The political psychopaths who rule over us
This post was prompted by my recent conversations with my wonderful, caring and thoughtful, left leaning, Corbynite, son. I was struggling for coherence under his relentless, intelligent, questioning when we chatted at my home one evening last week.
I had already identified the following commentary from John Whitehead, and I had drafted a much shorter post than this turned out to be. I have expanded my comments to attempt to explain myself more fully to my dear son, and hopefully to all readers.
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It is very evident today that many politicians are sociopathic, and that many are psychopathic.
For well known examples of political psychos think about:
* Thatcher
* Blair
* Brown
* Cameron, and now
* May
3 Tories & 2 Labour.
Thatcher destroyed vast swathes of British industry, caring not a jot for her unfortunate victims in the UK who were thrown out of work. Or beaten to a pulp by her fascist police.
Blair has more blood on his hands than any of the Tories. Think about his war crimes in Serbia, Afghanistan and especially Iraq. He is notorious for his indifference to his hundreds of thousands, probably millions, of victims.
Brown was notorious for his sociopathic treatment of people who crossed him. A deeply flawed sociopath, at least. He kept out of the limelight whilst financially facilitating all Bliars wars too. So he has blood on his hands as well
Cameron was doing his worst to catch Blair up. Think Libya and Syria. Tens, probably hundreds, of thousands of deaths. His part in the systematic destruction of Libya was a clear war crime. As I've demonstrated in my UN post last month.
May presided over the expansion of the security surveillance state when Home Secretary. She exhibits all the same traits as the others.
Today it seems that people have forgotten that:
"....our freedoms do not flow from the government. They were not given to us only to be taken away by the will of the State. They are inherently ours. In the same way, the government’s appointed purpose is not to threaten or undermine our freedoms, but to safeguard them".
All educated people knew this at one time. But in the 21stC many people seem to have forgotten this important fact.
Here are some extracts from a commentary from the US that will remind us. My comments at the end:
"“Politicians are more likely than people in the general population to be sociopaths. I think you would find no expert in the field of sociopathy/psychopathy/antisocial personality disorder who would dispute this... That a small minority of human beings literally have no conscience was and is a bitter pill for our society to swallow — but it does explain a great many things, shamelessly deceitful political behavior being one.”—Dr. Martha Stout, clinical psychologist and former instructor at Harvard Medical School
Twenty years ago, a newspaper headline asked the question: “What’s the difference between a politician and a psychopath?”
The answer, then and now, remains the same: None.
There is no difference between psychopaths and politicians.
Nor is there much of a difference between the havoc wreaked on innocent lives by uncaring, unfeeling, selfish, irresponsible, parasitic criminals and elected officials who lie to their constituents, trade political favors for campaign contributions, turn a blind eye to the wishes of the electorate, cheat taxpayers out of hard-earned dollars, favor the corporate elite, entrench the military industrial complex, and spare little thought for the impact their thoughtless actions and hastily passed legislation might have on defenseless citizens.
It doesn’t matter whether you’re talking about Democrats or Republicans. [or Tories or Labour]
The willingness to prioritize power above all else, including the welfare of their fellow human beings, ruthlessness, callousness and an utter lack of conscience are among the defining traits of the sociopath.
When our own government no longer sees us as human beings with dignity and worth but as things to be manipulated, maneuvered, mined for data, manhandled by police, conned into believing it has our best interests at heart, mistreated, jailed if we dare step out of line, and then punished unjustly without remorse—all the while refusing to own up to its failings—we are no longer operating under a constitutional republic. [or a Parliamentary democracy]
This much I know: we are not faceless numbers. We are not cogs in the machine. We are not slaves.
We are human beings, and for the moment, we have the opportunity to remain free—that is, if we tirelessly advocate for our rights and resist at every turn attempts by the government to place us in chains.
The Founders understood that our freedoms do not flow from the government. They were not given to us only to be taken away by the will of the State. They are inherently ours. In the same way, the government’s appointed purpose is not to threaten or undermine our freedoms, but to safeguard them.
