What could possibly connect together all the following, seemingly disparate, subjects?
* Fabian Socialism [Progressive politics, Eugenics and Cultural Engineering]
* Northern Foods [The biggest food processing company in the UK]
* CIA and its MKUltra program [US spooks and trauma based mind control]
* The Paedophile Information Exchange [Adult/child sex proponents]
* Jimmy Savile [Infamous DJ, friend of royalty and child abuser]
* The Labour Party [Fabians,Tony Blair, Margaret Hodge, Jeremy Corbyn and chums]
Read these blogposts from 2015/16 and find out.
Occult Yorkshire - Fabian Family Secrets and Cultural Engineering in the UK (Intro)
Blog author, Jasun Horsley, is the grandson of Alec Horsley, who was the founder of Northern Foods which is the UK's biggest food company.
Jasun writes a stunning expose of the, more than century old, manipulation of UK politics and culture. He writes from the perspective of a member of a family that was intimately close to the "progressive" UK power Establishment. He shines a light on some very dark corners of this part of the UK Establishment. His grandfather, and his father, were both very wealthy businessmen with broad, and deep, connections to the so called "left" in the UK, and also a large group of unsavoury characters from the criminal, and perverted, underworld.
There are a further 17 posts and the information just piles up and up. Jasun has a disciplined, thoughtful and non-accusatory, style. His method is to simply lay the evidence out and leave the readers to draw their own conclusions; to think hard for themselves and to join up the dots.
If you still think, despite all evidence to the contrary, that "progressive" politics in the UK is adequately represented by The Labour Party then, you should probably stop reading NOW.
Certainly Jasun's work is not for the fainthearted.
In my attempt to summarise then I have simply selected a very small representation of the relevant info. There is far, far, more in the detailed posts themselves. In fact the extensive comments at the end of some of the posts are almost as informative as the posts themselves.
I have written a short summary for each post and provided the link. If you want to "cut to the chase", and can't be bothered to read them all, then I suggest that you scroll down and read parts 12 to 17. If you do this then you will still learn some astounding information but you will miss the historical background and context.
NB. Occult means "knowledge of the hidden"; although in common usage it means "knowledge of the paranormal"
Occult Yorkshire - Fabian Family Secrets and Cultural Engineering in the UK (Intro)
Jasun's introduction to the series and to his family:
"My brother and I were born into that same sort of privilege. Our grandfather, Alec Horsley, went to Oxford, was assistant District Officer in Nigeria from 1925 to 1932, and founded his own business, Northern Dairies, 1937. He was also a founding member of the Hull Fabian Society, whose logo was and is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. The Fabian Society laid the foundations for the UK Labor party, and Russell Brand is currently advocating their ideas to the masses: a curious detail because my brother saw Brand as a rival (besides a penchant for top hats, sex, and drugs, there are other striking parallels between them; onTime Out’s list of drug-users, Brand is no. 9 to my brother’s 7). In my grandfather’s day, Fabian Society members advocated the ideal of “a scientifically planned society” which included “eugenics by way of sterilization.” The Hull branch of the Fabians was established in 1943, with sixteen members including a committee chaired by my grandfather. Apparently my grandfather followed closely in his associate Bertrand Russell’s footsteps, being an aristocrat who spoke out for the common man yet had little in common with him. (As far as I know, and apart from visiting prisons, he rarely if ever mixed with the lower classes.)
My father, Nicholas Horsley, joined Northern Dairies in the late 1950s, shortly after meeting my mother. Eventually, he took over as chairman and Northern Dairies became Northern Foods, a massive conglomerate most famously affiliated with Marks & Spencer (Northern Foods “invented” the packaged sandwich and pioneered package meals). I was only dimly aware of any of this while growing up. The most significant development for me as a child was probably when Northern Foods forged an alliance with (Fabian-affiliated) Rowntree Mackintosh, which meant our house was always full of chocolates. What I was aware of were the many parties at both our own house and that of our grandparents, and of the many strangers who came and went, the general atmosphere of drunkenness, social and intellectual idealism, sexual license, and my grandfather’s peculiar interest, not just in celebrity but in criminality."
Occult Yorkshire: Fabian Family Secrets and Cultural Engineering in the UK (Part 1)
Family background and some famous connections:
"This present work all started while I was finishing a memoir in movies which, despite its confessional nature, started out as a relatively light, accessible work. For the last couple of chapters, however, I chose to focus on my brother; as might have been expected, it took a sudden dive into darker waters, pertaining for example to Jimmy Savile and the implications of his activities for those of us who grew up in the UK with “Uncle Jimmy” as our cultural benefactor. In retrospect, I’d only been waiting for the opportunity, or rather, the impetus, to start dredging these waters for bodies, and it was inevitable that sooner or later I would get around to it. The Savile affair marked the intersection for me of a lifetime’s interests and concerns: pop culture, conspiracy, crime, madness, occultism, psy-ops, child abuse, trauma, and, because Savile’s influence on my own psyche goes back to that time, childhood memories—or the absence of them."
