods of both the Nazis and Stalin, including the mass murder of undesirables.
The difference between the communist model and the Nazi model? Nazis believed in population control based on genetic origin, while communists believed in population control based on labor potential. Both standards appeal to globalists.
Bottom line — fascists are slaves for globalists, just as communists are slaves for globalists. Both support big government power, both undermine personal freedoms. There is little more than cosmetic differences between them when one knows the true history behind each movement."

Brandons piece is a salutary warning to those, mainly young, idealists who have jumped on the Jeremy Corbyn bandwagon here in the UK. Corbyn leads a party that has always been controlled by Fabian Socialists, those wolves in sheep's clothing. Every Labour Prime Minister has been a Fabian, every single one of them.

And as Brandon says then, the Fabians are globalists and so they are cloaked fascists in reality. Because all globalists, even the ones that call themselves socialists, are inherently fascists. They want big government, preferably big regional government like the EU, and ultimately world government. World government will mean global centralisation of financial, corporate and political control into the the elites hands.

All these extra layers of government are, and will be, regressive. They will certainly further facilitate the domination of their monopolistic global corporations. Democracy in such circumstances will become even more meaningless. And ordinary people will be even more divorced from our rulers than they are now.

As Brandon says the left is utterly blind to the reality of monopoly capitalism. The monopoly capitalists have effectively controlled all western governments for several decades at least, probably far longer. Their corporations could not be monopolistic otherwise. Then there are all those government tax receipts that are sucked into their corporations by the extensive ongoing privatisation of service provision. Not to mention the massive "black" budgets.

The layers of government that the leftists foolishly love are a key part of the globalists control structure. They control all government. Anyone who tells you different is living in cloud cuckoo land.

What do you think that the global institutions, the EU, ECB, UN, IMF, World Bank etc etc are all about? They pretend that they care about ordinary people with their talk of Human Rights etc, but that is deception. They are all controlled by globalists in practice.

For example see my blog about the UN from last year. The links there demonstrate in great detail how the UN legitimised the pillaging of Libya by the usual suspects in the West. It is an utterly nauseating tale that resulted in tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of innocent Libyans deaths:


The main problem that the young idealists have is that they have not studied history properly. They have relied on the dumbed down history provided by the, fully globalist controlled, State indoctrination system usually known as "Education". And also the history provided by the, fully globalist controlled, so called "free", media usually known as "The Mainstream Media".

So they have no idea that the globalist elites fully control both political parties in the US & UK and that they have done for ages.

The Fabians were formed in 1884 and the Labour Party was formed shortly after, in 1900, and it has always been chock full of Fabians. Every Labour Prime Minister has been a Fabian. Despite its officially "working class" origins, it is now very obvious that the Labour Party is a form of controlled opposition. It probably always has been in truth. 

It is very obvious because Labour never addresses humanity's key problems:

Corbyn [and his Labour Party] don't want you to be free.
They support the current money creation system.
They support the current banking system.
They support the current legal system.
They support the current corporate system.
They kowtow to, and thus support, the military industrial entertainment complex.
They kowtow to, and thus support, the Monarchy.

For confirmation of these last 2 then see my earlier blog:

They support the big government that the globalists use to monopolise everything.

This is the same for all UK politicians, of all parties. These are all things that they rarely, if ever, debate. Because they all support this status quo in practice. They never rock these boats. They've no choice. They have to support all this, for example, if they are going to get any media coverage. Without media coverage they might as well not exist. The oligarchs media of course. They are bound by groupthink. They can never really dissent on these fundamentals.

Now just think for a minute about what all that means in practice for the rest of humanity.....

It means that Corbyn and Labour support all the things that enslave us all; all the things that are also enslaving, often murdering, all free people across the world; all the things that are destroying the planets ecosystem too. I could go on and on  but I'll spare you that. It's not what they say that counts but what they do. Their historical record is very clear.

So Corbyn is a globalist lackey [all politicians are] and so he accepts the de facto rule by oligarchs who have ruled Britain since the 1600's at least [see below]. The Queen is head of State but she is also one of the oligarchs, their Doge if you like, the ceremonial head oligarch, the first among equals.

The oligarchs rule of the whole planet is the end game for the globalists. The oligarchs call it the New World Order. Make no mistake, if it ever happens it will be fascist through and through.