Until we can get back to this way of thinking, until we can remind our fellow Americans what it really means to be a free American, and until we can learn to stand our ground in the face of threats to those freedoms and encourage our fellow citizens to stop being cogs in the machine, we will continue to be treated like slaves in thrall to a bureaucratic police state run by political psychopaths."
Both of the current US Presidential "candidates" are psychos too. See this:
So politicians exhibit the traits of psychos, who would have guessed?
Professional politicians, and political parties, are a big part the problem.
Both facilitate the rise of the political psycho.
A true Democracy requires politicians who are chosen from us, the people, and who, ideally, are not tied to political parties with their vested interests.
Consider the current democratic deficit that we face:
* The lack of real representation of the people in the political process
* Government by small party elites, for and on behalf of, the hidden money power elites
* The promotion of psychopaths to senior positions in our government, as above
* The practically unfettered use of corporate, union and private money to buy power and influence
* The self serving political parties that facilitate vested interests that exclude the common interest
* The warmongers, in both main political parties, that continually bomb, kill and destroy abroad
Think Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, and more, in this century alone
* The emasculation of localism
* The dumbing down of the education of the people
* The subservience to the USA via the so called "special relationship" with our Imperial masters
* The facilitation of powerful globalist institutions that are utterly remote from the people
Think UN and EU
* The facilitation of the invasive security surveillance state that continually spies on the people
* The centralisation and militarisation of civil policing
Police that, in practice, primarily serve the elites, and not the people
And much more. I have only scratched the surface in truth.
Do you remember any current "professional" politician talking about all these problems in any real depth? No I thought not.
How many of us would vote for all this? Only dumbasses surely.
But we were never asked were we?
So what we have got now is a pseudo-democracy.
It is clear to me that we desperately need government by the people, for the people.
Because the so called "professional" politicians will never make the necessary changes to deliver real democracy. To expect that is utterly unrealistic. That would be like turkeys voting for christmas. It ain't gonna happen. Never has, and never will, under the present corrupt system. They do not even have the power to make any significant changes in truth. The real power is hidden in the shadows.
So, no matter what soothing words they spout when trying to persuade you to elect them, they never ever deliver. Remember Obomber and his "Hope and Change" rhetoric? All hot air as usual, just rhetoric, no action. The "progressive" Obomber turned out to be just as big a psycho as all the others, even bigger than some previous. He actually has a weekly "drone kill list" to enable him to directly select his personal victims! And he has being permanently delivering war for the US Empire. For every day of his 8 year "reign" then, the US has been at war somewhere. From this so called "progressive", Nobel Peace Prize winner, ffs.
"Progressive", "Hope and Change", merchants like Obummer have been spewed out of the system quite regularly during my lifetime, at least one a generation. Bliar was the notable fake prior to Obomber. They all have one common characteristic: They always disappoint, always. In fact they often turn into worse psychos than their predecessors. Just like Bliar and Obummer did.
Their main purpose seems to be to channel the, mainly youthful, opposition into the system, and down blind alleys. Thus diffusing the opposition slowly over a number of years while the realisation dawns that they are fake. Old timers like me are now far too long in the tooth to be taken in by these false hopes. [I admit that I voted for Bliar in 1997. But I soon recognised that he was a charlatan, and I have never voted since. Nor will I ever vote in this corrupt system again, see my summary at the end]
You can probably guess from the foregoing what I think about Jeremy Corbyn. With his latest version of "Hope and Change". I admit that he doesn't seem like a psycho. Then again they never do when they are looking for your votes.
Most old timers like me know, from bitter experience, that all politicians are professional liars. But, time and again, people get fooled into enthusiastic support for these psychos. This is most notable in the US, where the disconnect with reality from the core supporters is simply stunning. It just shows how effective the lying mainsteam media is I guess. Killary Clinton is "progressive", ffs. Do me a favour, she's a psycho like most of the others, actually worse than most of them,see above.
It depends on which academic you read, but it is clear that somewhere between 96 to 99% of ordinary people are not psychos. Psychos are a very small minority of the general population. But there is a much higher % among professional politicians, and those at the top of the corporate, bankster, military industrial, power structure. You will be able to verify this from numerous academic sources if you want.
