Saturday, 17 June 2017

Jeremy's New World Order

Hope and Change? Or was that some other political puppet?

Extract from Jeremy's pre-election speech at Chatham House:

"I am often asked if as prime minister I would order the use of nuclear weapons. It’s an extraordinary question when you think about it – would you order the indiscriminate killing of millions of people? Would you risk such extensive contamination of the planet that no life could exist across large parts of the world? If circumstances arose where that was a real option, it would represent complete and cataclysmic failure. It would mean world leaders had already triggered a spiral of catastrophe for humankind.

Labour is committed actively to pursue disarmament under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and we are committed to no first use of nuclear weapons. But let me make this absolutely clear. If elected prime minister, I will do everything necessary to protect the safety and security of our people and our country. That would be my first duty." Bold is my emphasis.

The full text of Jeremy's speech at Chatham House is in the notes underneath the vid. You should watch the vid first, it is quite short.

In case you are not aware then, Chatham House is the public face of the Royal Institute for International Affairs. [It's sister in the US is the Council on Foreign Relations]. Both of these "think tanks" are important parts of the current "Western" power structure. ie. the Anglo/US/Zionist apparatus that subverts democracy on behalf of the oligarchs who rule over us.

The origins of both the RIIA, and the CFR, were within the Rhodes/Milner group of the start of the 20th C. You know, those "British" guys who were instrumental in arranging WW1. British my arse, they were international monopoly capitalists. The RIIA and CFR were both formed in the early 1920's in preparation for Act 2.

Jeremy must surely know all of this. But his fealty to them is essential if he is to be allowed by them to become PM. It's the oligarchical brown nosing equivalent to joining the Queens Privy Council.

The QPC is another, democracy subverting, UK Establishment cabal made up of politicians from both major parties, judges and other bigwigs. It's affairs are totally secret, which all members take a solemn oath to maintain, so there are no public minutes. It is chaired by the Queen herself and all members must also swear an oath to their fealty to the Queen as well. An oath which places their loyalty to her above their loyalty to the British people. The same British people who "elected" all those politicians to "represent" them. So much for democracy then.

Apologists for the QPC will tell you that it is purely ceremonial, that it's meetings are inconsequential and insignificant. If you believe that then you will believe that I played center forward for Everton when we won the league in 1970. And that I scored 45 goals that season including 7 hat-tricks! Do I really need to spell it out? If the QPC is so inconsequential then why are its affairs totally secret?

Jeremy had already joined the QPC when he made his Chatham House speech. In his first week as Labour leader in fact.

Of course all politicians want to have their cake and eat it don't they. But us plebs are not obliged to accept that are we. So we shouldn't let them get away with that. It is quite simply really:

Either the senior pols that are putting themselves forward for holding power really will have the ability to make the changes that they claim that they will.

Or they are beholden to a hidden power structure, the oligarchs and their Doge, her majesty.

Jeremy's knowtowing to them is a very good indicator which it is.

I expect that the blinkered die-hard Corbynites will ignore all this, that their old fashioned tribal politics will trump their principles as usual.

Final thoughts:

It is widely known that the US now has "boots on the ground", in al-Tanf, in southern Syria; they have set up a base there it seems. So they have invaded a sovereign country without any UN sanction, quelle surprise. And, given that it is widely assumed that the UK also has troops there, or just over the border in Jordan, ready to join the action, is it not incumbent upon Her Majesties Opposition to actually oppose and ask questions in Parliament? But we don't hear a peep do we? Nothing from the "opposition" and nothing from the mainstream media.

The subject is off limits it appears. Almost certainly because the invasion is illegal and so the Deep State oligarchs have decreed a blanket silence. Chatham House, Queens Privy Council, or some other anti democratic decision making body? We will never know because it is all done in secret.

Update 3rd August 2017

The al-Tanf invasion was a failure.

Quoting The Saker:

"The best illustration of this reality is the latest American debacle in the al-Tanf region near the Jordanian border. The Americans, backed by the Jordanians, quietly invaded this mostly empty part of the Syrian desert with the hope of cutting off the lines of communications between the Syrians and the Iraqis. Instead, what happened was that the Syrians cut the Americans off and reached the border first, thereby making the American presence simply useless (see here and here for details). It appears that the Americans have now given up, at least temporarily, on al-Tanf, and that US forces will be withdrawn and redeployed elsewhere in Syria."

No mention of the Brits. Maybe they saw the lie of the land and stayed away. My point in the main blog is no less valid now that the invasion failed.