[Witness the ongoing creeping militarisation of our police forces. Our police forces who are, theoretically, public servants! Their so called "terrorist" events are the excuse but they are usually false flags. Scratch the surface and this becomes apparent very quickly. I think that one of the main purposes of all their "events" is to normalise cops with machine guns on the streets of our cities. And it is working. Martial law is creeping up on us and nobody seems to care]

In fact the British State has been fully controlled by oligarchs since 1688, the so called Glorious Revolution, when democratic "reform" and the Bill of Rights [oligarchs privileges] was implemented as far as the official history goes. This is a con of course, official history often is. A cursory study of the Glorious Revolution will point to the lie. William of Orange was "invited" to take the Crown by the British oligarchs in 1688.

The Bank of England was formed in 1694, only 5 years later.
The Bank of England was the worlds first ever Central Bank.
Need I say more?

Of course I will........

1600 the oligarchs formed the East India Company.
To control and plunder the East.

1642 to 1651 the oligarchs had their English Civil War.
To soften up England for their coming "Glorious Revolution" and to reintroduce their iniquitous usury, among other things too complex to go into here.
"All wars are bankers [oligarchs] wars" remember.

1670 the oligarchs formed the Hudson's Bay Company.
To control and plunder the New World [America].

1688 the oligarchs took full control of the British State.
The Glorious Revolution. Glorious for the oligarchs certainly, hardly glorious for humanity.

1694 the oligarchs took full control of British State finances.
The privately owned [oligarch owned] Bank of England.

Here is the East India Company flag. Remind you of anything?

Flag of the British East India Company (1801).svg

Are you starting to get the picture?

Come on, wake up and smell the coffee.....

In closing I hasten to add, for any young idealists who might read this, that I was once a young idealist too. I did not study history properly either. I only did that when I "retired" when I was 60, in 2010. So I am not critical of your idealism, or your failure to study history. I understand.

But, for YOU to understand then YOU need to study real history, not the fully controlled official history.

You could start by reading Brandon's article carefully [see link below] and following it up with your own research.

You could use the internet while it is relatively free ahead of the coming clampdown. You could use it to study real modern history before the globalists fully control the internet too. Better hurry folks..........

You could turn off your tv, or at least never watch the news. It is amazingly liberating I can tell you....

Pigs might fly........

Finally, here is a quote from Orwell's 1984:

“He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.”

The link to Brandon's article here:


I think that the real role of William of Orange in the Glorious Revolution is a delicious irony. The Orangemen of Ulster call him King Billy and they venerate him. If only they knew........

But the plebs of Ulster clearly do not understand King Billy's true role. If they did then they would surely shut the fuck up about him.

Realistically the senior Grandmasters and the other head honchos in their Lodges must know. Masons have often been at the heart of the many conspiracies against the plebs over recent centuries after all, they still are in fact. The most senior Masons are English oligarchs of course.

For example, Masons led the American revolution in 1776. All the key figures were Masons. So Masons wrote the US constitution, the Bill of Rights etc etc.

The layout and architecture of Washington DC itself is Masonic.

The dollar bill is also Masonic, see this:

Just look at that pyramid and the words underneath.

The words underneath the pyramid are in Latin:

In English:
New Order of the Ages, or

New World Order.

It's in Americans faces!

All of this is a bit of a clue who was, and still is, really in charge over in the US wouldn't you say.

That East India Company flag is another.

It's the oligarchs stupid!


If you dig even deeper then you will find that the British oligarchs who invited William of Orange to take the Crown had already been thoroughly infiltrated by the Black Nobility of Venice. Of course it was the Venetians who first created rule by oligarchs in Europe. The Doge of Venice was the first among equals too. The first Doge was in 697 AD the last in 1797. As Venice declined then the very rich oligarch families moved into Europe looking for a new land to rule. They settled in London eventually, via Germany and Holland, where they were instrumental in the creation of the British Empire. Rather than a city surrounded by water they now had a whole country surrounded by water. Their sea power has always been crucial. Rule Britannia, Senior Service et al 

The City of London, which is not part of the UK, is one of their key strongholds. Washington DC, which is not part of the USA, is another.

Her Majesty the Queen, the "British" oligarchs Doge is not the senior figure in the City. When in the City our Queen is subservient to the Lord Mayor who is senior to her. She defers to him when in the City. This is easily verifiable and it is very revealing.