The first democrats, in Greece, knew this and they structured their politics accordingly. Parliamentarians were drawn by lot, from the voters roll. If your name came out then you were obliged by law to take a sabbatical and serve for a year.
This ensured a Parliament that truly represented the people. Something that is notable by its complete absence today.
Of course I realise that a return to the ancient Greek democratic methods is not entirely feasible in the sophisticated modern world. We've got the internet though, which the Greeks certainly didn't have. We desperately need the involvement of ordinary people somehow or other. We've got plenty political scientists too, so it should surely not be beyond us.
Further, all corporate, and Trade Union, and private, money should be excluded from politics by law. The parliamentarians chosen from the people, by the people, however they are chosen, should receive an above average stipend for the duration of their term in office.
"Are you mad?" I hear you say. Maybe I am but, think about it all for a minute. Would this be worse than the stinking, rotten, corrupt, bought system that we've got now? I think not, it would be far better, far less corrupt. Because with less powerful parties, and hence no "leaders" we will have a truer Democracy.
Of course the "professional" party politicians, and their agents, those psychos that I've been talking about, will all tell you that they are absolutely essential. That only political "professionals", not us "amateurs", are qualified to exercise "power". A few moments of consideration and you will realise that this is pure, unadulterated, bullshit. "It's not rocket science" is the old expression.
Nothing that politicians do is complicated. Far from it, with good, apolitical and independent, civil servants, dispensing accurate data and advice, then you and I could do just as well as these corrupt scumbags who hang about Parliament getting pissed every day. [Most of them drink like fishes, as anyone who has seen them close up will confirm. I have seen this copious drinking of alcohol by the Westminster pols myself, in the 1990's. And nothing has changed, as was recently confirmed to me by my conversations with a current insider]
The one thing that national "professional" politicians do not want is local democracy. Localism is undermined by them at every opportunity, local government is now virtually moribund after their relentless centralising activities
The London/Westminster bubble rules. Even over all of our children's education, which should be nothing to do with politicians at all. Even over all of our health care, which should be nothing to do with politicians at all.
Local democracy is one place that direct voting may be valid. Local people voting for locals.
The comment by John Whitehead, that I have linked, is of course about the US. Is it any different here in the UK? Yes it is.
The police state is not quite so advanced in the UK as it is in the US. Or at least it is not so blatant. We usually lag our US Imperial masters by a few years. Certainly that has been true in my lifetime. So given time.....
On the other hand, we have no Bill of Rights here to protect us from the government. So our freedom from government tyranny is not so clearly defined as it is in the US.
In the UK we are not citizens, we are all "subjects of the Crown", whatever that is.
The Crown Temple, in the City of London, with it's banksters, and it's Legalisms. This private "club" for the UK Establishment, and their power elite bosses, which is not even lawfully part of the UK at all.
These hidden elites who lord it over us via their:
* Utterly iniquitous, usurious, fiat-money system. Which facilitates finance monopoly capitalism, which is not real, free market, capitalism at all.
* Legal fiction person ie. strawman, and also corporate person, based Legalism that, in theory, is subservient to our Common/Natural/God's Law, but not in practice.
Do any of these elite criminals, or their overpaid placemen and banksters, go to jail for their crimes? Ever? Of course not, never. They control the money, and legal, systems that enslave us, the people.
Did anyone ever tell you how our money and legal systems actually operate at your state school? No I thought not. Despite their central importance to all our lives. Why do you think that was?
So most people don't even realise just how enslaved, by money and legalisms, that they are in reality. Most would rather not even think about it at all. All the modern trappings are available to distract them. The good life here is the West is of course entirely built on the lives of poor people, and poor countries, in other parts of the world. We've raped and pillaged the rest of the world for centuries in truth. This is an unpalatable truth for most people in the Western bubble. So they just keep watching the tell-lie-vision and try not to think about it.
I've tried to demonstrate the iniquities of the elites money and legal systems in previous posts:
Money creation here:
Legalism here:
So yes, here in the UK it is "same same but different" to the US.
