Monday, 16 January 2017

Mr Global and the Eurofascists

Post war Nazi smoke and mirrors

I recently saw this interesting post by Joseph P Farrell which includes, towards the end, his usual "high octane speculations". In other words his speculative opinion based on known facts. I present a couple of short extracts here, followed by my own comments:

"This important article was shared by Ms. B. and Mr. D.W., and I have to talk about it simply because, as most readers familiar with my books are aware, I've posited the existence of a post-war "Nazi International". For those unfamiliar with this concept, however, a brief review would be helpful. By the terms "Nazi International" or "Fascist International", I mean to designate not merely the survival of Nazism and Fascism. Most people are aware that Nazis and Fascists survived World War Two, if for no other reason than by dint of famous novels like Ira Levin's The Boys from Brazil or the movie version with Gregory Peck playing a post-war Dr. Mengele conducting genetics experiments to clone Adolf Hitler himself, and Sir Lawrence Olivier playing a Jewish Nazi hunter determined to stop him. Most people have the idea of post-war surviving Nazis and Fascists hiding out in the wilds of South America, living cushy lives in remote enclaves far from the roving bands of the Mossad hunting them down and (occasionally) finding their prey (Adolf Eichmann).

Levin's famous novel and the famous movie based on it, however, make a more sobering point, and it is exactly the point I have argued in my books: post-war Nazi survival was far from a disorganized rabble simply hiding out in South America. It was organized, financially very well off, deeply interconnected with various levels and agencies of postwar governments and corporations around the world, but it was also possessed of an independent intelligence capability, including the ability to mount covert and "wet" operations, and as well able to conduct and continue some of its wartime black projects and research. Essentially, it is a kind of extra-territorial state, deeply intertwined with other such transnational power networks. Even Levin's fanciful "plotline" of Mengele conducting advanced genetics projects may have had some kernel of truth, given that only a few years ago a Brazilian village suddenly started producing children with blonde hair and blue eyes from a predominantly Brazilian Indian population. And as for covert post-war operations, in Germany itself there is the famous (though now largely forgotten) episode of the Werner Naumann coup attempt to overthrow the government of Chancellor Adenauer in Bonn and install a new Nazi government, a coup which I detailed in my book The Third Way."


"As for Hans Globke and the Nazi influences within the postwar Chancellery, these too I detailed in The Third Way. As I pointed out in that book, many of these influences extend far beyond the German government, into the postwar institutions of "the Europe project." I detailed in that book as well the strong resemblance of the current European Union structure to wartime plans drafted by the Reichsbank, I.G. Farben, and in conjunction and coordination with their Italian Fascist counterparts."

I have read Joseph's book, whose full title is: "The Third Way: The Nazi International, European Union and Corporate Fascism", from cover to cover and twice. It is a fascinating read and it provides copious details about the origins of the European Union which are rooted in the German elites. Yes, those same elites that facilitated the Nazis. The massive German corporations, their industrial cartels, who all survived the war virtually intact, were at the heart of the EU project. Many of their operatives took key positions in the European Economic Community, the fledgling EU superstate. It was big corporations setting the political agenda. ie. Fascism, by definition.

This agenda was also coincident with US objectives for Europe. The US deep state, and many of the big US corporations, wanted a supra national entity to handle European affairs and to facilitate their control of their de facto Empire. They started working for this with the Marshall Plan immediately after WW2 and they never let up. It continues to this day.

[Why is it, do you think, that when the US deep state says to a European politician "jump!" then, all European politicians always now reply "how high?"Historical note: One of the few that didn't was Charles De Gaulle, a true French patriot who waved 2 fingers at Uncle Sam. He even took France out of NATO. A display of independence that is unthinkable now. He retired in 1969 and we've not seen his like since. In fact the current crop of European "leaders", Merkel, Hollande and co, are the most blatantly obvious US ciphers. They don't even try to hide the fact]

Further, I have also read "Blowback" by Christopher Simpson, written in 1988, which covers in detail the US's spooks "Operation Paperclip" the post WW2 operation to transfer senior Nazis to the US. The secret operation is admitted now. It even has its own Wiki page:

The story of the rocket scientists is now known by many. But Simpson gives a much fuller chapter and verse in his book. He explains how the small number of Nazis that they admit to is way too low. His estimate is that over 70,000 of the more influential Nazis found shelter in the good old US of A. It was a massive operation and most of them got US citizenship as a result.