Otherwise of course I have gone deep into Conspiracy Theory territory with this last addition. This is information that is not readily available to us plebs. If you are interested then you can find a good starting point for further research here:


Further, Benjamin Disraeli's 1844 novel, Coningsby, explains the Venetian origins of the British ruling oligarchy, now masquerading as a monarchy. [The link to "Coningsby" at Project Guttenberg under "External Links" at the bottom of the page lets you read the book online]:


Addendum 9th October 2017

Some profound musings on oligarchy and democracy:


Monday 11 September 2017

The Case for No Planes is very compelling

Today is the 16th anniversary of 9/11

What! You still believe the official 9/11 story! Ha ha ha ha ha ha.

Really? Even though there is so much evidence that it is utterly false.

You took the blue pill? Ok that explains it.

Here's a red pill. Use your brain.

Swallow it down now. There's a good sheeple.

What is shown in this gif violates Newton’s Third Law of motion. Therefore, it cannot have happened. It is fakery. The brain has to rule, the eyes have to take a back seat. It can be no other way.
Thanks Mark Tokarski, blog owner at:
"Third law: When one body exerts a force on a second body, the second body simultaneously exerts a force equal in magnitude and opposite in direction on the first body."


"The direct evidence that the 9/11 planes were computer images can be summarized as follows: many instances of provably manipulated audio and video footage, a total absence of plane deceleration and normal crash physics in video footage of alleged plane impacts, the lack of wake vortices at any of the crash sites, the several indications of evidence-planting of plane parts around the towers, the preponderance of filmmakers and CGI specialists among ‘amateur’ camcorder videographers, the non-listing and apparent non-existence of the WTC flights in flight record databases, and, perhaps above all, the simple, abstractly verifiable impossibility that a 2mm thick aluminum fuselage shell could slice through a much stronger outer and inner steel columns that were respectively 19x and 60x thicker than it. After a discussion of the physical evidence, large amounts of circumstantial evidence (the, e.g. the motivations for or ‘the why’ of plane fakery) will be gone over in later sections. Also addressed will be ‘the why’ of faking the planes, as well as common questions around the thesis, such as ‘what happened to the flights?’ While it is not essential to answer these questions in order to conclude there were no hijackers or Boeing 767 jetliners involved, doing so may increase one’s comfort with that position."


"Much of what follows is written for relatively ‘advanced’ researchers who are already 100% certain the event was a conspiracy not carried out by Muslim terrorists, but have not been able to fully come to terms with the fact that no passenger planes were used. The goal here with respect to the uninitiated reader is to normalize the idea that the media-intelligence complex that runs this country did work together to fake the planes and hijackers, and is not above wholly faking other things (events of all kinds, identities and their deaths, etc.) that are presented to us as real. For a ‘crash course’ on this subject that requires less time and attention than the information here, I recommend starting out with the tightly censored film 911 Taboo, and continuing on with this post as time allows."


"Before going into the evidence, the most important thing is to lay out what this post does and does not claim to prove. So much of 9/11 research has been about asking questions, or pointing to hundreds of coincidences around the event that, while overwhelmingly indicative of a conspiracy, to the point of incalculably high, million- or billions-to-one odds, do not technically prove one, and are unwieldy for the layman (i.e., someone who cannot or doesn’t wish to spend a lot of time studying 9/11) to examine and ‘process’ all at once. This post, on the other hand, presents scientific evidence and audio and visual comparisons that by themselves make certain things about 9/11 clear beyond any reasonable doubt, to take the reader from A to B, instead of just undermining A.
We can firmly conclude the following from the evidence that will be presented:
1) The Twin Towers and WTC 7 were destroyed on 9/11 and many first responders and building occupants did die in the event. There was an explosion in part of the Pentagon and some of its employees probably died. A small pit with tiny pieces of metal debris in it was found in Shanksville PA farm field after nearby reports of strange noises and a small, low-flying aircraft.

2) No passenger jetliners hit the Twin Towers or the Pentagon in the manner depicted, likely not at all, therefore no passengers or hijackers died there in the way that was alleged. Further, the passengers and hijackers who we were told were on Flight 93 did not die either in the manner alleged, if at all, and the ‘Let’s Roll’ storyline was a fiction.