See this link. The quotation is the last para under the section headed "Good terrorists, aka “FSA”, Syria 2017" :

Update 4th September 2017

Seems that the Brits were in al-Tanf after all:

Thursday, 1 June 2017

This is not democracy

Worse, by voting then, you give them your consent

When both major parties are bankrolled by private vested interests then,
this is not democracy

When over 50% of the votes cast in the UK's " First Past The Post" electoral  system are in "safe" constituencies, where there is no possibility whatsoever of turning out the incumbent individual, or party, then,
this is not democracy

When mainstream media can, and does, fake any "news" it wants to and is never held to account by any politician, or any law, then,
this is not democracy

When the Westminster  bubble political class of all parties is united in self interest and often against the people's interest then.
this is not democracy

When the electorate is, in the main, supine, indifferent, ill informed and distracted by trivia then,
this is not democracy

Over 2000 years ago Plato said that a democracy is only possible when it has a
powerful, discerning, informed and undistracted electorate.

In 2017 Cruel Brittania we have none of these, so:

This is not democracy

What is even worse?

By voting then, you consent to the "winner" having "power"

This "power", regardless of who it is actually exercised by, is now always used against ordinary people's interest.

In many undemocratic ways, certainly including the following:

1. To wage evil war on weaker countries
Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria most recently.
At the human level then we are all Afghans, Iraqis, Libyans, Syrians.
These are just the wars that their mainstream media told you about, there are others.
2 Labour wars. 2 Tory wars. All part of the false "War on Terror".
No UK politician has ever disowned this falsehood, other than Robin Cook.

2. To maintain a 2 tier legal system
One law for us, another for them.
They never go to prison. They are above the law. Even for war crimes. 
An example: Tony Blair was convicted of war crimes, in 2011 in Malaysia.
But of course he is fully protected in the West and will never go to court, never mind prison.
Another example: All those senior Banksters who cheated us out of millions £; they skated too.

3. To steal the wealth of the people
Via the privately owned  "fractional reserve" money system.
Which steals your money via interest on everything that you buy. It equates to over 40%!
And increasingly centralised government, which is controlled by the same private owners.
Controlled central government which steals your money via unnecessarily excessive taxation.
And then there is all the privatisation. We live in a kleptocracy

There is far more; consider the 3 above as examples.

This corrupt, private, money system is in fact at the root of the mad requirement for permanent "economic growth". Mad because we live on a finite planet, so permanent growth is ultimately impossible.

This economic madness in turn drives the ever increasing consumption that is destroying the planet. [Environmentalists: Wake up! Follow the money......]

The corrupt money system truly is the "root of all evil" as the old saying goes.

Don't believe me? Then wake up and smell the coffee. Do some research.

Start by asking yourself this:

Given that the government of all sovereign nations has the ability to create money in exactly the same way that the private banks do, ie. at the touch of a keyboard, then,
Why do they never do this for their own expenditure?
Why do they always pay interest to private banks?
And then tax us to pay that interest?

It is because most of the worlds governments have been captured by the International Banksters. Who effectively own the government by owning the establishment and political class.[See Appendix 1].

So these politicians always choose the expensive option that we the people are obliged to pay for, via that excessive taxation. We pay every which way round.

How are these politicians controlled then?

There are many ways, the elite owned main media and the resulting groupthink are crucial.

Along with the corporate and private "donations" that fund all the political parties in the West. And delayed individual payment for services rendered.  All the well known politicians receive their pay off after they leave the governmentThe revolving door between politics and business & finance works at all political levels too, not just for the bigwigs.

Thatcher, Major, Blair, Brown, Cameron, all made a fortune after they left number 10.
3 Tory, 2 Labour. It is alleged that Thatcher made over £50 million. Blair certainly made tens of £millions, probably far more. We will never know because they hide all their dosh from public view via the usual methods; tax havens and the like.

Most of the others, the less well known ones stick their snouts in the trough too. Many of them when they are still in Parliament. It's all perfectly "legal".

There are plenty of other carrots too. I will mention one of the sticks later on.

Thatcher, Major, Blair, Brown, Cameron - all were most definitely subservient to International Finance. None of them ever stood up to the Banksters.

Do you think that May, or Corbyn, will be any different?

That they will not be subservient to International Finance?

More fool you if you do.

He who pays the piper always calls the tune

So I deny them my consent

How about you?

They ran another one of their facilitated, probably even staged, ISIS terror events recently.
Here is one view of the real political pecking order:

Clearly whoever will be British PM would be higher up this list than the US President. ie. lower in the pecking order

The relevant information is freely and easily available today so, anyone, if they care to look that is, can see that ISIS is a convenient proxy to serve the needs of the Western power structure. Denying this reality is ignorance by choice.

This is of course yet another satisfactory scenario for the US ziofascist criminals who did 9/11 and their friends in the UK and elsewhere. They are still laughing at all the idiots who still believe that the CIA's creation, "al Qaeda", were responsible.

Do you think that there are any senior UK politicians who do not know all of everything that I've written? In any party? I doubt it and, if there are, then they must be idiots too.

Will any of them ever tell us ordinary people? Of course they won't, that would be political suicide.

Such is the cancerous political world that we live in today.

For those who are not wide awake then here are 2 links to moderate alt-media. There are many, many, more.