A balanced overview of Fabianism. Not a conspiracy theorist in sight:
"“To speak of scientific management in school and society without crediting the influence of the Fabians would do great disservice to truth, but the nature of Fabianism is so complex it raises questions this essay cannot answer. To deal with the Fabians in a brief compass as I’m going to do is to deal necessarily in simplifications in order to see a little how this charming group of scholars, writers, heirs, heiresses, scientists, philosophers, bombazines, gazebos, trust-fund babies, and successful men and women of affairs became the most potent force in the creation of the modern welfare state, distributors of its characteristically dumbed-down version of schooling.”
—John Taylor Gatto, Underground History of American Education"
"Gatto trumps and essentially invalidates a large subculture of conspiracy theorists and right-wing, anti-socialist writers, by pointing out:
“One insightful Hegelianism was that to push ideas efficiently it was necessary first to co-opt both political Left and political Right. Adversarial politics–competition–was a loser’s game. By infiltrating all major media, by continual low-intensity propaganda, by massive changes in group orientations (accomplished through principles developed in the psychological-warfare bureaus of the military), and with the ability, using government intelligence agents and press contacts, to induce a succession of crises, they accomplished that astonishing feat.”"
The roots of Fabianism. It was founded by a sexologist:
"The link between the Fabian Society and the Pedophile Information Exchange, while unmistakable, was also inconclusive. It was necessary to go further back, to the founding Fabians, to get a better sense of the philosophy which my grandfather embraced.
As far as I can trace it, the Fabian Society (originally the Fellowship of New Life) began with the sexologist Henry Havelock Ellis (some accounts have spiritualist Frank Podmore as the originator). The son of a sea captain, born in Croydon in 1859, Ellis travelled widely in Australia and South America before studying medicine at St. Thomas’ Hospital in London. In 1883, he joined a socialist debating group established by Edith Nesbit and Hubert Bland, and in 1884 the group became known as the Fabian Society. At these meetings, Ellis met Annie Besant, Graham Wallas, George Bernard Shaw, Edward Carpenter, Walter Crane, H. G. Wells, and Sidney and Beatrice Webb."
Progressive Politics & Witchcraft: Brazier’s Park, Order of Woodcraft, Common Wealth (Occult Yorkshire 4)
The Order of Woodcraft Chivalry, a New Age alternative to the boy scouts. It provided the basis for the New Forest coven and, through that, the Neopagan religion of Wicca:
"“Under Socialism, you would not be allowed to be poor. You would be forcibly fed, clothed, lodged, taught, and employed whether you liked it or not. If it were discovered that you had not character and industry enough to be worth all this trouble, you might possibly be executed in a kindly manner; but whilst you were permitted to live, you would have to live well.”
—George Bernard Shaw, The Intelligent Woman’s Guide to Socialism and Capitalism"
Progressive Schools: Grith Fyrd, Theosophy, Vegetarianism (Occult Yorkshire 5)
Sex, Drugs, Rock & Roll, & Dandies (Occult Yorkshire 6)
Mass Observation & Dance Halls (Occult Yorkshire 8)
While this is entirely speculative (a theory that hints of conspiracy, no less), it does provide a meaningful context—coherence—to some strange and irrefutable fact. It might also explain why the same names continue to pop up, again and again, as I explore the shadowy backdrop to my own family history." Bold is my emphasis
Jasun's Fabian schooling:
"As far as I know, we weren’t sent to Abbotsholme on Alec’s recommendation, however, but that of our stepfather (Michael Vodden, who taught English in India after the Second World War and who allegedly knew Lord Mountbatten, widely rumored to have been connected to the Kincora Boy’s Home abuse scandal, in Belfast, Ireland, and the man who introduced Jimmy Savile to the Royal family[3]). This can hardly be called a coincidence, but nor does it imply any sort of secret agenda; my family considered itself “progressive,” and there were only a few schools in the UK that fit that bill. In fact, Abbotsholme, founded by Cecil Reddie, was considered the original modern progressive school....... Fabianism, Quakers, Wicca, Theosophy, children’s education, “a return to nature,” sexual freedom, all tied together in the school which I and my siblings had ended up at. Who knew? I left after two terms by mutual agreement. I was unhappy being away from home, at least that’s how I remember it. I also got into a lot of trouble while there. I don’t remember anything especially strange about the teachers or the education methods, but I do have a set of slightly anomalous memories from my short time there......Just like many of the Fabian ideas about progressive education, free sexuality, and consciousness expansion, Grith Fyrd was very much an early expression of what would (thirty years later) become known as “the counterculture.” Its heyday was in the 1930s, before the idea of camping out became tainted by associations with fascism (and youth movements associated with Hitler Youth). During that period, its history was “littered with characters one might fairly describe as crackpots: sandal-wearing, fruit juice-drinking vegetarians with beards, curious medieval yearnings and unscientific theories on child rearing, sun worship and gymnosophy."
