Friday, 9 October 2020

Covid 1984 - Facts and questions

In the 20th century the new science of propaganda was created and used extensively on unsuspecting populations. The German people were convinced to follow fascist madmen all the way to the destruction of Germany itself, killing tens of millions of people on the way. The Russian people were bombarded with communist lies for over 70 years and also ended up killing tens of millions of their own citizens on the way. Both these dictatorial regimes used the new techniques of Edward Bernays, an Austrian American, who wrote 2 highly influential books, in the 1920’s: Crystallizing Public Opinion (1923) and Propaganda (1928) The government dictators listened carefully and learned how to manipulate their public’s minds

Here are some quotes from each country:

Joseph Goebbels

Reich Minister of Propaganda of Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945

If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it, and you will even come to believe it yourself”

A lie told once remains a lie but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth”

Propaganda works best when those who are being manipulated are confident they are acting on their own free will”

Think of the press [media] as a great keyboard on which the government can play”

Joseph Stalin

Dictator of the Soviet Union 1924 to 1953

The press [media] must grow day in and day out. It is our Party's sharpest and most powerful weapon”

How do you expect the Germans to revolt when they don't even dare walk on the grass?”

Edward Bernays

Austrian-American pioneer, referred to as “the father of propaganda

If we understand the mechanisms and motives of the group mind, it is now possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without their knowing it. In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind”

Please consider this history in the light of our current circumstances, and think about the situation that we all now face in respect of Covid19.

I will split this short essay into 4 sections:

1. The facts

2. The governments actions

3 The questions

4. The sceptics

1 the facts

Here are a few of the key facts that are now very well established:

1 90+% of all those that contract Covid19 are asymptomatic, not ill

2 99.8%+ of all those that contract Covid19 recover their health

3 Average age of mortality of Covid19 is 82, barely less than average mortality

4 Children under 20 are more likely to die in a car accident than dying of Covid19

5 The large majority of Covid19 victims, 90+%, are already dying of something else

6 All of the official deaths are of people WITH Covid, they did not necessarily die OF Covid

[ONS has been explicit about this from the very start]

Remember that 90% of those who do get it are asymptomatic, not ill

see 1 above

So this is not a pedantic point either.

The US Centre for Disease Control recently announced that the US rate of OF to WITH is just 6%!

If this holds for the UK then our 42,500 deaths WITH is just

2,550 OF!

Is the UK so very different to the US? Surely not

What sort of pandemic is that?

There are ~70 million of us!

Far more people die of the flu every single year

But we don't Lockdown society and cause economic devastation for that do we?

More facts about Coronavirus SARS – CoV - 2

1 Lockdown has caused more deaths than Covid19 itself!

Lockdown combined with the public's extreme levels of fear, have caused a devastating toll of untreated illness resulting in many premature deaths, both through Lockdown, and in future

These facts are now widely known.

So why is this current draconian closing down of our society still proceeding?

Here are two more less well known facts:

2 The virus has never been isolated

3 The virus has never been given to a test host![to see if they get Covid19]

How could it be if it has never been isolated?

So, there is no experimental proof that Coronavirus SARS - CoV – 2 even exists, never mind that it causes Covid19 sickness!!

My SARS - CoV- 2 Challenge:

Prove that Coronavirus SARS - CoV- 2 has been isolated, or

Prove that Coronavirus SARS - CoV- 2 definitely causes Covid 19

Credible, verified and referenced links will suffice.

Post in the comments, but you will not find one


4 Covid19 status down graded on 19 March 2020

[just a few days before lockdown began!] Quote:

"Status of COVID-19

As of 19 March 2020, COVID-19 is no longer considered to be a high consequence infectious disease (HCID) in the UK.

The 4 nations public health HCID group made an interim recommendation in January 2020 to classify COVID-19 as an HCID. This was based on consideration of the UK HCID criteria about the virus and the disease with information available during the early stages of the outbreak. Now that more is known about COVID-19, the public health bodies in the UK have reviewed the most up to date information about COVID-19 against the UK HCID criteria. They have determined that several features have now changed; in particular, more information is available about mortality rates (low overall), and there is now greater clinical awareness and a specific and sensitive laboratory test, the availability of which continues to increase.

The Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens (ACDP) is also of the opinion that COVID-19 should no longer be classified as an HCID."

Link here:

2 the governments actions

Governments round the world have closed down society

Your social life has been all but ended

Depending where you live then, you are not allowed to:

meet with relatives

meet with friends

casually go to the pub

go to the football, rugby or cricket

go to a gig

go to the theatre

go to the cinema

go on holiday without “self isolating” on your return

play sports with others etc etc etc

Even worse, your kids have been traumatised

kept away from school

kept away from friends and family

constant fear of virus put into their young minds

social interactions minimised or eliminated

constant reminders like sanitizers, masks, "bubbles"

Your centuries old civil liberties have been removed in one sweep too

your right to free assembly

your right to work

your right to travel

your right to associate with friends and family

even your right to vote

even jury trials

Why is this?

