Tuesday, 4 April 2017

The real Matrix

How perception, culture and consciousness are subverted by media

First, here is a quote from the American, H L Mencken, the "Sage of Baltimore":

“Moral certainty is always a sign of cultural inferiority. The more uncivilized the man, the surer he is that he knows precisely what is right and what is wrong. All human progress, even in morals, has been the work of men who have doubted the current moral values, not of men who have whooped them up and tried to enforce them. The truly civilized man is always skeptical and tolerant, in this field as in all others. His culture is based on "I am not too sure.

Mencken was a journalist, satirist, cultural critic and scholar of American English. He was certainly no saint but he was one of the most influential American writers of the first half of 20th C.

Please bear his quote in mind when you read on.

All the following paragraphs in italics were written in 2013. Well before the recent, ongoing and fake, "fake news" meme.

My comments in bold follow each section. My emphasis is underlined throughout.

"Consider, for instance, the word “liberal”, which I have just used above. The meaning of the word has flipped since the 1960's, and this flipping has been no accident or natural outcome of change. In 1968, a liberal was anti-war and distrustful of the government. If you thought the government was generally benign, that it was waging wars for good reasons, and that its corporate ties were healthy, you weren't a liberal, you were a conservative. That's what conservative implies: conserving the status quo. The government in 1968 was pretty much what it is now, minus a few degrees of evil, so that was the status quo. That was the way things were. If you were happy with that, you were a conservative, because you wished to conserve the current state of things. You were probably profiting from it very well. If not—if you wanted things to change drastically—you were a liberal. You wanted us to get out of Vietnam, quit fighting illegal and immoral wars, and start treating people all over the world better— including our own people.

Today, these terms have flipped in most important ways. It is now liberals who are more likely to be status quo. Liberals or Democrats no longer have much of a problem with continuous and illegal wars. Yes, the current anti-war movement still tends to come out of the Democratic Party, but it is so small it is almost negligible. Most liberals are now fine with war, as long as it benefits their personal portfolio. And polls have indicated for many years that liberals are more likely to trust the government, are more likely to desire a large government, and are less likely to believe conspiracy theories. It is now conservatives that are more likely to distrust the government. This is rich, because we now see many people—and not just the young—who style themselves conservative while acting like 1960's hippies. They may not dress like hippies (although, if they own Harleys, they may), but in many other respects, the similarities are striking. Their political talk is all about freedoms, they wear the “don't tread on me” patch, they fly the flag upside down, and they think of cops as pigs."

The above text is written about the US, but there are many similarities here in the UK too. For instance:

How could it be that here in the UK, the leftish, green, public intellectuals, the people that came from a tradition based on localism, degrowth, bioregionalism, and a fierce critique of international industrial capitalism, could end up supporting a multinational trading block backed by the world's rapacious banks, corporations and NeoLiberal politicians, ie. the European Union?
[Hat tip to Paul Kingsnorth for that summary]

Htf could this happen? What went so wrong?

Well, one of the reasons is that the Matrix is already here
We are all living in it. And left/right mainstream politics is just another a part of it.

Alongside the spooks, the Banksters, the Corporations, the lawyers, the military "defence" complex [offense more like], the media "entertainment" complex [mindfuck more like], the religions, the scientists and, and......

Word warfare has been one of the key tools in the setting up of the Matrix. We've known about it for a long time:

"George Orwell famously warned us of word warfare in 1948, with his Ministry of Truth and its Newspeak, but few have realized how pervasive it already was then, and how ubiquitous it has become since. Although the entire language has been flipped multiple times, most assume Orwell's world is still somewhere in the future: something to look out for. Most see only the obvious examples of Newspeak, like the Patriot Act or the Peacekeeper missile. But these overt cases are the least dangerous, precisely because they are overt. Much more sinister are the thousands of examples that have gone unrecognized. Word warfare has continued to remain mostly undetected, and the difficulty in detecting it has made it especially insidious. The government doesn't even have to ban or discourage study of Orwell, for instance, since it has found that many or most people take a warning of something as evidence it isn't happening. Most assume that because Orwell warned of Newspeak, and because Orwell is not discouraged or banned by the government, the government must not be running Orwellian programs. They assume the instances of Newspeak must be limited to a few high-profile and therefore defused cases, like the ones I mentioned above. Everyone can see through titles like the Peacekeeper missile, right? So how dangerous could that be? It is just an inside joke, right?