In conclusion then:
It is clear to me that all the UK political psychos, be they:
* fascists,
* liberals,
* socialists,
* communists,
* any other -ist or -ism that you care to name,
* any political party that you care to name,
it is clear that they all want to rule over us via their own elites.
This is their common ground and, in practice, this is exactly what they do.
In practice they all support government by elites
In practice they all kowtow to the hidden, money power, elites
So how do they represent us, the people?
They clearly don't.
In reality they represent the hidden, money power, elites.
And it will never change unless there is government by the people, for the people.
Pigs might fly......
Finally a summary:
Radical democratic reform is essential here in the UK.
Because our current political system is a pseudo-democracy with many fundamental flaws.
So we need to push the psychos out of all our lives as soon as we can, before it's too late.
We need to reject them all.
And we will never achieve that by voting for them in this corrupted pseudo-democracy.
By voting for them then, we give them our consent to carry on with their psychopathic ways.
You might want to do that. I certainly don't.
And I won't. I deny them my consent.
Some thoughts about opposing the system
This site has numerous practical solutions about how you can live outside the system. There is a massive archive that you can access via the search function:
Finally, if you read my earlier post, "A view from the bottom of the rabbit hole":
then you will know something about the thought provoking work of Miles Mathis. Item 2 in that post pointed you at his work about "faux leftists" like Naomi Klein, Naomi Wolfe and Noam Chomsky:
and the end of his post he gives some very good advice about personal opposition to the system:
"As another example, we can return
to 911, the mainstream story of which is disbelieved by a majority or large minority. Has the government felt the need to respond in any positive way? Nope. The only way they respond is again
by slandering the tens of millions of people in this country who know the story is hogwash. They can
ignore opinion and undirected protest indefinitely.
They don't care what you think, as long as you keep buying and banking and credit carding and taking loans and paying taxes and fees and going to movies and watching TV and eating garbage food and taking drugs and buying guns and hanging yellow ribbons and voting for their scarecrows.
Which of course means that the only protest that is meaningful is a widespread boycott of the entire
system. You have to stop doing all or most of those things, and a large number of other people have to
do the same thing.
........Things may get marginally better in the next
decade. Society may be transported back to the 1950s or 1970s in many ways. However, although you
may have been more blissfully ignorant back then, you were still living in the MATRIX. If society as a
whole wishes to escape from the MATRIX, it must do what I said above, changing itself person by
But you don't have to wait for that. Since the change is person by person, and you are one
person, you can change without waiting for the rest. After the change, you will have the tall
inconvenience of living in a society where you don't fit, but if you are like me, that may not require a
new suit of clothes."
Incidentally this article has a very interesting short look at the history of the British Labour Party, via the bios of some of it's founding fathers and mothers. Like Sidney, and Beatrice Webb, nee Potter. [Yes Beatrice Potter]. It will not be comfortable reading for Labourites.
Miles posits that the whole purpose of the Labour Party has been to, as I put it earlier in this post:
" the, mainly youthful, opposition into the system, and down blind alleys. Thus diffusing the opposition slowly over a number of years while the realisation dawns that they are fake".
He puts it rather differently, but he effectively says the same thing about the Labour Party in toto that I was saying about the "Hope and Change" merchants earlier. And it is difficult to argue with his point too.
* Labour has had no impact on the democratic deficit that I talked about earlier
* Labour's Bank of England reforms are a fraud, as Miles demonstrates
* Labour has made no attempt to reform the City of London with its enslaving Legalisms
* Labour has added restrictive Legalisms at the same rate as the Tories have
* Labour introduced the "Comprehensive Education" which has led to the disastrous dumbing down that I showed in my earlier education post
* Labourites will talk about the NHS. But that reform was from a Liberal, Lord Beveridge
* Labour has instigated the recent illegal foreign wars when in power [Serbia, Iraq etc], and fully supported them when in opposition [Libya, Syria etc]
* Labour has not curbed the power of the oligarchs and plutocrats, those hidden elites
* Labour has not curbed the power of the media moguls
* Labour has not curbed the power of the Military Industrial Complex
I could go on, and on, and on.....