Here is Jasun's school logo. It's a pentagram!!!!:
From Jasun's brother Sebastian [who had only 3 interests: sex, drugs and dandyism] to Marianne Faithful, Mick Jagger and the LSE. Via The Order of Woodcraft Chivalry, MI6, Heinrich Himmler, Operation Paperclip and OSS, Tom Driberg and Lord Boothby:
Food Control, World Control: Suez Crisis, Northern Dairies, Marks & Spencer (Occult Yorkshire 7)
"Rock and roll (as well as dandyism) also overlapped with the “back to the roots” Fabian schooling movement (“a mixture of Freud and Red Indians,” remember). An important member of the Braziers Park community, for example, was Glynn Faithfull, who met Glaister through the Order of Woodcraft Chivalry. Faithfull had been an academic at the University of Liverpool, studied the Italian renaissance, and worked for MI6 during World War II. He was married to Baroness Eva Erisso, a former ballerina, and their daughter was the singer and actress Marianne Faithfull. According to Marianne’s second memoir (Memories, Dreams, Reflections, curiously the same title as Jung’s autobiography), Glynn Faithfull was the person called in to interrogate Heinrich Himmler after Himmler surrendered himself to the US government, on realizing that the Nazis would soon be defeated. Faithfull allegedly failed to search Himmler well enough to find a cyanide capsule on his person, thereby allowing Himmler to allegedly take his own life, allegedly to be buried in an unmarked grave somewhere. This is a curious enough little tale even before noting that all this happened during the same period in which, via Operation Paperclip, leading Nazis were being incorporated into the OSS, soon to become the CIA. But anyway."
Here is Sebastian's self designed coat or arms - hookers, dealers and tailors:
The "socialist" Horsley family make a fortune with the stock market flotation of Northern Foods. With a little help from their Labour Party connections and the Suez crisis:
"For a company to become public as Northern Dairies did in 1956 means it can begin selling shares to “the general populace”—i.e., to rich people—and so become part of the stock exchange. This allows the company to raise funds and capital through the sale of their securities, in other words, to make money off money. Shareholders don’t doanything to make money, they just own shares and receive dividends. It’s pure capitalism, and about as far from a socialist philosophy as it’s possible to get. I should know: as one of these shareholders, from about the age of fifteen or so, I knew that (if I played my cards right) I would never have to work a day in my life. Once I turned eighteen and took ownership of my stock, I embraced a life of social freedom and irresponsibility (i.e., I did whatever the hell I pleased). Here’s a description of my lifestyle from the one piece I ever managed to get into The Guardian (the “Experience” section, open to everyone):
“On an average day, I woke around 1pm, ate, drove my black Opel Manta to the West End and spent £200 on records, videos, comics and books. On less adventurous days, I rented three or four movies from the local video store, ate an M&S dinner, rolled five or six joints, and spent half the night getting high. If I already had movies, I often didn’t get out of bed, just rolled a joint and turned on the TV. On my 20th birthday, I moved to New York. Beyond the locale, nothing much changed. When I wasn’t enjoying pot and movies in my Bowery bedsit, I was drinking tequila and snorting cocaine in an East Village bar. If anyone asked what I did for a living, I took great pleasure in telling them: ‘You’re looking at it.’”
This was the legacy of my “socialist” father and grandfather, and it was one that, within six or seven years, I found so burdensome that I effectively threw all my shares away."
“On an average day, I woke around 1pm, ate, drove my black Opel Manta to the West End and spent £200 on records, videos, comics and books. On less adventurous days, I rented three or four movies from the local video store, ate an M&S dinner, rolled five or six joints, and spent half the night getting high. If I already had movies, I often didn’t get out of bed, just rolled a joint and turned on the TV. On my 20th birthday, I moved to New York. Beyond the locale, nothing much changed. When I wasn’t enjoying pot and movies in my Bowery bedsit, I was drinking tequila and snorting cocaine in an East Village bar. If anyone asked what I did for a living, I took great pleasure in telling them: ‘You’re looking at it.’”
This was the legacy of my “socialist” father and grandfather, and it was one that, within six or seven years, I found so burdensome that I effectively threw all my shares away."
Mass Observation & Dance Halls (Occult Yorkshire 8)
The studying of the habits of the working class by the ruling class was akin to early mass surveillance:
"The evidence provided by the Mass Observation material indicates that the world of pop music and dance halls was of crucial interest to the ruling class and, in fact, that it was being used to implement long-term social goals. Before attaining prominence as the leading scion of pop music in the 1960s, Savile (as well as the Kray twins) would run his own clubs in the 1950s, a period when wartime dance halls steadily morphed into gangster-run venues for drugs and prostitution. And not only did the budding new dance culture overlap with the crime underworld populated by the Kray twins and Jimmy Boyle (and possibly Ian Brady, Myra Hindley, and Savile’s pal Yorkshire “Ripper” Peter Sutcliff), it also intersected with the interests of members of parliament, from social reformers like Acland to occult-dabblers like Driberg and known pedophiles like Lord Boothby. Is it a leap to suppose that Savile’s involvement with the world of dance music was part and parcel with his connection to, or employment by, governmental agencies?
While this is entirely speculative (a theory that hints of conspiracy, no less), it does provide a meaningful context—coherence—to some strange and irrefutable fact. It might also explain why the same names continue to pop up, again and again, as I explore the shadowy backdrop to my own family history." Bold is my emphasis
"One thing is certain: the direction of modern schooling for the bottom 90 percent of our society has followed a largely Fabian design—and the puzzling security and prestige enjoyed at the moment by those who speak of ‘globalism’ and ‘multiculturalism’ are a direct result of heed paid earlier to Fabian prophecies that a welfare state, followed by an intense focus on internationalism, would be the mechanism elevating corporate society over political society, and a necessary precursor to utopia. Fabian theory is the Das Kapital of financial capitalism." Elevating corporate over political is exactly what has happened. Sounds very like fascism don't you think?
