Thursday, 13 December 2018

Vive Gilets Jaunes!

This says it all


What's not to like?
What more is there to say?

Well quite a lot actually.

Here are some wise words:

"The demands of the GJ are already better than anything proposed by political parties of the left and the right. They want the rich to pay too, not only the middle class. They want to roll back privatizations, especially of the railways, re-install the dismissed workers and employees, recruit doctors to hospitals and teachers for schools, to put an end to the dismantling of the welfare state. Leave the EU, leave NATO, stop wars abroad. Stop the massive migration to the country and at the same time stop the looting of the former French Africa, because it is this looting that is pushing the Africans to a mass flight to France. Drop out of competition who will make more concessions to corporations and their owners, i.e. tax the international companies."

Whats not to like?

This is how the politics splits:


So Vive Gilets Jaunes! Vive Soral!

Friday, 2 November 2018

Endgame: Globalism through pension ponzi schemes

We're screwed or, more accurately, we've screwed ourselves

Clint deals in foundational knowledge.

Here he summarises his lifetimes work in one long essay. 

Are you brave enough to invest the time to understand your place in the modern world?

Or would you rather not know?

The choice is yours.

It is a long read and will require the application of your thinking mind, if you have one. 

Can you think for yourself?

Some selected quotes to whet your appetite, or not, as the case may be.
My brief comments at the end:

"This will be my last entry with regards to The Great Pension Fund Hoax and all it entails. Quite frankly, there is nothing more to reveal. The gig is up. The endgame is apparent. Unless all current, un-retired members of all pension funds withdraw what they have voluntarily given (contributed) as the law allows before their actual retirement, and until taxpayers collectively stop allowing their local, state, and federal taxpayer dollars to be funneled away (as required municipal corporation pension contributions) so as to destroy any support in this global investment scheme with the goal of total, centrally organized control and corporate governance worldwide, there is no way to prevent what is and always was the intent of these pension schemes toward globalism and world government. The transference of wealth as the collective possession and ownership of the majority of corporate shareholder stock has now sufficiently been passed into collective, international government hands through these public investment schemes. I’ll waste no more time warning and calling upon deaf ears nor hopelessly believing that anyone will bite the corporate, governmental hand that feeds them. This is therefore my last ditch, last minute attempt to spell out in the greatest of detail and foundational understanding the whole plot of this international public pension ponzi scheme and why it is and has been the number one financial stone supporting this modern move to global governance. This is not just some empty statement to frighten you, though it should, but is merely a statement of known fact. The time for willful ignorance is over. For we must come to understand that through many decades of continuously taxpayer supported pension fund investments, governments around the world are the majority shareholders of nearly all corporations, with very few exceptions.

This doesn’t merely spell socialism or communism, but complete global corporate governance by the world’s governments acting collectively under the unified laws of private, non-governmental associations (NGO’s) and other private functionaries and sets of non-governmental law. These rules have already been put into place, and the financial reporting structures of governments by the CAFR system is in full effect. While the names change from nation to nation, the accounting structure for all governments and organizations, including pension funds, are now being set to a globalized standardization. Social Security is also now in over 140 countries, coordinated through the United Nations and World Bank by the International Social Security Association (ISSA). "