The government say that it is to protect you from a new virus

That it’s for your own good

Because Big Brother knows best

Hang on a minute Bro, what actual evidence do you offer to prove to us that all this is necessary, apart from the word of a few "expert scientists," and “test” statistics that is?

"Expert scientists" that have been consistently wrong about most aspects of all this

Tests” that are virtually meaningless, [see question 4 below]

Remember the  dire predictions of 500,000 dead at the start? 

Remember the 3 weeks to flatten the curve?

So let's ask a few questions:

3 the questions

1 If it was not for all the masks, and also all the media publicity of “casesthen,

how would you know that there is now a pandemic?

Is there any other way that you would know? There isn’t is there?

2 Do you personally know anyone who is seriously ill with Covid19?

I’ve asked this questions dozens of times, far and wide, nobody has ever said “Yes”

3 What sort of pandemic is it when hardly anyone is actually ill?

The answer to that is pretty obvious too

In a real pandemic then we would ALL know of victims from our immediate area

4 What does the PCR test actually do? [PCR is used to register a “case”]

* the inventor of PCR, Kary Mullis, was very clear: PCR is NOT a diagnostic tool!

* PCR doesn’t measure the quantity of virus present in the host

* PCR doesn’t tell you if the virus is actively causing illness in the patient's body

* PCR guarantees false positives

* PCR detects previous infections

* PCR is not guaranteed to detect Covid19

See these links, they are both devastating:

SARS-Cov-2 has not been proven to exist, so PCR cannot possibly be finding it

The PCR test gives no meaningful info about sickness or infection

But worst of all,

If it were not for the PCR test then, there would be no current narrative

So the constant media “cases” refrain is incredibly misleading

5 Why is this incredibly flawed test being used to scare the living daylights out of our population?

Has anyone asked our government this question?

6 Why have hardly any journalists asked these questions?

Isn’t that what journalists are supposed to DO? Not any longer it seems

7 Why is everyone wearing masks

a) all the serious science shows that paper/cloth masks are ineffective outside of the controlled environment of an operating theatre

b) the government’s own scientists told us at the start of all this that masks are useless as protectives and as prophylactics [So what changed? The politics changed, not the science]

c) scientists have clearly shown that masks make people sick because they are breathing in their own carbon dioxide, plus other reasons

Masks are incubators! They make you sick! Pretty obvious if you think about it

8 Why is this pandemic different to all other previous pandemics?

The age old, and consistent, approach to all previous pandemics has been to:

- isolate the sick

- protect the vulnerable

- let everyone else get on with their lives

This time they have:

- isolated the healthy

- not protected the vulnerable

[they discharged the vulnerable old folk into care homes, their MOST dangerous environment]

- allowed nobody get on with their lives

9 Why have we all been told to stay indoors?

When the best place to be protected from a virus is out in the fresh air and with sunshine on the skin

10 Why have we not been given any simple and well understood, practical medical advice about how to protect from viruses?

Advice like:

- eating fresh food and garlic [vitamin C]

- getting sun on the skin [vitamin D]

- going outdoors in the fresh air [most viruses cannot survive in the fresh air]

And when these are not possible:

- vitamin C supplements

- vitamin D supplements

- zinc supplements

11 Where is the scientifically proven evidence for the following?

- 2 metre social distancing

- masks

- rule of 6

- 10 pm closing

- lockdown of healthy people

- asymptomatic spreaders

We’ve seen no clear scientific evidence for any of this have we? It is all just assertion

12 What kind of world do you want your kids to grow up in?

One controlled by dictatorial [some would say fascist] governments where you have to obey every ridiculous instruction of theirs?

Or one where your ancient common law rights and freedoms are upheld?

One final question:

13 If the virus has not been isolated [see above] and therefore not proved to exist then,

What are they putting in the vaccines that they are about to roll out?

That is a very scary thought

4 the covid 19 sceptics

Here in the UK our media seem to have completely abandoned their role of questioning the official narrative

Even the BBC, which is funded directly by the public, has abandoned all semblance of objectivity and balance

So we must rely on independents to do the job for us

Here are just 5 good examples, there are many others

German lawyers start a legal case

Top German lawyers and scientists start a legal case against the culprits

An open letter from Belgian doctors

At last someone with authority is questioning the official narrative

The Great Barrington Declaration

Signed by 17,000 medical professionals. Read it for yourself

Off Guardian

Most definitely not the Guardian. Take your pick there are dozens of articles

Here is one important article about the failure to prove that SARS – COV2 causes Covid19

In This Together blog

Iain Davis, The Disillusioned Blogger. Lots of well researched articles with source links

Maybe start with these, but don't take their word for it though, nor mine

Do your own research, it's easy with the internet, so find out for yourself

One thing's for sure, you can't rely of the main media, they are missing in action