Evolutionary Theory and Social Engineering (Occult Yorkshire 9)
Stress and Fabian evolutionary theory. The dark underbelly of modern "socialism". How post WW2 nationalisation helped the capitalists and screwed the workers. Controlled opposition, as usual, then:
"A more mundane but apropos example would be that of the “New Labor” movement in Britain in the 1950s. From “Going Public,” by Peter Morgan, Socialist Review, Feb 1995, emphasis added:
“The nationalizations created a cheap infrastructure to get Britain’s economy moving again—largely for the benefit of private industry. It was all the old and bankrupt industries that were nationalized—the most unprofitable 20 percent of British industry. For workers, however, there seemed to be little change. A series of studies by the Acton Society undertaken between 1950 and 1952 showed there was a widespread feeling that public ownership had merely provided ‘jobs for the boys’ and the ‘same old gang’ in power again. . . . Thus nationalization signified no new beginning for Labor. It didn’t mark a shift in the distribution of wealth in favor of the working class. Control remained essentially in the hands of many of the same capitalists who were then able to use the compensation they received from the government to invest in more profitable industries. Workers were accorded no greater say in decision making, and gained no economic benefit. Labor’s plan had nothing to do with socialism—it provided a state overview and assistance for the revival of British capitalism.”" Bold is my emphasis.
British links to the infamous MKULTRA CIA operation, trauma based mind control. Via William Sargant, MI5 and magic mushroom hallucinogens:
"All of this (i.e., from the last blog post) inevitably conjures associations with the CIA’s notorious mind control program of the 1950s and beyond, MKULTRA. And as it happens, there is an overlap here also, in the form of William Sargant. Sargant was a contemporary of my grandfather and a British psychiatrist best remembered for promoting treatments such as psychosurgery, deep sleep treatment, electroconvulsive therapy and insulin shock therapy. Sargant worked in some capacity for MI5 (and possibly MI6), and corresponded with the infamous psychiatrist Ewen Cameron (who was performing MKULTRA research in Canada). While he reputedly wanted the British government to distance itself from the CIA project (he called it “blacker than black”[ref]), he remained committed to the principle of mind control, and allegedly became the link between British Intelligence and MKULTRA."
Including the use of science to consolidate the control of the ruing class:
Bertrand Russell [Fabian]: "[T]the scientific rulers will provide one kind of education for ordinary men and women, and another for those who are to become holders of scientific power. Ordinary men and women will be expected to be docile, industrious, punctual, thoughtless, and contented. Of these qualities, probably contentment will be considered the most important. In order to produce it, all the researches of psycho-analysis, behaviourism, and biochemistry will be brought into play. . . . All the boys and girls will learn from an early age to be what is called ‘co-operative,’ i.e., to do exactly what everybody is doing. Initiative will be discouraged in these children, and insubordination, without being punished, will be scientifically trained out of them. . . . Except for the one matter of loyalty to the world State and to their own order, members of the governing class will be encouraged to be adventurous and full of initiative. It will be recognized that it is their business to improve scientific technique, and to keep the manual workers contented by means of continual new amusements. . . . In normal cases, children of sufficient heredity will be admitted to the governing class from the moment of conception. I start with this moment rather than birth since it is from this moment and not merely the moment of birth that the treatment of the two classes will be different.If, however, by the time the child reaches the age of three it is fairly
clear that he does not attain the required standard, he will be degraded at that point." Bold is my emphasis.
This chapter links William Sargant of MKULTRA infamy to the UK Labour Party via the Fabian Labour politician David Owen [Dr Death], now Lord Owen. And through Owen to prolific child abuser Jimmy Savile, Broadmoor Hospital and the NHS. The chapter also examines the history of "child guidance" in the UK and its links to Fabians, and also the infamous Rockefeller Foundation, and the infamous Tavistock Institute:
"As a possibly last series of connections to map, I am returning to Robert Graves’ buddy William Sargant, who worked at St Thomas’ Hospital from 1948 to the end of his career as head of the department of psychological medicine. In 1962, Sargant found himself a new assistant in one David Owen, a neurology and psychiatric registrar who had only just qualified as a doctor. Two years earlier, Owen had joined the Vauxhall branch of the Labor Party and the Fabian Society.[1] The reason this is relevant is that Owen was allegedly complicit in allowing Jimmy Savile access to the psychiatric hospital Broadmoor, where he (Savile) abused countless patients over a period between 1968 and 2004 (when Savile had use of a personal set of keys to the hospital). According to The Daily Telegraph, Savile’s “involvement at Broadmoor was rubber-stamped in 1974 by Dr. David Owen, now Lord Owen, who was health minister.” Thanks to Owen, Savile “came to be in charge of Broadmoor for a period in the 1980s when he was put in charge of a task force to run the secure hospital.”"
A shocking chapter for me. Institutionalised child abuse in Islington, London was covered up by Labour politician Margaret Hodge. Labour Prime Minister Tony Blair was so cynical that, years later and with full knowledge of her cover up, he appointed Hodge as "Children's Minister"!!!!!:
[Current Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn's constituency is Islington. He was MP at the time that the infamous child abuse scandal was covered up by Hodge. Can anyone credibly believe that he was not aware of what was going on? Damned if he was, damned if he wasn't.]