"Perhaps you’ve never noticed that there is no line item on a birth certificate that establishes paternity rights or ownership of the child itself? This is not a form filled out by a parent to declare property of the child, but is a certified abandonment of the illegitimate child and paternal rights to the nation state by an “informant” as its ward, usually the mother, while witnessed and signed by “doctors” like former congressman Ron Paul. The birth certificate has nothing to do with the actual child, and is not attached to the child in any way until the parents invoke that legal entity that is created thereof, the person (status) of a United States citizenship. Once this use of the name, number, signature, and other benefits is utilized by the parents until the age of consent, the child is then brainwashed into believing he or she actually is that person, that status, that legal name, and that he or she is in fact identified by a pension number called Social Security like a marked beast of burden, like cattle. Once adulthood is reached, the infant carries on in that false, legal identity so as to function in the false, legal realm of interstate commerce controlled and policed by the United States and its agencies and municipal corporations. We cannot know any better because our parents didn’t know any better. We become volunteers under the strict legal matrix code without even realizing it, aging from 17 to 18 in an unnoticeable moment upon the artificial Roman calendric timeline, and we simply continue using the name and number (mark) of citizenship to the United States as if it were perfectly natural and morally correct. We are even taught to believe this to be the sign of freedom, even as they call us subjects, tenants, consumers, taxpayers, and customers. Out intention is made express by our action of using the status of US citizenship, signing in its name, and receiving its benefits and consumer protections. This is how we become agents, and potentially the enemy of everyone else. For in the legal realm, the law is competition, greed, and amorality. We exist therefore in complete opposition to Nature and Its Law, lost in the circular matrix of legal fiction. Hell, we are even tricked into praying for money (mammon)!
Of course the fictional persona (legal status) assigned from the vital statistics of each man (male or female) at birth is a creation of the United States (the principal) under its agency, and so of course a birth certificate must be established to both prove identity (fictional persona, legal sameness) and also claim original ownership upon that newly, artificially created entity of the legal fiction. The person (status) thus created at this birth certification process is like the car or shoe avatar on the monopoly board — we use it and are responsible for its credits, debts, titles, fees, and taxes. But in the end all the pieces and all the money (credit) go back in the box — back to the central bank (government). We are not the words (vital statistics) printed on these birth certificates, for words are form without substance, existing nowhere in Nature, purely the artful creations of man. Of course, no man of flesh and blood is born from a birth certificate, only a digital copy to be operated commercially in the legal, commercial matrix. Persons have no blood. Persons are not men, though men may choose to pretend to be bond and surety of persons. Insured commercial persons, not men, are then hired under flattering titles like bank teller, doctor, or fireman. Men cannot be hired in the United States without first possessing a fictional, legal identity (personhood) under bond and surety within the United States. No person, no contract. No person, no signature. And of course, on the inverse, with no contract the devil (legal fiction/artifice) has no powe"


"This essay is not merely focused on the subject of its title, as should be apparent at this point, but stands as a summation of all my previous exposures of the CAFR accounting system and global pension fund schemes, as well as my free documentary films and CAFR School articles and videos found on this blog and at my other website: It also reflects the years of research that went into my book series on law entitled Strawman. It’s now been eight years since I released my first documentary film, aptly entitled, The Corporation Nation, with the in depth follow-up called, The Great Pension Fund Hoax, with CAFR School made shortly thereafter. And, in looking back at this seemingly fruitless adventure in attempting public exposure and action, it’s this authors resulting opinion that we are approaching a time when all these plans heretofore exposed by yours Truly have now reached their pinnacle, a boiling-over point, finally proving themselves as the ponzi schemes they have always been, and thus finally coming to their intended fruition. We are entering into the climax of the story, the end as it was always planned by the authors of these pension “plans.” I offer this essay now not because I feel there is still a time to ward off what is to come, but for the purposes of providing a clearer understanding of the complete story, to leave at least a documentary essay of this almost inconceivable puzzle as a whole, as the incontrovertible truth in all its pieces to those few souls that seek to discover it no matter how uncomfortable and self-damning it may be to those brave enough to comprehend it and thus take equal responsibility for it.
I can only suggest that we have already entered into that not long ago foretold Orwellian time of a dystopian hell on earth, where telling the truth is a revolutionary act, and where, as Arthur Schopenhauer once predicated:
All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed.Second, it is violently opposed.Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.
What I present to you herein is exactly that, being the self-evident truth of our collective, societal disposition under a not-so-new globalist or “one-world” government and just how it has happened – but more importantly how it could not have happened without this globalist pension fund hoax (scheme) and why it was all perfectly “legal.” My name and efforts have been ridiculed and violently opposed by many that have a stake in such pension schemes, as should be expected, even while we are experiencing the reality of its undeniable truths today. Those who shall have their so-called “retirements” washed away into eventual nothingness will watch it all disappear like a ship sailing off into the horizon, a modern great flood caused by the angry and zealous demi-gods of money, the de facto government itself.
Yet make no mistake here, for all of us are complicit. All of us are to blame, myself included. Nothing stated in this essay does not include myself nor dismisses my own publicly imposed ignorance on the subject, which I have happily corrected and at least tempted to share with you. Why is this True? We have all contributed voluntarily to our own collective dystopian transformation into globalism, a corporate new world order, and even now the intolerable consequences of our collective ignorance and inaction are nigh. There is no need to utilize or promote fear, for that time has passed. Fear is only useful for cause or prevention, not for the already manifest consequences of purposeful ignorance. If anything, the reader may find merely a purpose for preparation against what is this globalist scheme. I offer within this exposure no hope, just the truth. For when the truth is known and adhered to, no hope is needed, and no lie can defeat us. I do not hold out any hope that things will change from within this system, only without. And deep down we all know that only each of us alone can change, stop participating, and stop contributing to our own economic enslavement. But this most essential key of the realization and actualization of self-responsibility has been stolen from us, reeducated away from us, to the point where at all times and in all events, everyone else is to blame but never ones self.