3) It was known before 9/11 that some of the supposed passenger victims of Flight 93 would be said to have died in the attacks. Further, some of the supposed passengers from all four planes made phone calls that were impossible to make from cruise altitude, and lied to family members that they were being hijacked in the air. A large majority of the alleged victims do not appear in public records or the Social Security Death Index. Therefore, some of the passenger deaths were faked, at least in the manner represented, i.e. if they did die, it was not at the hands of hijackers. If some of the passenger identities and deaths were fake, it is thus likely that all of them were fake.

4) Many of the plane impact videos we were shown on and after 9/11, including the most widely circulated news footage and amateur videos, are fake, meaning they were altered and a CGI plane was inserted into the footage, therefore all videos of plane impact are probably fake, even when doctoring cannot be proven in a specific piece of footage (e.g. due to the area of impact not being viewable).

5) People who had access to many miniature nuclear weapons or other unknown weaponry destroyed the towers, and people with close ties to the media deceived the public, both facts of which eliminate ragtag Muslim terrorists from consideration. Narrowing the pool of suspects down further requires examining available evidence and applying the principles of means, motive, and opportunity. Based on this criteria the Israeli intelligence agents who were arrested in New York are worthy of the most attention as suspects in both the destruction of the towers and recording of footage of the event that was used to create the fake, anonymous video that were aired later.

6) At least a few dozen people inside the Associated Press and all the major news networks, probably including some or all of their leadership, knew that a deception was being carried out and variously either allowed it to happen or actively perpetrated it themselves.

7) Some extremely high-level members of the federal government knew what was happening and helped prevent the true perpetrators from being investigated and the truth from coming out."


"The evidence does not explain:
1) What, if anything, hit the towers and Pentagon and exactly what methods of deception were used on the ground to fool bystanders into thinking they saw something they didn’t, such as planting agents on the ground to spread rumors of a passenger plane and falsely testify as to having seen one, or make phone calls into news networks to say they had seen a plane.

2) While it is not in the scope of this article, what exactly destroyed the towers, whether mini-nukes or a more advanced method like a directed energy weapon, or both, as well as a third failsafe, conventional explosives combined with nanothermite; an event that was planned at least 25 years in advance would surely have at least one backup method of destruction in case of a failure, and it’s my belief that all three were used. No single demolition cause thesis can explain all of the phenomena observed and incontrovertible evidence exists for three distinct methods of demolition being used.

3) Which and how many people were involved in the destruction of the buildings and faking of the videos, though ample probable cause exists to investigate certain suspects.

4) What happened to the ‘hijackers,’ meaning the handful of Saudis who are known to have gone to flight school and lived in Florida briefly, as well as the others, if they exist.

5) What happened to the planes, pilots, and passengers of flights 11, 175, 77, and 93 (i.e. those that we know did exist, e.g. David Angell, as opposed to the majority whose identities were fabricated altogether)
6) Whether the supposed plane in Shanksville did not exist at all, was a drone or missile, was a different, unhijacked plane that was shot down, or was real and disposed of in some other way, with a small number of real passengers on the severely underbooked flight having died and alleged passengers such as Daniel Lewin created so that the flight could play the needed part in the operation’s narrative, with the evidence strongly pointing towards a drone or missile being fired into the ground."

Hopefully you are starting to get the picture now.

You thought that you saw a plane.

But that was only an image on a tv screen.

It was not real because nothing on a tv screen ever is real.

A plane could not have done what you saw; it is physically impossible.

The full case is detailed here:

Is that red pill working yet?

Here is another analysis which draws different conclusions but which also makes a strong case for no real planes:


Finally think about this:

If they could fake 9/11 then, what else could they fake?


Anything they like.

And they do fake stuff all the time.

Zappa knew in 1973:

Friday 1 September 2017

Comrade Fidel WAS a fraud

He was a CIA agent

I blogged about Comrade Fidel in December 2016 and asked the question:

Was Comrade Fidel a fraud? The Cuba story makes no sense:

I based that blog on my trip to Cuba in 2011, plus some less well known facts about Fidel and some very well known facts about the capability of the US military and spooks.

I now know the answer to my earlier question:

Yes he was a fraud. He worked for the CIA. He was their agent.

How do I know this?

Well, I have just been reading a very informative book by Servando Gonzalez a Cuban historian:

Psychological Warfare and the New World Order
The Secret War Against the American People
Published in 2010

Gonzalez's book is a fascinating and very detailed 319 pages of small typeface with a further 55 pages of small type reference notes at the end.