"As leader of Islington Council, Margaret Hodge was responsible for allowing this alleged, nationwide network to continue its predations of children in the care system. Indifferent to the implications, Prime Minister Tony Blair made her Children’s Minister in 2003, ten years after the abuse first became public. According to The Daily Telegraph, reporting on 6th April 2014, one victim from an Islington care home alleged that “Jimmy Savile taxis” regularly came to the home, “suggesting that children were collected there and ferried to Savile, who used his position as a celebrity to procure children. . . . Michael Gove, the Education Secretary, has instigated investigations into 21 children’s homes around the country where Savile is suspected of abusing vulnerable young people.”
That same day, The Telegraph ran another article, called “Jimmy Savile sex abuse: ‘Islington is still covering up,’” citing the 1995 White Report which was a response to The Evening Standard’s 112-page dossier of evidence.
“Parents, children and staff reiterated to White the paper’s allegations—including that violent pimps openly collected children from the home, and were even allowed by staff to stay overnight in children’s rooms. White, then director of Oxfordshire social services, confirmed that Islington allowed at least 26 workers facing ‘extremely serious allegations’ to leave its employ without investigation. Staff accused of everything from rape to child prostitution had been allowed to resign, often with good references. He described Islington as a ‘classic study’ in how pedophiles target children, aided by the council’s naive interpretation of gay rights. Islington was deeply influenced by and had many connections to the Paedophile Information Exchange. In the fatally naïve 1970s to mid-80s, PIE openly campaigned for sex to be legalized with children from age four, and for incest and child pornography to be legalized. The National Council for Civil Liberties—now Liberty—allowed it to affiliate and its then legal officer Harriet Harman wrote a paper effectively backing some PIE demands. The assumption in those ‘progressive’ days was that pedophiles simply loved children and wanted to ‘liberate’ their sexuality.”
That same day, The Telegraph ran another article, called “Jimmy Savile sex abuse: ‘Islington is still covering up,’” citing the 1995 White Report which was a response to The Evening Standard’s 112-page dossier of evidence.
“Parents, children and staff reiterated to White the paper’s allegations—including that violent pimps openly collected children from the home, and were even allowed by staff to stay overnight in children’s rooms. White, then director of Oxfordshire social services, confirmed that Islington allowed at least 26 workers facing ‘extremely serious allegations’ to leave its employ without investigation. Staff accused of everything from rape to child prostitution had been allowed to resign, often with good references. He described Islington as a ‘classic study’ in how pedophiles target children, aided by the council’s naive interpretation of gay rights. Islington was deeply influenced by and had many connections to the Paedophile Information Exchange. In the fatally naïve 1970s to mid-80s, PIE openly campaigned for sex to be legalized with children from age four, and for incest and child pornography to be legalized. The National Council for Civil Liberties—now Liberty—allowed it to affiliate and its then legal officer Harriet Harman wrote a paper effectively backing some PIE demands. The assumption in those ‘progressive’ days was that pedophiles simply loved children and wanted to ‘liberate’ their sexuality.”
Harriet Harman has described Margaret Hodge as her best friend in Parliament. Hodge’s late husband, Henry Hodge, was also an Islington Labor councilor, and a former chairman of the National Council for Civil Liberties. In 1985, Margaret Hodge “announced that Islington Council would positively discriminate in favor of gay staff. It exempted self-declared gay men from background checks, and pedophiles pretending to be decent gay men cynically exploited this.” Righton meanwhile had founded a training course for residential workers. Pedophilia, he declared in one essay, was “no more bizarre than a penchant for redheads.”" Bold is my emphasis. Progressives? Cynical? Or stupid? A bit of each I guess.
Child Abuse as Sex Magick & Sexual Research: Aleister Crowley & Alfred Kinsey (Occult Yorkshire 14)
"Progressive" sexual schemers and the nasty things that they did in the name of science:
" In 1948, Alfred Kinsey published Sexual Behavior in the Human Male, revealing to the public that homosexuality was far more widespread than was commonly believed. The book also reported Kinsey’s findings about child sexuality. Tables 31-34 were the tables or lists in the book which purported to display the number of times infants and young children were aroused when the researcher attempted to masturbate them. The table noted that “many of the infants cried and fought” against this so-called “clinical research."
"Her charges were eventually confirmed, in the August 25, 1997, issue of the New Yorker, by James H. Jones, former-member of the Kinsey Institute’s Scientific Board of Advisors; they were then validated by the Institute for Media Education. According to Reisman, however, Jones avoided any mention of the hundreds of infants and children under Kinsey’s control.
“These little ones could not talk or flee from the sexual assaults, both ‘oral and manual,’ they endured from the Kinsey pedophile team, the ‘trained observers’ who used stop watches as they raped the infants and boys to record their ‘thing.’ Jones justifies these heinous and sadistic experiments by simply saying Kinsey desired to free society from its “disapproval of adult-child sexual contacts.” [1]"
World Process: Kinderladen, Pedophile Information Exchange, & Labor (Occult Yorkshire 15)
The Labour Party and the Paedophile Information Exchange. Progressive politics gone mad:
"Other leading Labor figures more directly connected to PIE are Harriet Harman and Patricia Hewitt, who first encountered the group when they were working in the National Council for Civil Liberties. According to a Daily Mailpiece from 1976, “the NCCL filed a submission to a parliamentary committee claiming that a proposed Bill to protect children from sex abusers would lead to ‘damaging and absurd prosecutions.’ . . . . ‘Childhood sexual experiences, willingly engaged in, with an adult result in no identifiable damage,’ it read. ‘The real need is a change in the attitude which assumes that all cases of paedophilia result in lasting damage’” (emphasis added). In 1978, Harriet Harman became the NCCL’s legal officer and promptly wrote its official response to Parliament’s Protection of Children Bill, which sought to ban child pornography. Harman argued that “a pornographic picture of a naked child should not be considered indecent unless it could be proven that the subject had suffered.”