In essence, this is exactly the dependent mindset and lifestyle desired and designed for us by those who seek to control us. And so far, it’s been a flawless execution, as we have performed our parts (as debtors) with graceless fanaticism and strangely misplaced patriotism.
The easy version of this essay is simply that all governmental corporations, from the city to the state and national level, have unofficially merged. Not the common people, just the artificial persons (e.g municipal corporations). We must understand though that these are but tools, agents of the actual governmental structure, being incorporated entities thereof and under its umbrella of international law. In other words, these are not governments in and of themselves. Yet they are tasked by the source, de jure (legitimate) government to stand in its place, in its name, and under its law. Chicago, or the incorporated City of Chicago, is not an independent government, but one completely subservient to its creator (state/nation) its law. These, including the so-called “United States” municipal corporation located outside of and foreign to the 50 States united in Washington D.C., are called de facto governments. One seldom if ever finds a system of government in any nation that does not have both, the legitimate always justifying and creating the illegitimate due to reasons such as war and emergency, where constitutional law is all but suspended.

But don’t take my word for it, just read what Congress had to say about it:
Since March 9, 1933the United States has been in a state of declared national emergency… These proclamations give force to 470 provisions of Federal law. These hundreds of statutes delegate to the President extraordinary powersordinarily exercised by the Congresswhich affect the lives of American citizens in a host of all-encompassing mannersThis vast range of powerstaken togetherconfer enough authority to rule the country without reference to normal constitutional processes. Under the powers delegated by these statutes, the President may: seize property; organize and control the means of production; seize commodities; assign military forces abroad; institute martial law; seize and control all transportation and communication; regulate the operation of private enterprise; restrict travel; and, in a plethora of particular ways, control the lives of all American citizens.
–93d Congress 1st Session – SENATE Report No. 93-549 EMERGENCY POWERS STATUTES: Provisions of Federal Law Now in Effect Delegating to the Executive Extraordinary Authority in Time of National Emergency – introduction section of the REPORT OF THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON THE TERMINATION OF THE NATIONAL EMERGENCY UNITED STATES SENATE NOVEMBER 19, 1973. Link–>
Now stop and think about these statements by Congress for a moment before we move on… and no, they did not fix this problem. In fact, they are quite content with it because it takes any responsibility out of their hands. They can pretend that their hands are tied while the president runs rampant. And no, nothing has changed since this congressional publication, though it has gotten much, much worse.
What, in peace time, controls such things as property management, production, commodity storage and distribution, transportation and communication, private enterprise, travel, and all the other plethora of commercial activity of American citizens?
Why corporations, of course. Why is this true? Because corporations are creations of and under government law. As fictional, legal, artificial persons (corporations), they simply cannot exist without their fictional, governmental source. But most importantly, in peace time, we must ask who owns these corporations that run the commercial world? The answer to that question is the entire basis and intent of the creation of the pension fund scheme. For he that owns stock in a corporation, owns that part of the corporation. Through pension funds, government is now the owner and thus controller of most corporations worldwide not merely in war or emergency, but in peacetime (which is just another word for free-flowing international and interstate commerce). And this is how the illegitimate governmental structure, a creation of the legitimate constituted government, took over its creator in both war (emergency) and peace times. For the distinction between what is a time of war and emergency and what is peace has been so blurred that most common folks have no idea that no war has ever been declared legitimately by congress since World War II, and that all military actions since have been illegitimate Executive Branch (presidential) actions done through the doctrine of emergency, through Presidential Directives and Executive Orders. All that death and destruction on both sides was all done despite Congress, or in other words, without the representatives of the States. And that’s just how they like it."