[Simpsons book was suppressed at the time. I wonder why? I easily found a second hand copy last year]

The US spooks defied the US Congress which had passed a law making it illegal to give citizenship to ex Nazis. The spooks simply ignored Congress and secretly protected over 70k important Nazis, who became members of the US Establishment. That fact alone gives you a good idea of where the real power lies in the US. Hint: It's not with "democratically" elected politicians.

[The spooks really work for the Trillionaires, and their key operatives, of course. All conveniently funded by the US taxpayer. That's right folks - keep paying your tax, it's all in a good cause]

Simpson also provides chapter and verse about the US deal with Reinhard Gehlen who ran the wartime Fremde Heere Ost (Foreign Armies East) Nazi intelligence network. Obviously the US was very interested in Russian intel during the cold war. The fact that Gehlen was an important Nazi mattered not one jot. The deal with Gehlen was in fact at the center of Operation Paperclip. Gehlen has his own Wiki page too:

Of course, as you would expect from the fully controlled Wiki, the real history is suppressed, whitewashed if you like. They even claim that Gehlen was a minor player in the Claus von Stauffenberg plot to kill Hitler. And that he got lucky and wasn't arrested like all the others! An obvious attempt to whitewash Gehlen. And obvious bullshit too, even if the plot itself is true.

[Which it probably isn't. The plot has been shown to be a probable German false flag]

However, even Wiki admits that Gehlen became the first head of the BND, the modern German intelligence outfit. The BND is the German equivalent to CIA, MI6 etc etc.

So the first head of the BND was a Nazi then.

[I bet they didn't mention that at school when they gave you their "little bit of history" lessons]

This meant that the BND was effectively controlled by the US spooks. The CIA and/or one, or more, of the dozen or so, alphabet soup, US three letter agencies. They directly controlled all their Nazi spies in their West German network, the BND.

[All conveniently paid for by the German taxpayer]

So fascists were all over the post war US and EU Establishments then.

The fascists in London, and New York, already being well established of course. Since well before WW1 in fact, see my earlier post, "Who pulls the strings?":

Plenty of food for thought with all this I think. And so, in conclusion:

All those fascist geopolitical actions by the US Empire since WW2 maybe make a bit more sense now that you know about some of this? I've only scratched the surface in truth. There is far more.

And all this is even more evidence that the official academic history, as taught to all schoolkids, and trotted out regularly by the tv and media, is very partial. It misses so many important facts. Which is why I labelled it "seriously dodgy" in my earlier post, "Who pulls the strings?". In fact calling it seriously dodgy is putting it very mildly indeed.

Finally, these so called "historians" of academia would have you believe that the fascists in uniform, those Nazis and their Italian, and Spanish, mates, were the only real fascists of any note. And that their defeat in WW2 was a comprehensive defeat for fascism.

But this is simply not true. It is a purposeful distraction.

The fascists were not defeated in WW2, far from it, they just moved into the shadows of the unaccountable Western Establishment. The bad guys of the hidden elites were the original fascists, even before the Nazis, and they are all still in place. At least their descendants are.

[Their bloodlines have persisted for many centuries, millennia in fact. This is one of their defining characteristics]

So it's not the overt political fascists that we really need to worry about. They are usually just controlled opposition, and tiny in numbers.

It's the covert Establishment fascists that are the real problem. Our hidden rulers who lurk in the shadows. The Trillionaires and their peers, plus their numerous operatives, who are less occult-ed, but, who usually do their masters bidding.

[They are a serious cohort, because, say, 0.1% of 7 billion humans is 700,000 people. The exact number is impossible to know, but the order of magnitude must surely be in the right area]

I am clearly not just talking about mainstream politicians, far from it. There are many that are even more important than politicians in this cohort. There are the numerous intelligence agents, the banksters, the executives of the multinational corporations, the senior legal people, the senior military "defence" complex people, the senior media people, the senior religious people, and many more.

They are not a completely homogeneous group either. There are many factions within this global, mafia like, cabal. Different factions prevail at different times too. But, at root, they are all on the same side, and it's not our side. They are not on the peoples side.