A Master Key: Northern Foods, MI5, Lord Haskins (Occult Yorkshire 16)
"In Dandy in the Underworld, my brother writes how Alec’s house “set the scene for the first business meeting between Gordon White and James Hanson, both of whom became Lords (and later were known as “Lord of the Raiders”).[ref] Hanson and White were controversial figures who were notoriously devoted to making a fast buck using any means necessary. White was written into the script of Oliver Stone’s Wall Street as Sir Larry Wildman (played by actor Terence Stamp), and Hanson went Hollywood in his own way, having affairs with Audrey Hepburn, Jean Simmons, and Joan Collins. If these were the sorts of people my grandfather considered desirable bed-fellows, clearly his political and ethical principles were a lot more “flexible” than we grew up believing. And, by all accounts, Alec’s personality was anything but a “liberal” or compassionate one: he was unanimously described by his children (and by my mother) as a bully."
"My strong sense, regarding my father and all of this intrigue, is that it relates directly to why he always hated his own father and never forgave him, even after Alec had died. Of course, there was the bullying from an early age, which presumably had a lot to do with my father ending up taking over the mantles of Northern Dairies and turning it into Northern Foods (as well as his futile attempt to escape that fate by traveling around North America and marrying my mother). But I suspect there was a deeper reason for the recrimination, one that related to that wolf in sheep’s clothing, and to my father’s own slow, inexorable journey of discovery, regarding the true nature of power and the price of aligning with it. The power originally represented by the world which he had set out to reform, and the power that was slowly revealed as the legacy which he’d inherited. Simply put, if in some sense my father was deceived into picking up the family business and “the Horsley cause,” under the impression that it was a means to bring about social reforms for the good of all, what must he have gone through on beginning to realize that the ends being served were those of the ruling class and always had been, and that the common man was—as made explicit in Bertrand Russell’s scientific manifesto—never meant to be anything but eggs for an elitist omelet?
A Lamb Among Wolves (Occult Yorkshire 17)
Richard Dawkins, Gore Vidal and Sebastian Horsely. Jasun sums up. A moving testament to his strange, and unsettling, personal history. A history that is hidden from his conscious mind:
"In this view sexual interference is, as my brother and Dawkins and Vidal saw it, a silly thing to get worked up about. Those who are selected to be part of the ruling class, who have gone through the “hazing” rituals of the private school system, Baliol, etc., have transitioned from being objects of abuse to perpetrators, acting at a conscious, empowered level. The poison containers have become the poison deliverers. The sociopathic virus necessary to become one of the social engineers has taken root. We never really see the hideous truth of this, because the sociopaths present themselves to us as social leaders and cultural heroes. They are the proof of their own pudding.
The question that drives this written investigation, of course, is: to what extent am I also carrying this virus? Was I a victim of sexual interference as a child? If so, was it directly related to the groups and individuals, the philosophies, methods, and goals, being described, or only indirectly? Part of me wants to write that I have no reason to believe I was sexually abused, while knowing that this entire piece is nothing but a checklist of reasons. Combine all of this with the fact that, like my brother, I exhibit countless symptoms of being abused, from compulsive nose-picking to nighttime butt cramps, from anxiety about physical contact and general discomfort with my sexuality to all manner of dreams and waking fantasies—and it no longer really seems like a question of if, but only of when, who, how severe, how often, and under what circumstances? There may be no way to know, because of course, while there is every reason to believe, there is no memory to substantiate the belief. And memory, to reasonable creatures, is the substance of reality.
At the end of this epic uncovering of facts that may or may not make up a coherent narrative, the passage in my brother’s book referring to my “marvelous beauty [as a child] which stopped strangers in the streets,” and to “a pedophile invited into the family circle [who] could hardly have been expected to be indifferent,” begins to look like the proverbial smoking gun—the ferocious tip of a family iceberg.[2] At this point, I would think anyone reading might wonder how I could even doubt that something terrible happened to me. A lamb does not fall among wolves without getting devoured, Nature does what it is, and the truth is, I no longer doubt it, if nothing else because I have persuaded myself, which was really what all of this digging up of old bones, and painstaking reconstruction of the corpse, was about. I have persuaded myself to accept the unacceptable.
Nor would I think it would—or should—be of any great interest to readers who are not directly involved in the same circles; except that, if the evidence speaks as clearly as I hope it does, these circles probably include anyone who grew up in the UK, or the US, or Europe, during the 50s, or 60s, or 70s, or 80s, or . . . . Most of all, I hope this testimony makes it clear that a person can be in the very thick of wolves—and even have one’s psyche torn to shreds by them—and somehow maintain the illusion of living quietly among sheep, unharmed and whole.