The book is very wide ranging in scope. It gives extensive and detailed info about Fidel Castro. It reveals Castro as a lifetime psyop agent for the CIA. Castro's ruthless duplicity is a central feature of the book.

Servando Gonzalez is a Cuban and he knows his subject very, very well.

Here is my summary of the key sections of the book that are about:

Fidel the Fraud

Chapter 7 on page 150 - "The Cold War Psyop"

Gonzalez demonstrates that Castro had a central role in creating the Cold War for the US military industrial complex. This chapter provides lots of info about Comrade Fidel's early CIA career, before his Cuban "revolution":

Page 151 - How Castro was instrumental in the CIA's very first [the first of many] foreign coup in 1948, the Colombian Bogotazo riots that followed the assassination of Jorge Gaitan a Columbian politician. Castro was at the scene off the assassination and he was also an agent provocateur for the vicious riots that followed and which overthrew the Colombian government. The violence in Columbia that resulted lasted for decades

Page 152 - How the CIA recruited Fidel because he had an "...impressive record as a gangster, assassin and psychopath totally lacking in moral principles".  How a 1995 book confirmed the authors longstanding suspicions that Castro was a US/CIA agent with direct testimony. The Bogotazo riots were Castro's first CIA job it seems. The CIA was founded in 1947 and Colombia was their first engineered coup

Pages 155 to 170 - Extensive detail about Castro's role in the Bogatazo false flag, with his accomplice, and fellow CIA agent, Rafael del Pino. The whole false flag operation is analysed in detail. Unidentified snipers were used on civilians. It was a template that was used frequently in subsequent decades. The same methods are still being used by them today in fact, see the 21stC coups in Egypt and Ukraine

Chapter 8 on page 180 - "The CFR mole infiltrates the Soviets"

The first few pages of the chapter demonstrate how the Soviet Union was a creation of the international capitalists, the globalists, who were based in the US and UK. They funded and facilitated the revolution in 1917 that helped the Bolsheviks seize power.

[This same group of fascists also created the CFR, the Council on Foreign Relations, in the US and the RIIA, the Royal Institute for International Affairs, in the UK, in the early 1920's]

[The US/UK power elite facilitation of the Soviet Union has been extensively documented in several books by Antony Sutton, and others. They managed to keep the soviet economy afloat for several decades using primarily western technology and western money. You can read Sutton's books online if you want the chapter and verse. Look at the footnotes on his Wiki page for links to his books. They are very detailed with numerous source documents cited. The reasons why they destroyed Imperial Russia and enslaved Russians for 70 years are far too complex to explain in detail here. Suffice to say that one important reason was that total corporate global control has always been a key objective of the group. And that they knew that corporations controlled by communist/socialist State bureaucrats, a la soviets, could never pose a serious threat to their corporations. Their corporations certainly control the commercial and financial world now, so they have been incredibly successful with this objective. Maybe another blog on another day]

Pages 185 & 186 - Castro's early life. His acting in Hollywood in 1940's. His marriage to Mirtha in 1948 with his US honeymoon which was partially funded by President Batista who he later "overthrew" in his "revolution"; Batista was a friend of Castro's father! How Castro lived in the US for 3 periods of up to 18 months each in the 1940's. How his time there is not accounted for. It is not known exactly when, or where, he as recruited by the CIA, or it's predecessor the OSS. Those long unaccounted for periods in the US are the obvious best guess

Pages 187 & 188 - How Castro's Dad's Army "revolution" was in fact supported by the CFR controlled US state department and how Batista was eased out by them by withdrawing their support for him. The US even recognised Castro's new government before he arrived in Havana! Unprecedented haste for them; they usually waited until several other countries recognised a new government, particularly in Latin America where the US was always being accused of Imperialism.

Page 190 - How the US sent a senior diplomat, in mid December 1958, to tell Batista the facts of life, ie. that he must leave Cuba. He was instructed to leave by the end of 1958 and he duly left on New Years eve. [See the film "The Godfather"]. How Castro received lots of positive media coverage during his first trip to the US as Cuban leader in April 1959. Such coverage barely mentioned that he made an important speech at the CFR in Pratt House. He also secretly visited the Rockefeller mansion as an honoured guest on this trip. Where he met David Rockefeller, one of the main CFR conspirators, and a "select group of globalist cronies and members of the mainstream media that they control". How Castro was charged with implementing a carefully designed 2 prong plan:
1. Destabilise Latin America
2. Penetrate the Soviet leadership and push them into unnecessary military adventures

[Big success on both fronts - well done comrade Fidel!]