"What is artificial? It’s a simple equation, really. Artifice is anything created by man. Be it words or inventions or devices, what is man-made is necessarily opposed to Nature and Its Law, designed either to harness it inharmoniously or thwart it altogether. This too is self-evident. It is neither good nor bad, it just is. The Law of Nature only protects that which is belongs to and emirates from (as a Creation of) Nature, which is said to be the continuous Creation of the Living God. Again, this is not religion, but stands as the basic foundation of law as used in all nations. Man’s law only governs man’s inventions (creations) and nothing else, and this includes the names/nouns of all persons, places, and things, for names don’t ever occur naturally, being always manmade. A fox is not born into nature as a “fox” but as a nameless, priceless (without mammon) Creature (Creation) of God and nothing else, as is each man and each flower and each tree. Once the foundation of Law (the Bible) is ignored, one of the most important of those Laws of Nature (God) stating over and over throughout the scriptures that man should never act in or respect persons (names/nouns) or flattering titles (names/nouns) over the Reality they represent, then man can no longer claim any Natural Rights as listed in the Declaration of Independence. For Natural independence and Freedom requires men (male and female) to be self-governing under the Law of Nature (God). Once again, this is a self-evident Truth. One cannot be owned as property and also be Free and Naturally independent of its owner. And the only thing that proves Natural Freedom is the Law a man follows. To this, we may use the correct verbiage of the word religion, where man follows the Law of God (Nature) religiously without err. All religions are legal corporations with their own constituted doctrine (law) against that of the Bible. Again, the Bible is not religion, but is a Book of Law to be followed religiously, just as one might religiously drink a cup of coffee every morning. Religions, as corporations (artificial persons), are property of the state and thus under the legal law. And why is this important? Because the legal law stands only in direct opposition of the Bible as a Book of Law. That’s the whole point. Choice. Volunteerism. De jure and de facto. Religion is a legal replacement for spirituality, causing us to never act according to the Bible Law, but instead paying mammon to a corporation to conduct legal charity. Charity is part of spiritual self-responsibility, not a thing to be passed to another. It is a spiritual action, not a legal property."


"And you dare to ask why society has degraded as it has? This legal “right” of not being allowed to express your thoughts applies to all moral concepts and scriptural, spiritual Laws, regardless of origin. So declaring oneself an atheist will cause no change in this rule, but rather strengthens the fact that one needs to be a ward in public servitude, for an atheist necessarily decries the Bible as common Law, an act that actually used to be unlawful in public. What would you do with such an idiot that would publicly declare himself to be against the very foundation of law? You’d make him a ward, of course, or perhaps in other countries you’d publicly execute him or her as an infidel and a devil. Ironically, it is the law that protects the lawless from themselves. And from what I’ve seen, every self-proclaimed atheist may dress the part, but acts as a good little citizen complete with driver’s license and social security number. Like the corporate Christian wearing a cross, the title nor the clothing nor the bearing of symbols and idols make the man. One either follows the Law or one follows the anti-law (legalism). There is no in-between, despite what you may call yourself. Again, the Truth may hurt, but only if you live in a lie. Like it or not, my statements here are not only neutral, but backed up by the Bible and the legal system. I forgive any who choose to shoot the messenger instead of facing Reality.