How the dead terrorist/patsy ID is always found at the scene:
A consistent theme. Dead perp whose ID is found immediately.

The terrible truth about the Manchester attack:
When you read this link then you will surely wonder to yourself: if this one guy can uncover so much then wtf are the "professional" journalists doing? The answer is very clear too. The "professional" journalists job is not to uncover the truth. It is to cover it up so the plebs cannot see the systemic corruption in the body politic and the fourth estate.

The article also undeniably demonstrates that this specific UK State involvement in Islamic terrorism, in Libya, "started in the early 1990's". So it was carried out under both Tory and Labour governments then ie. both of the main UK political parties. Lots of the existing MP's were MP's at the time. This continuity is consistent and gives the lie to the "we will change things" that the politicians always spout at election time.

I'm 67 in August and I've heard the same politicians "we will change things" lie too many times to mention. They never, ever, deliver.

The Burning Bloggers book "The Libya Conspiracy" is linked in his article and is free to download. If you want to know the real Libya story, as opposed to the main media bullshit story, then read his book. You will learn a heck of a lot more about the real ways of British politicians too if you do. Lies, lies and more lies. Well what did you expect? Lying is their main attribute. They all need to be expert liars. It never ceases to amaze me that people believe them at election time. The triumph of hope over reality I suppose.

Back to the main theme. One of their control sticks is paedophilia:

Why do you think that all the political and establishment paedophilia is always covered up?

It is because if a politician's paedophilia is exposed then, his or her career is over. It is much better from the controllers point of view to to cover up the crime. That way the politician can be blackmailed into compliance if necessary.

The carrot of riches and the stick of disgrace. It's an old trick and it works most of the time.

But it certainly isn't democracy.

In fact the fascists took charge and killed any real democracy many decades ago. See my earlier post:

In this weirdly connected, and at the same time disconnected, cyber society that we now find ourselves then, voting for political puppets will not change any of these numerous fundamental problems that I have briefly touched upon.

The only possible way of reforming this fake, constipated and corrupt western culture is from completely outside the current system.

A mass reform movement needs to come from somewhere beyond the current legislature. It will certainly never come from within it.

Anyone who thinks that it will is simply deluded

Finally, some very broad thoughts about how reforms are essential:

We need to develop a Citizen First policy that gives the people more real power. A real proportional and representative system. Isn't that what democracy is supposed to be about?

We need a Citizen First policy that rejects the dead ideologies that are based on Adam Smith and Karl Marx too. [Free market capitalism and socialism]. Both have failed dramatically and at massive human cost too. Small is beautiful. Local is beautiful. Community is beautiful.

We need to focus on human beings, not Big State systemics. The overweening Big Brother/Nanny State is a massive part of our current problem. It is not part of any viable solution. We need a small, sovereign, State. And free, sovereign, people. A focus on humans not big systems. We already have the necessary technology. We don't need the Big State telling us what we can do or think or say.

We desperately need reform of public Education too. This is absolutely essential to create an informed electorate. Kick out all the useless, politically correct, measurement dogma. The league tables, the SATs, the end of school certification etc etc. Return to the classical methods that teach children how to think for themselves. Rather than parrot "knowledge" via multiple choice testing.

Reform of all of our other corrupt Establishment institutions will be essential too: Finance, Media, Law, Intelligence, Military, Corporations and more. Finance and Media are the priorities as I've already outlined. Everything else depends on these 2. It's a herculean task.

We certainly need to develop a new system, the old one is irreparably broken.

We haven't got a choice really. If we don't institute massive change then disaster is just round the corner.

The new methods need to be based on the creative power of human communities, collective human consciousness if you like.

Not the censorious bullying of failed dogmatic systems, run by corrupt and massively over privileged gobshites.

Pigs might fly......

But hope springs eternal


Here is a quote from the 19th century:

"I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England...." - Nathan Rothschild (400300) #quotes #quote #inspiration #motivation #life #wisdom #quoteoftheday #success #business #leadership #love

The quote is widely believed to be accurate but there is no source verification that I can find. No matter, the principle is certainly accurate. This principle still holds good today.

The Banksters are a now a diverse crew that includes Wall Street and the City of London, the Intelligence Agencies, the Pentagon, the military and the arms companies, the oil companies, the multinational corporations, including both information and entertainment media, and more. With dishonourable mentions for the Vatican and Israel. Together they make up the various factions of the global Deep State.

So it is now far more complex than the 19th century, but the principle is unchanged.

The Banksters still rule and the politicians still dance to their tune.

The politicians job is to represent the people; to put the peoples view to the "power".
But under the current system they do the exact opposite.
The represent the "power"; they put the "powers" decisions to the people.


Morris put this out a few days ago:

A very similar theme to my post.

Addendum 2

And this one too:

Manchester, May, Trump and the Saudis. Geopolitics and Britain's role in Islamic terrorism.

Addendum 3

False flag creations by CrISIS Solutions:

False flags are us.