Like many other things, propaganda is best hidden in plain sight. It is most covert when placed where people least expect it—which is everywhere all the time. People expect a little buffoonery like the Peacekeeper missile, but they don't expect a Spanish Inquisition. That is, they don't expect everything to be a lie. It never occurs to them that the entire structure around them—language, news, media, entertainment, science, art, everything—is manufactured and false. They can even see a movie like The Matrix, which tells them precisely that, and they think it is something to do with the future, or with robot bugs. But it has nothing to do with the future. Both Orwell's Ministry of Truth and the Matrix have been functional for decades. The book 1984 was written in 1948, and they tell you Orwell switched the last two numbers as a convenience, warning that such a society might arise in about 40 years. But that isn't the right analysis. The year 1948 is important because it is the year after the founding of the CIA. Orwell actually wrote 1984 in 1947, and the book was published in 1948. Well, 1947 is year one of the CIA, which is the real Ministry of Truth, the real Matrix.

Military intelligence has since split into a hundred tentacles, with the CIA now just one of many factions and acronyms. But it is this squid that is the Matrix. It is this squid that is the Ministry of Truth."

The National Security Act became effective in the US on 18th September 1947. 
The US has been a National Security State ever since. The act enabled both the NSC and the CIA.

It also "reorganised" the US military. It was, in effect, a military coup. And it was the final nail in the coffin of US democracy.

Just look at the Wiki page. Could it say any less?


Of course they have maintained the illusion of a democratic system with their Congress and Presidential elections every few years. But Congress and the President are just for show. To keep the plebs thinking that their vote makes a difference. It doesn't. And it hasn't done since 1947, probably before then in fact.

Donald Trump is the current illustration of this. Don't look at what he says. Look at what he does. He has appointed an administration chock, full of senior Matrix individuals, full of senior Goldman Sachs people [5 so far], full of military people, full of Zionists, NeoCons and multi-billionaires. His Chief of Staff is a media man. And the Trump himself is an actor. Ffs could they be any more blatant about it?

One of the little known revelations within the recent Wikileak releases showed how Obumma's cabinet was exactly the same as that recommended to him by....... Citibank! As detailed in this hour long film here:


Maybe it was Goldman Sachs that instructed Trump who to appoint? 😄

In fact Goldman people were all over the Obumma administration as well. Goldman were massive contributors to the Obumma, the Killary "we came, we saw, he died" Clinton and the Trump campaigns too. Left/right means nothing to the Banksters.

Goldman people are all over the EU Establishment as well. Prodi, Monti, Draghi and Barroso all being corrupted by the Goldman "vampire squid".

For copious detail about the disgusting Goldman Sachs then watch another hour long film:


Whichever way you look at it this dominance of the Banksters is a clear illustration of the real power pecking order. Mere Presidents are quite some way down the list. Puppets usually are of course.

It is certainly just 'business as usual'. But with a more lippy, and far less cool, puppet than the last one. It is a clear continuum. The National Security State continues with it's dominant Banksters and Corporations, with it's wars, it's financial theft on a gargantuan scale, it's 2 tier justice system etc etc. The main differences between the two "sides" being the noise, and hot air, around the edges. All pumped up by the Matrix media. So much hot air it is stifling.

[It is not the differences between the 2 sides that you need to focus on it is the agreements. They never ever discuss those of course. And the Matrix media is utterly silent on all those issues. Focus on what they don't talk about to get the big picture. Issues like money creation by private banks. And corporate person benefits for their corporations. And the Queens Privy Council and the Royal Prerogative. And, and, and.....]

The Matrix has run an 8 year US puppet cycle for over 30 years now. Daddy Bush. Clinton. Dumb ass Bush. Obama. Now Trump.

Right - left - right - left - right. Forward march - Not!

It amazes me that people fall for this simple con. 8 years of "our" President. 8 years of "theirs". Obumma with his hollow, meaningless "Hope and Change" and his personal drone kill list. Trump with his equally hollow, equally meaningless "Make American great again" and his immediate ramping up of drones in Yemen.

The media winds everybody up and the vitriol flows. To what end? All that emotional energy that could be put to good use but is wasted on an illusion. The National Security State steams along the same old destructive course. Humanity being mere pawns in the game from the insiders POV. It would be funny if it were not so serious.

Is it really any different here in the UK? Is it fundamentally different? Of course it isn't. The UK Deep State has been at it for far longer. It is more subtle than the US. It's media Matrix is slightly less obvious, but not much. We still follow the US unswervingly. Lots of the globalists are based in London. UK mainstream politics is just another flavour of the same kind of US shite.

Anyhow, back to the text.

What about the intellectuals, don't they oppose these word flippers?