To stand openly in non-belief of “God” is still a religious belief, unprovable and misguided as it may be. The legal law is strict and does not allow moral opposition in action, only in thought. That’s why most religions are called protestants. They protest, but don’t anything about it. Protestors seldom accomplish anything, including the incorporated religions designated by that title. And so to declare that your morals come from a source or no source at all, they are still illegal to act upon. So a public declaration of being “Christian” or “atheist” is in fact, in law, a mute point. Even if it were true, you wouldn’t be allowed to practice your beliefs (or non-beliefs) if they conflict with the legal law. The only Truth is that we are all in this together as duped, contracted common US citizens, regardless of what flattering title (Christian, atheist, etc.) we call ourselves. The Bible does not tell us to be Christians, only to follow the Law by example of Christ. We are not to to be fans (idolators). A slave is a slave by any other name. And that’s why the Bible Law is so adamant that we never call our True Self as anything but a part of the Whole, part of God’s Nature, for the law of man only applies to legalistic names and titles not originating in Nature. This is so simple, so self-evident, that I am astounded we have all been so utterly tricked into worshiping legalism (fiction, artifice) over Reality (Nature, God), and also that it took me so long to figure it all out by untangling this web of deceit and its terms of art."


"Let us be clear… when a crime is licensed (made permissive to a certain few) by government, the crime is wedged into the delusion of public opinion as being socially acceptable and even seemingly normal, though still obviously, morally outrageous. Usury as well becomes just an apparent part of our lives, which is the most ridiculous concept imaginable when usury is understood as the anchiently recognized crime it is. This trickery, this educated state of accepted victimhood under organized crime (corporate governance), in a nutshell, is the story of our lives. This is exactly how we are conditioned socially to accept such technical economic and financial schemes as the globalist pension fund ponzi scheme we have all been unwittingly contributing to as taxpayers for decades. We support, in other words, our own victimization without comprehension of the causal, social influence that clouds the reality of the consequences of not merely our individual but collective (pooled) actions in ignorance. Such causalities defeat any modicum of moral or even lawful choice we may otherwise manifest. We choose not only to ignore the truth purposefully, but to suppress it even in our familial relationships with our children and friends (as unorganized and organized social groups). Today, the topics of religion and politics are practically taboo amongst the superficiality of public gatherings. Yet these two topics were considered to be the measure of a man in the former generations and centuries now past.
Of course, public school doesn’t even touch on these topics, for public school is specifically designed to teach and keep us all public minded. This, as well, is self-evident.
Education is useless without the Bible.”
—Noah Webster
I don’t want a nation of thinkers. I want a nation of workers.
–John D. Rockefeller, who created the General Education Board (GEB)
in 1903 to dispense Rockefeller funds to “education.”
The aim of public education is not to spread enlightenment at allit is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed and train a standardized citizenry, to put down dissent and originality.”
–H.L. Mencken
The quality of education given to the lower class must be of the poorest sort, so that the moat of ignorance isolating the inferior class from the superior class is and remains incomprehensible to the inferior class. With such an initial handicap, even bright lower class individuals have little if any hope of extricating themselves their assigned lot in life. This form of slavery is essential to maintain some measure of social orderpeaceand tranquility for the ruling upper class.”
–“Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars,” page 7
A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do not have to be coercedbecause they love their servitudeTo make them love it is the task assigned, in present-day totalitarian statesto ministries of propagandanewspaper editors and SCHOOLTEACHERS”…Most men and women will grow up to love their servitude and will never dream of revolution…”
–Aldus Huxley
“There is no authority for the common statement that the primary sense of education is to ‘draw out or unfold the powers of the mind.”
–Century Dictionary
“Education” is not the word you think it is, as usual, and certainly not what parents are entrained from childhood to believe it is. Etymologically, we find that the words educationand training are similar, and that under no pretense should it be assumed that public education is designed to allow free forming thought, moral aptitude, or the ability to self-govern. Education, from, is a noun from the: 1530s, “childrearing,” also “the training of animals,” from Middle French education (14c.) and directly from Latin educationem (nominative educatio) “a rearingtraining,” noun of action from past participle stem of educare (see educate). Originally of instruction in social codes and manners; meaning “systematic schooling and training for work” is from 1610s.
We are trained for a life of useless labor and technical nonsense, filled with information that is not knowledge of anything Real, merely technical training (empty information) to fix and maintain the fictional legal matrix that contains us, just as the lower slave-classes that built the ancient stone megaliths, tombs, and pyramids to their own detriment, in honor of their own ruling class of gods. Today, however, we are being trained (tricked) into building the very fictional, cashless control grid and social construct that enslaves us, much of it completely intangible, existing only as pure information and code in the now global computer mainframe and internet of things. Form without substance — a digital world without (outside of) reality, without foundation. We are but “animals,” even according to the US CODE and various registered patents."