Page 191 - How, in order to survive, the military-industrial-academic complex needed non-winnable wars and revolutions. Castro was their man

Page 193 - How the Soviets were deeply suspicious of Castro at first, with good reason he was never a communist in his early career. Gonzalez demonstrates this with a lot of detail. He in fact declared his communism a few months after the infamous "Bay of Pigs" US invasion which "failed". He gave a long televised speech that declared to his amazed audience that he was a Marxist-Leninist. His previous non-communist affiliation was "so widely taken for granted internationally....that his speech caused a commotion". It was a major change of tack and was viewed with suspicion at the time. The Soviets had long suspected that he was CIA and so were very sceptical. But then came the Bay of Pigs, followed by Castro's speech, and everything changed.

Pages 195 to 200 - Lots of detail about how the Bay of Pigs operation was designed to fail. How it was a successful psyop on the Soviets. And how it gave Castro the credibility that he previously lacked with them.

[Or did some of the Soviet leadership know this from the get go? A distinct possibility to my mind given that there were CFR men in the Soviet power elite too. Follow the muneeeee, it always reveals deeper motives and players. The Soviets never actually rid themselves of Rothschild bankers. Russia still hasn't today, as far as I am aware. Yet another indication that the East/West dialectic is false. That it is a psyop on ordinary people, and not real at the elite level]

Chapter 9 on page 201 - "Agent Castro warms up the Cold War"

Pages 201 to 210 - Kennedy, Krushchev, Castro and the Cuban Missile crisis which is a familiar tale. It was also a fraud. The missiles did not contain any nuclear warheads. They were dummies and the US knew this. As evidenced by the fact that the US did not insist on checking the missiles for themselves when the Soviet ships left Cuba with them. They took the Soviets on trust - simply ridiculous! In fact he Soviets never sent nukes abroad at that time as a matter of policy. They always kept them at home and closely guarded by special forces. The whole "Cuban missile crisis" story is a rabbit warren of motives, psyops and false stories on all sides. Bluff, double bluff and triple bluffs.

[Simple logic shows that no great world power is going to give nukes to any allied country that just asks for them. And certainly not to such an unreliable, vicious, hot-headed character as Fidel Castro. The soviets were not stupid]

"The USSR installed missiles where it wanted them and nowhere else".

Page 210 - Krushchev is deposed as a result of the missile crisis fiasco. "A year after his faux pas he received an important visitor: David Rockefeller. A few days after David's kiss of death, CFR moles in the Kremlin deposed Premier Krushchev".

Page 211 to 215 - A long list of Castro's subversive international terrorist activities. He was an earlier, and longer lasting, version of Bin Laden. Just like Bin Lid then Fidel the Fraud was promoted as a [State] terrorist in their media but was actually working under their control to justify all their wars and "policing" invasions. North Korea anyone???? ISIS anyone????

["Responsibility to protect" they now call it. Protect them by bombing the shit out of them, eg. Libya]

[The terror angle needed a State to be credible in those days. People were too savvy to accept that a war could be against something as vague as terror. A State was required and Casto's Cuba was perfect. It was only after their 9/11 psyop that the dumbed-down sheeple accepted the "War on Terror" as credible. Even though it is logically impossible to fight a war against a noun that means "extreme fear". They still needed a threat to justify their multi-trillion $ defence and intelligence budgets. So they chose Islamic terror to replace the USSR. Just like Albert Pike said they would in the 19thC. Albert Pike was a major US Freemason]

[The US army cannot account for $6.5 trillion!!!!! Direct from Rothschild Central:
That's right folks - keep paying your taxes. You gotta keep the military goons in clover]

Page 217 to 220 - Detail about the Castro-Chavez psyop. Chavez was a sub-agent. The CIA helped him gain power in 1992.

[Fidel had a very long, and a very effective, CIA career. He was a "lifetime actor"]


I have read the book very carefully paying particular attention to his source notes in respect to his statements about Fidel. The detail in this book is extensive and, in the main, it is fully sourced. Servando is not a "Conspiracy Theorist" that's for sure.