Well often they do, but they are either bought onto the Matrix payroll. Or they are simply pushed aside by the official, dumbed down, Matrix culture; sidelined, irrelevant, ignored by the masses who don't even know that they exist.

"It is for this reason that the educated are free to say pretty much whatever they like: it just doesn't matter. They can have all the theories they like, and discuss them amongst themselves, and the CIA sees no good reason to intervene. So what if someone writes a book or paper proving the Matrix and revealing all its subtle forms? The book will not find a publisher, will be limited to a tiny audience, and the government may not even have to post a response or tape a denial. The mainstream media can drown out any real news, proof, or discovery with a million manufactured stories. They don't need to censor or outlaw anything, much less murder anyone, since it is much more efficient to simply bury any truth under a slagheap of fake murders, fake celebrity news, and fake commentary. Why create a martyr when it is much easier to create a pauper? Why kill a story when you can bury it without killing it?

The media is now so controlled and so ubiquitous, it could bury the Second Coming. Jesus could arrive and begin performing miracles and raising the dead, and the mainstream media would simply set up a bigger and brighter tent nextdoor, with more exciting CGI miracles and dead-raising. Christ wouldn't have a chance. He would be forgotten by Friday, pauperized and back in the carpentry business, building endtables for Pottery Barn."

You just know that he is correct in this don't you?

Tip for researchers: Look for "Operation Mockingbird". This is the CIA op from the early 1950's when they brought all the key US media under their control. It is still officially denied and it has another useless Wiki page, with minimal info. But there is plenty of info out there if you care to look. Mockingbird was never really terminated and now, in 2017 then, 90% of the world's media is owned by just 6 massive Corporations! So Wall Street owns most of the worlds media then. Wall Street is of course a key component of the Matrix.

These 6 Corporations are all fully "independent". And they guarantee a "free media" in the West. Really? Just research: "Bilderberg" for clear evidence that those "independent", and "free media", assertions are simply lies. And no the BBC isn't any different. It is fully signed up to the agenda.

[Btw this is also true about scientific publications. 6 companies control 90% of the worlds scientific publications. With similar malign impact no doubt]

Please don't tell me that the internet, or social media, are uncontrolled exceptions. Of course they aren't. 

They now pay whole armies of internet trolls, literally. The US & UK armed forces openly admit that they now have large specialist online units. To combat those pesky Rooskies they say. If you believe that then you'll believe anything.............

They fund, and therefore control, most of the alt media, the internet "opposition", too, the vast majority for sure.

They can censor, or delete, whatever content they want out of all social media. And they do.

How times change. We now live in a mad world of illusion, magic and faith.

Which is mainlined into human consciousness via the ubiquitous screen.

A screen world where nobody can possibly tell fact from fiction, so they don't even bother to try.

I saw it on the news, so it must be true.......

All this is aided by the deplorable degradation of Ejukashun too. I've already blogged about this here:


The people are losing, rather never even acquiring, the ability to think critically. The people are dumber than their ancestors from 100 years ago! It's no surprise given what they are up against.

Younger generations are even losing the ability to communicate face to face it seems. Their screen, and/or headphone, defence is always available. And it is frequently used to avoid real world conversation. Certainly with unsightly old giffers like me and much more widely too.

Sigh..... The fascists took control several decades ago and most people didn't even notice.

If the above rang some bells for you then, the whole article is well worth reading:



Is Mathis genuine then? Is Corbett genuine? Who knows. The very nature of a Limited Hangout is that a bucket load of truth is larded with insidious disinfo. Which is truth and which is disinfo then? It's very hard to spot the disinfo. There are many subtle techniques, like Neuro Linguistic Programming for instance.

Here is one definition of NLP that I have seen:

"A system of affecting the behavior or opinions or thoughts of another person or persons without their knowing you have done so, usually through the use of subtextual or subliminal cues, be they verbal or written.’ In other words, you talk about one subject, but what you’re really saying is something else. NLP is a version of mind control. Agencies like the CIA and other intelligence groups, plus the ‘business’ known as Public Relations are especially known for using NLP."

So, considering this together with my closing remarks then, both Mathis and Corbett could be Limited Hangouts.

I'm pretty sure that Snowden and Assange are LHs. They get too much mainstream coverage for them not to be. And Wikileaks has links directly into the heart of the globalist establishment, see here:


You just need to think critically about it. And then form your own opinion. And even when you identify a LH then you can still learn a lot of truth if you are discerning. You will not be right all the time and you've just got to accept that.

And that leads me right back to my opening quote with its emphasis on skepticism, and tolerance.