Mind blowing or what?

The above quotes are from the first half of Clint's essay. The second half is just as revealing, perhaps even more so. Clint explodes so many "facts" that are held to be true by both the mainstream and the alternative.

In fact he puts me straight about several things that I have blogged about previously, in total ignorance of the real truth that he demonstrates, with primary source information, in his essay.

Things like the Governments relationship to the Corporations
[it owns them via the pension funds that it controls].
The Government is the Corporations.
The Corporations are the Government.
State controlled Capitalism is the definition of Fascism, plain and simple.

Also things like the Governments relationship to the Media
[it owns them via the pension funds that it controls].

And far, far more.

So if you got this far then, you really should read the original, in it's entirety.

It is a very salutary read but, as Clint says,

"For when the truth is known and adhered to, no hope is needed, and no lie can defeat us."

Here is Clint's 2010 film "The Corporation Nation":

Sunday, 29 July 2018

How money rules

Why the world is as it is - And how it can be changed

This post will need no explanation for anyone who is half awake. It is the most succinct summary of humanity's key problem that I have ever read, anywhere.

My brief comments at the end.

"The World is run by the Banking Cartel, who is the real hegemon, not some Nation State.
When Banks rule, it is obvious that they rule through money. Here is how they do it.
How we know the Banks rule

Let us first ascertain that the Banking Cartel is indeed the hegemon. And this can be proven by one simple statistic: the World is indebted to them to the tune of $247 Trillion Dollars. That is three times World GDP.
This debt costs about $12 Trillion per year to service, which is about one sixth of World GDP. It is known that all this money ends up with the richest 10% of the people worldwide. Even much worse: about a third of this money (about 4 Trillion) ends up with the richest 0,0032%. These are the people that control the Banks.
Compare this to the income of the US Federal Government, which sits at a paltry $3 Trillion. US Government debt to the Bank is about $21 Trillion, and US total debt (including households and corporations) is perhaps as high as $70 Trillion.
Not only is the Government’s income markedly lower than that of the Banking Cartel, it is dependent on them for money.
These numbers are self evident. They expose the true nature of power, and they also show how ridiculous it is to speak of ‘economic growth’ and ‘wealthy countries’. Obviously, the United States cannot be ‘rich’ when it has $70 Trillion (3,5 times GDP) in debt. There will be wealthy people in the US, yes, but the country itself is poor and broke, as is also proven by the fact that 80% of Americans own nothing, and live paycheck to paycheck.
Besides the obvious implications of the massive debt, it has been established that all the major Banks in the World (European, American, Chinese, Japanese) own each other. They ARE a cartel. It’s not speculation, it’s a fact.
Controlling the Money Supply

To control means to be able to start, sustain, and stop something. Banks control the money supply. They create the money, they decide how much money there is, who gets it, and they destroy the money (when debts are repaid).
And they control all the money supplies in the World. Including that of Syria and Iran. And North Korea. Which is not surprising, as the Communist Manifesto demands ´the centralization of all credit in the State, by means of a national bank and an exclusive monopoly’.
Libya seems to have been the last country with monetary independence: Gaddafi ran an interest-free monetary system, with the issueing organization securely in his own hands. People got interest-free loans for business ventures and mortgages. When the ‘rebels’ (Zio-Capitalist-Wahhab proxy goons) were still a bunch of start ups in Benghazi, the first thing ‘they’ (in reality their sponsors in the State Department) produced was a charter for a Central Bank.
All ‘national’ currencies worldwide, are created in the same way: as an interest-bearing debt to the Bank. Which is noteworthy in itself, because there are many natural ways of creating currency, and this uniformity is a key tell-tale sign of centralized control.
It is sometimes hard to fathom for people why money is so incredibly crucial in the economy, but it’s really very simple: money is half of all transactions. The seller provides goods and services, the buyer provides money.
So on the one hand, there are all the goods and services in the World, on the other hand, there is the money.
Money is the gateway to everything else. Without money, most transactions would not take place. By controlling the volume of money, one controls price levels in the economy. By keeping money scarce, one creates artificial scarcity of everything.
By controlling money, one controls the entire economy.
How they translate control of money into control of everything