That’s the last thing this piece testifies to: the sheer lasting damage done by such unwanted, undefended proximity to sexual predations and to destructive, deceptive, sociopathic ideologies. An ironic point, because the sheer fact of my compulsive need to map all of this out (which has only gone on overtly for about eighteen months, but which I see now has been underway my entire adult life and drove me to write and travel the world in the first place) is the proof of how profoundly impacted I have been by those early, suppressed experiences, whatever they were. I have been cut off from my own life force, my own sense of reality; and there is nothing more tormenting than being cut off from a sense of reality.
Going into the past has been a way to identify all the ways in which I have been unable to be myself, and why: the false beliefs, values, complexes, neuroses, fears, drives, compulsions, obsessions, all sourced in a network of traumas that make up both my own false identity and the Fabian-fueled, Savile-saturated culture that spawned it. All the ways in which I have been unable to live inside my own body, to have access to my total psyche, and to be my own man. All the ways in which my life has not been mine to live."
The Labour Party and the Paedophile Information Exchange. Progressive politics gone mad:
"Other leading Labor figures more directly connected to PIE are Harriet Harman and Patricia Hewitt, who first encountered the group when they were working in the National Council for Civil Liberties. According to a Daily Mailpiece from 1976, “the NCCL filed a submission to a parliamentary committee claiming that a proposed Bill to protect children from sex abusers would lead to ‘damaging and absurd prosecutions.’ . . . . ‘Childhood sexual experiences, willingly engaged in, with an adult result in no identifiable damage,’ it read. ‘The real need is a change in the attitude which assumes that all cases of paedophilia result in lasting damage’” (emphasis added). In 1978, Harriet Harman became the NCCL’s legal officer and promptly wrote its official response to Parliament’s Protection of Children Bill, which sought to ban child pornography. Harman argued that “a pornographic picture of a naked child should not be considered indecent unless it could be proven that the subject had suffered.”
Patricia Hewitt was part of the NCCL before PIE was formed and continued there throughout its existence. She stuck up for Tom O’Carroll after he was convicted in 1981 for “conspiracy to corrupt public morals” over the contact ads section of Magpie. “Conspiring to corrupt public morals,” Hewitt wrote, “is an offence incapable of definition or precise proof.” She argued that O’Carroll’s involvement in distributing child pornography had “overshadowed the deplorable nature of the conspiracy charge used by the prosecution.” I spend so much time on these characters because many of them show up again in the 2000s, as part of Tony Blair’s “Brain Trust,” a New Labor incentive that included Rupert Murdoch, two of Jenkins’ devotees David Marquand and Peter Madelson, Patricia Hewitt, David Puttnam, Melvyn Bragg, and—my uncle, Lord Haskins.[5]
While it would be premature to suppose that everyone operating inside these circles of power is necessarily implicated in the sexual abuse that clearly proliferates within them, at the very least, it seems almost unthinkable they would not have known about it." Bold is my emphasis.
Northern Foods founder Alec, was followed by his son Nick, and he was followed by Chris, now Lord, Haskins. All of them Labour Progressives and all of them up to their necks in it:
"My strong sense, regarding my father and all of this intrigue, is that it relates directly to why he always hated his own father and never forgave him, even after Alec had died. Of course, there was the bullying from an early age, which presumably had a lot to do with my father ending up taking over the mantles of Northern Dairies and turning it into Northern Foods (as well as his futile attempt to escape that fate by traveling around North America and marrying my mother). But I suspect there was a deeper reason for the recrimination, one that related to that wolf in sheep’s clothing, and to my father’s own slow, inexorable journey of discovery, regarding the true nature of power and the price of aligning with it. The power originally represented by the world which he had set out to reform, and the power that was slowly revealed as the legacy which he’d inherited. Simply put, if in some sense my father was deceived into picking up the family business and “the Horsley cause,” under the impression that it was a means to bring about social reforms for the good of all, what must he have gone through on beginning to realize that the ends being served were those of the ruling class and always had been, and that the common man was—as made explicit in Bertrand Russell’s scientific manifesto—never meant to be anything but eggs for an elitist omelet?
The wolf would seem to be more nakedly apparent in the career trajectory of my father’s successor as chairman, Lord Haskins. Haskins went from Northern Foods (where he strongly advocated the adoption of GMO products) to being a key player in Tony Blair’s New Labor government. Before that, in 1997 (while still at Northern Foods), Haskins was placed in charge of something called The Better Regulation Task Force (BRTF), a program set up by New Labor “to free business from ‘red tape’ [and] save bosses from what they see as ‘unnecessary’ restrictions on their profits.”[ref] The BRTF was also involved in reviewing the standards in hospitals and care homes:
-Fit Person Criteria: a review of the criteria used to judge people’s suitability for certain occupations-Early Education and Day Care
-Long-term Care: We said in May 1998, “It is essential that a clear distinction is made between mandatory requirements, focused on the safety and protection of those in care, and benchmark – or as we describe them, ‘aspirational’ standards.” (The Better Regulation Task Force report PDF download, emphasis added)
After the Islington care home scandal of 1993, there can be no doubt that the Labor government was fully aware of the sexual abuse that had been occurring in care homes, and while Jimmy Savile’s predations within the NHS hospital system weren’t exposed until 2015, they were ongoing in the 1990s. The question of whether the BRTF was involved in a genuine clean-up or merely a cover-up is one that clearly needs to be raised. In Statism by Stealth; New Labour, new collectivism, Martin McElwee and Andrew Tyrine, MP, write:
The state’s regulatory role has also been greatly extended in care homes and private hospitals. The Care Standards Act 2000 sets out all the areas in which Ministers may now make regulations – for private hospitals, care homes and boarding schools. It sets up the new Care Standards Commission, empowered to regulate all private and public care homes. While care homes have long been subject to some degree of regulation, the new Commission enjoys unprecedented powers. Persons wishing to become care workers will have to register with another new body, the General Social Care Council (emphasis added).