So there is now no doubt in my mind that Comrade Fidel was an exceptionally successful agent for the Imperialists that he claimed to oppose. I suspected as much when I wrote my earlier piece in 2016. The official story makes no sense whatsoever. Particularly when you see Cuba "in the flesh" like I did in 2011.

It also makes no sense when you think about just how Castro was promoted by their mainstream media over 50+ years. Initially they kept selling us this tale about the communist bogeyman who sent his troops to ferment communist revolutions etc, in Latin America and Africa. Over and over and over we got the same old tale of his dirty deeds backing the commies and cocking a snook at the Yankees. The Yankees who simply couldn't do anything to stop him.

[Despite the fact that Castro was based on an island that has minimal resources, is entirely undefended, had a massive US military and black ops base on it, Guantanamo, and is only 90 miles from mainland USA]

But somehow, towards the end of his life, he changed from being an evil commie into a saintly left-leaning progressive. And he was feted by them when he eventually died.

The mainstream media always lies doesn't it? It's their default mode.

And they lied  ad infinitum about Comrade Fidel the "communist" CIA agent, ie.

Comrade Fidel the Fraud

Servando's book rings even more true when you realise this.


There is a lot more important information in the book, including the following:

* That there is an invisible, secret, executive government in the USA which totally dominates the official executive government and the President

[Who would have guessed it? ;-))]

* That the official democratic government headed by the "elected" President is in practice subservient to the Council on Foreign Relations

[The CFR's British sister organisation is called the Royal Institute for International Affairs, whose public brand is Chatham House. Both the RIIA and CFR were set up by globalists in the 1920's ahead of their World War 2 which they conceived, funded and managed to their advantage. They made an absolute packet and they steered the world in their required direction as a result of their 3 World Wars in the 20thC: WW1, WW2 and the Cold War]

 * That the CFR is the centerpiece of the US invisible, or secret, or shadow, government. The CFR is based in Pratt House in New York, very handy for Wall Street. It is the real center of US executive power. All important policy and strategy is devised behind the closed doors of Pratt House often via the multi-various US & UK think tanks and other non-democratic, usually very secretive, organisations. But the CFR is key. Policy and strategy is then revealed to us plebs, at the right time, by their puppet politicians

* That the CFR is controlled by the USAngloZionist power elite. In other words UK and Israel are integral to the structure. UK has RIIA [Chatham House]. Israel is "Rothschild Central", lock, stock and barrel

[Of course when I say US, UK and Israel then I mean the power elites of those places, the globalists, NOT the ordinary people, well not most of them. In fact rather than use the description "UK" then it would be far more accurate to say "City of London" which, early readers of this blog will already know, is NOT actually part of the UK at all]

*That Presidents are usually "selected", rather than "elected". Potentially suitable individuals are groomed from a very early age. Which is why they often suddenly appear from out of the blue, out of nowhere, and then are given the full media treatment when "voting" is required. Think Carter, Clinton, dumb ass Bush, Obama. All were virtual unknowns until they got the full media spotlight. The globalist elites media of course. The media that they own and fully control and have done since the early part of the 20thC

Addendum 17th February 2018

From the rabbit hole maestro, Miles Mathis:


"In conclusion, we have found another ludicrous story passed off as history. Castro's bio is another patchwork of inconsistencies and impossibilities, one that is almost as risible as the bio of Jack London. It is just more indication they think we are all idiots. We don't even merit a well crafted tale, one where the plot holds together. Do you think “real” historians can't see what I see? Do you think thousands of college-educated wonks, as detail-oriented as any scholars, don't know what I have just told you? Of course they know. Anyone who has bothered to read these bios and histories closely must know they are total disinfo. I put it that way because it means that all the historians are in on the con. They aren't dupes, either. They are all hired to shovel this gruel down your throat, to the last man and woman. Why else would you have to hear it from me?

No historians ever tell you these stories are faked. No lawyers ever tell you the court cases are faked. No artists ever tell you the art market is a big con. No scientists ever tell you science is a hoax. So what does that tell you about the world? It tells me current “culture” is a total fucking write-off. Modern society is little more than a long running conjob, a smokescreen, a fairy tale written by twisted trolls.

It is time to hand it back to the creators with a big NO THANKS! Tell them you have no use for their fake world, and then start making your own real one. It can be done. I am doing it. Why don't you join me? It is a far better place."

The whole piece is well worth reading. It knocks my efforts into a cocked hat! If you were not convinced by Servando then, you surely will be when you read Miles.