Here are the three main Banker tools of exploiting control of money:
1) Usury, which is interest on loans of money.
2) Creating inflations and deflations, the boom and bust cycle.
3) Credit allocation: Bankers decide who gets money, and who doesn’t. They control who can invest, and in what.
We have already seen what damage Usury does: working people pay $12 Trillion per year to the idle classes, parasites who inherit billions and suck up billions more in interest, without ever producing anything that is of use to anybody.
Usury is the main driver of debt. The last 25 years or so, States, Corporations and individuals have paid more interest than they currently have debts outstanding. Without Usury, there would hardly be any debt.
By controlling the volume of money, both in the general economy, and in specific markets, they control all price levels. Yes, ALL price levels, in all markets. Even Oil (the biggest market) they can just increase prices tenfold in a matter of moments. They did this in 2006-2008. This is true of all assets and commodities.
By lending liberally, for instance for speculation on the Stock Exchange, or real estate, they create booms, inflations causing higher prices. Next, they cite ‘lack of confidence’, or ‘bad fundamentals’, and stop lending, which diminishes money in the market, and lowers prices, leading to busts.
During the busts, most people are forced into liquidation at depressed prices. Only the Plutocrats have enough money to pick up the pieces for pennies on the dollar.
The 2008 Credit Crunch alone has created about $50 Trillion in damages worldwide (bailouts plus missed economic growth). Unsurprisingly, the wealthy became much wealthier in the last ten years, while working people (the 90/99%) saw income and asset positions decline massively in real terms.
And last, but not least, the Banker privilege of deciding who gets credit: the implication of this is obvious: the absolute worst people in the World get to decide who gets money, who can invest, and in what. Therefore, Bankers decide in what direction society will develop. So obviously we have mass poverty, people working 50 hours per week, 50 weeks per year while having nothing. That is how the filthy rich like it.
When Bankers decide who gets money, then the Fed can just print $16 Trillion for Bank bailouts, while politicians will tell everybody we can’t afford food stamps and social security.

Yes, the Bankers rule, and they rule through money. They prey on our ignorance. We don’t understand they are a Cartel (a Monopoly), we don’t understand how they create the money, how they set all prices, how Usury automatically concentrates all wealth with the very richest.
But once one does understand the problem, the solution is obvious: take control of the money supply, create usury-free credit, manage volume to allow stable prices (which is really not complicated), and allow local communities to allocate credit for their own needs.
Note that the problem is not fixed with some Gold Standard, while they own all the Gold, and will only lend it at interest to us. The problem is also not fixed with letting the State create the money, but leave all credit (at interest!) to Banking. Crypto currencies are bogus items who do not solve any of our monetary problems. Mindless speculation is not going to solve Banking.
Nationalizing the Fed is also far from sufficient, and at best a minute step in the right direction. The Fed only exists to facilitate Commercial and Merchant Banking, and was created by the Banking Industry.
Keep this in mind: the essence of Banking is not ‘money creation’ as most of the Alternative Media will tell you. The quintessential nature of Banking is lending at interest. THAT is what a Bank does, and that is how they have conquered the entire World.
Only interest-free credit can solve Banking and the New World Order."

This explains why there is an endless need for "growth" that is taken as read by all political and government Establishments, everywhere across the planet. Each of us has been brainwashed by this mantra. It is repeated over and over and over again, by their "experts", ad infinitum. So it must be truth hey?

Well, NO.

In truth we humans do not need endless "growth", we just need stability and security. We need food and shelter and security but we have nothing to gain by this "growth" of theirs. But we've all been brainwashed into thinking that we have.

The truth is that, if we want to grow then, we need to create our own, personal, growth.

But to feed the banksters Usury machine then every economy, everywhere, must "grow". This is their dogma, and it feeds their machine, but it is not in OUR interest [see what I did there?]

Only our rulers and their henchmen, and women, gain by this system. This has always been true. It was once admitted by them via their media mouthpiece the Times of London............

In the 19th century, when Abe Lincoln issued "Greenbacks" to fund the US civil war, they were issued by his government, free of interest. The Banksters, who were all from Europe then, wanted to charge the US 30% interest for their loans! But they were denied their usual skim by old Abe.

Here is what the Times had to say about Abe's policy:

"If this mischievous financial policy, which has it's origins in North America, becomes entrenched then, the Government will issue its own money without cost. It will pay off all its debts and be without debt. It will become prosperous to a degree which is without precedent in the history of the world. The brains and wealth of all countries will migrate to North America. That country must be destroyed or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe."

Do think that this may have had something to do with Abe's assassination? Seems pretty obvious to me.

Kings and Queens used to rule.

We are told that politicians, parliaments and courts now rule, by our consent.

But that is a bare faced lie. It's the Banksters stupid............

You may think:

What can I do?
How can I do anything to change this massive worldwide problem?
I'm one small voice among 7 billion; I can't change a thing.


Human consciousness is the key. The more people that understand the problem then, the more chance there is of change. We plebs outnumber the rulers massively. What scares them most is our consciousness. That's why they put so much effort into controlling individuals and society.

Their methods are sophisticated and effective.They want to distract us from these simple truths. They always want to distract us. Radio, TV, Hollywood, Gaming, Professional sports, Gambling, Social media etc etc etc. Anything to "entertain" us and to stop us thinking about the important issues. And they make profits at the same time. It is win win for them.

They certainly know that our consciousness will be unstoppable if it reaches critical mass. A big IF I know

So tell and explain. To as many people as you are able.

The other things that you can do are simple as well:

For a start, do not give them your money. Reduce your spending within their system. Increase your spending outside their system. Local is good, global is their game.

So withdraw from their system as much as you can; in any way that you can.

Make a start at least. Rome wasn't built in a day. Then keep doing whatever you can.

Take your savings out of the bank and put them in a mutual building society.
[Mutual means owned by the members, not the banksters. If you save with a mutual then you automatically become a member. There are several big mutuals based in Yorkshire. Canny folk in "god's own" ;-) ]

Buy more things with cash. Use your credit card less. They want to eliminate cash because they can't control, or tax, a cash economy.

Don't watch TV. At least watch less. And never watch the "news", ever, it is pure unadulterated propaganda which bears little relationship to the real world. Nothing that you ever see on TV is real, nothing, ever. This is obvious if you think about it: images on a screen are not real. The teLIEvision changes your brain state. It sedates you. That's what they want. Your unthinking compliance. Don't give it to them.

Quit Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc etc, all social media. Or at least use it far more sparingly, in a controlled and limited way. Avoid the usual addiction by using your self control. Because the more time that you spend in cyberspace then, the less time you are in the real world. All social media is controlled by the banksters, via their spooks. You didn't think that Zuckerbung actually created Facef**k did you? Don't be silly it was always the spooks, from the get go. They admit that now.

And you didn't think that the spooks actually report to politicians did you? How quaint. Of course they don't, they report to the owners; they work for the owners, the trillionaires, not the people, or society.

Just like the politicians do, all of them. One thing is for sure, nothing will change if all that you do is vote. Voting changes nothing fundamental. The puppets may change but the owners who sit in the shadows never change. The same families have been running the show for many generations, hundreds, even thousands of years.

How do I know this about politicians?

It is quite simple:

Either the politicians know what is the true cause of inequality ie.Usury
Or they don't

If they do then, why do they never tell the voter?
If they don't then, they are ignorant and just useful idiots for the hegemon
I'm not sure which is worse......
Of course I do, most of them know I expect

Anyway, it is clear that social media is the spies wet dream. You voluntarily give up to them ALL of the information about you. They hoover up this mass of info, all of everything electronic, and then use it to control society, and you. Algorithms do the work for them. They don't need to coerce anyone, its all done voluntarily. Like everything else nowadays you do all the work using their software

It's all very clever, but you do not HAVE to help them.

And I've said nothing yet about their lawyers, their academics, their medical people, their pharmaceuticals........

And nothing yet about you growing your own food, supporting your local community, volunteering to help others, giving directly to the needy..........


More here:

The degrading facts of a fake money hole in the head