Haskins was Chairman of BRTF from 1997 to 2002. He became a Baron of the British Empire in 1998, and was recruited by Blair as “rural tsar” in 2001. The steps—or initiation rites—he had to take to make the transition from CEO to the House of Lords are unknown, to me at least. Nor do I have any plans on asking him.
Haskins also belonged to the Centre for European Reform (CER), a lobby group which, according to a well-referenced article at Wikispooks, is closely associated with the American Enterprise Initiative and Atlantic Council, and appears to have “both UK and US intelligence connections as part of the UK’s role as an agent for the US in the EU.” (See also here.) As well as Haskins, its members include Jenkins alumni and Bilderberg member, Peter Mandleson. Haskins is also a patron of the Whitehall and Industry Group, “a body that aims to bridge the gap between business and government,” and which seems to blur the line between corporations and intelligence work, specifically MI5:"
Richard Dawkins, Gore Vidal and Sebastian Horsely. Jasun sums up. A moving testament to his strange, and unsettling, personal history. A history that is hidden from his conscious mind:
"In this view sexual interference is, as my brother and Dawkins and Vidal saw it, a silly thing to get worked up about. Those who are selected to be part of the ruling class, who have gone through the “hazing” rituals of the private school system, Baliol, etc., have transitioned from being objects of abuse to perpetrators, acting at a conscious, empowered level. The poison containers have become the poison deliverers. The sociopathic virus necessary to become one of the social engineers has taken root. We never really see the hideous truth of this, because the sociopaths present themselves to us as social leaders and cultural heroes. They are the proof of their own pudding.
The question that drives this written investigation, of course, is: to what extent am I also carrying this virus? Was I a victim of sexual interference as a child? If so, was it directly related to the groups and individuals, the philosophies, methods, and goals, being described, or only indirectly? Part of me wants to write that I have no reason to believe I was sexually abused, while knowing that this entire piece is nothing but a checklist of reasons. Combine all of this with the fact that, like my brother, I exhibit countless symptoms of being abused, from compulsive nose-picking to nighttime butt cramps, from anxiety about physical contact and general discomfort with my sexuality to all manner of dreams and waking fantasies—and it no longer really seems like a question of if, but only of when, who, how severe, how often, and under what circumstances? There may be no way to know, because of course, while there is every reason to believe, there is no memory to substantiate the belief. And memory, to reasonable creatures, is the substance of reality.
At the end of this epic uncovering of facts that may or may not make up a coherent narrative, the passage in my brother’s book referring to my “marvelous beauty [as a child] which stopped strangers in the streets,” and to “a pedophile invited into the family circle [who] could hardly have been expected to be indifferent,” begins to look like the proverbial smoking gun—the ferocious tip of a family iceberg.[2] At this point, I would think anyone reading might wonder how I could even doubt that something terrible happened to me. A lamb does not fall among wolves without getting devoured, Nature does what it is, and the truth is, I no longer doubt it, if nothing else because I have persuaded myself, which was really what all of this digging up of old bones, and painstaking reconstruction of the corpse, was about. I have persuaded myself to accept the unacceptable.
Nor would I think it would—or should—be of any great interest to readers who are not directly involved in the same circles; except that, if the evidence speaks as clearly as I hope it does, these circles probably include anyone who grew up in the UK, or the US, or Europe, during the 50s, or 60s, or 70s, or 80s, or . . . . Most of all, I hope this testimony makes it clear that a person can be in the very thick of wolves—and even have one’s psyche torn to shreds by them—and somehow maintain the illusion of living quietly among sheep, unharmed and whole.
That’s the last thing this piece testifies to: the sheer lasting damage done by such unwanted, undefended proximity to sexual predations and to destructive, deceptive, sociopathic ideologies. An ironic point, because the sheer fact of my compulsive need to map all of this out (which has only gone on overtly for about eighteen months, but which I see now has been underway my entire adult life and drove me to write and travel the world in the first place) is the proof of how profoundly impacted I have been by those early, suppressed experiences, whatever they were. I have been cut off from my own life force, my own sense of reality; and there is nothing more tormenting than being cut off from a sense of reality.
Going into the past has been a way to identify all the ways in which I have been unable to be myself, and why: the false beliefs, values, complexes, neuroses, fears, drives, compulsions, obsessions, all sourced in a network of traumas that make up both my own false identity and the Fabian-fueled, Savile-saturated culture that spawned it. All the ways in which I have been unable to live inside my own body, to have access to my total psyche, and to be my own man. All the ways in which my life has not been mine to live."