Politicians across the globe are undoubtedly very useful to this mafia like cabal. They often make important day to day decisions. But the policy is decided elsewhere, in more secretive places than mere parliaments. In fact politicians are primarily for presentational purposes, for tv and media, and propaganda. They present the elites decisions as though they are their own. They are often mere actors who are comparatively low down in the pecking order.

These stooges serve to distract us from our real problem and they are very effective implementing the elites divide and rule strategy. The politicians divide us all the time don't they. They divide us even when both options offered are obvious fakes. Witness Clinton and Trump last year. With all the hatred and hot air that was generated, and is still being generated.

I have recently heard ordinary people, who actually describe themselves as "socialist", calling for the assassination of Trump ffs! As though assassinating a puppet/clown will make any real difference! This division of us the people, this splintering of us into many opposing groups, is one of the elites key control tools. Instead of tolerance for differing opinions we find bigotry all around us, on all sides. And so much anger between the various sides. Anger that is focused in entirely the wrong place.

It is so sad because it plays straight into the bad guys hands. Together we the people could prevail. Divided we've got no chance, we are lambs to the slaughter.

The occult-ed fascists are in control, they have been for ages, but hardly anyone seems to notice.

Source for Josephs article:

Tuesday, 3 January 2017

3 fake billionaires

Who are all fronts for US deep state projects

Here is some speculative analysis based on the ridiculous bios of 3 well known "billionaires". Miles simply unpicks, and then reinterprets, their life stories as told by mainstream sources.

When you think about them then, each of their official life stories is fairly obvious rubbish. They don't make any sense.  He points this out quite succinctly and offers an alternative interpretation.

It does not matter whether you accept his interpretation, or not. You can just as well envision your own from his analysis.

The question is: do you accept their official storyI doubt that you will after you read this.

Whatever, they are an interesting read.


1. Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook

"He is a CIA creation. He now does nothing but get his picture taken. He produces nothing. He is not a genius. He is just a name and a face, another useful dupe of the powers that be. He may not even be able to keep his money. I think it is entirely possible that he is just a front, and doesn't even exist as a real financial entity. That is, it is entirely possible that he has nothing in his bank account, and that he exists solely at the discretion of the CIA. They give him a big house and some toys, to keep up the charade, and tell him to keep his mouth shut. Somewhat like the President."

A short exposure of a probable fake:

2. Elon Musk of SpaceX and Tesla Motors

"Elon Musk is supposed to be worth 13.6 billion. He is supposed to be the CEO of Tesla Motors. He is supposed to be the founder of SpaceX. He is supposed to be the founder of Solar City. He is supposed to be the inventor of Hyperloop. I for one don't believe any of it. Elon Musk looks to me like a person totally manufactured by Intelligence as the fake human front for all these fake projects. In this way he is exactly like Mark Zuckerberg, another person I have outed as a probable manufactured entity. When I wrote that paper on Zuckerberg, he was also alleged to be worth 13.6 billion. Coincidence? Nope. Why do I think that? I think it because Musk's entire Wikipedia page and bio reads like a red flag. It is nothing but transparent BS from top to bottom."

A longer but devastating analysis of a clear fake:

3. Steve Jobs of Apple

"We now know they fake everything, from voting machines to stock market figures to government statistics to the entire art market. So why believe the Forbes' lists? I don't. It is pretty clear they are instructed to leave off the very top of the lists, since they are too obscene to report. For instance, the Rockefellers have so much wealth they would make Bill Gates look like Clem Kaddidlehopper. They then insert these guys like Jobs and Zuckerberg and Musk into the billionaire lists to help promote their various projects. But like everything else, it is just created with a wave of the wand. Just to be sure you understand, I am not saying Jobs was just an actor. Primarily he was a person from a family with links to old Jewish wealth as well as to the military. So he wasn't just a front for this project. His family was behind this project, since of course it is the very wealthy who control the CIA and the country. This is why he couldn't be fired and replaced by another pretty face. He was like the boss' son. But his role in the project was as an actor. Like Obama, he did little more than get his picture taken and read from Teleprompters."

An even longer, and much more humorous, analysis. Even more devastating. Another clear fake: