Addendum #1 - 17th February 2016
The occult definition of government
"The word government originated from the Old French word governement, meaning “control, direction, administration”. To find the occult definition of the word government, you need to split it into two words, transforming the word government into “govern-ment” or “govern ment“.
One of the origins of the word govern is the Latin word gubernare, which translates to English as “to direct, rule, guide, govern”. The suffix ment has a few different origins. One of them comes from the Latin word ment, meaning “mind”.
Based on these occult definitions, the word government means “to rule the mind” or “govern the mind“."
More here:
The biggest single cause of unnatural human death is by government.
What other cause is, or has been, greater? Just look at the Middle East today. All those deaths caused by governments, not least the US & UK governments of course, but many other governments too. Governments were responsible for over two hundred and sixty million unnecessary deaths in the 20th C. Over a quarter of a billion murdered by their government. Six times more than all the combatants that died in all the 20th C wars. So, if you add in the combatants in those wars, that is over 300 million deaths attributable to government in the 20th century.
Chapter and verse here:
People left to their own devices would not kill other people, >99% of us are psychologically hard wired to avoid killing others. And civil society is well capable of dealing with the other <1%. It is well established that, even when being shot at, most soldiers shoot to miss because of this hard wiring. But governments have found ways round this inhibition. Incredibly effective ways that result in this horrendous death toll that is still going on and on. This applies to governments of every possible different political persuasion: fascist, liberal, social democratic, socialist, communist etc etc. All these types of government have acted in this way over the last 100 years. The Labour/Blair body count is in the millions and they were supposedly a moderate government.
Individual liberty is surely far too important to leave in the hands of governments. They will never ever look after it properly for us, never. They care nothing for human life. Their actions prove that.
Now let's consider the current refugee crisis in the EU as an example of the coercive nature of government. It shows us the incredible power that governments have to impose their will on us all. Even when it is against our own interests.
Citizens across the EU, Germans particularly, are currently being told something like this by their governments:
"You must accept all these traumatized, misogynist, god fearing Syrians in your town. They will never integrate with your society because they have their own culture which precludes that. But you have no choice, it is the only decent humanitarian thing to do. No matter that their plight is absolutely nothing to do with you, or your town. We have decided to allow 1.5 million refugee arrivals into Germany this year. Your town is obliged to take its fair share. Get used to it"
Is this fair? Did any of these citizens vote for any of this? Did any of these citizens do anything to cause the refugee crisis in the first place? No, no, and no again, of course not. The poor refugees are refugees because of the actions of governments of course. As usual. And these same governments have it well within their power to stop the war and look after the refugees in their own countries, within their own culture. They can create hundreds of billions of $ or £ as "quantitative easing" when ever they want, with the flick of a switch, to "bail out" their corporate friends. But can they find a few millions to look after refugees properly in their own countries? No. But they can choose to coerce their own citizens. As usual. There are far too many other examples of the coercive nature of government. I could go on and on and on. Most of us just accept them without a second thought, they are ingrained into the way things are; into our psyche.
In fact all governments are coercive. Government is legalized coercion, by definition. And coercion is immoral, by definition. Coercion is inefficient too. And coercion is unnecessary for human life and fulfillment. It is simply bullying by another name. Bullies need to be stood up to and denied, not legitimized by voting for them. Even just by writing this I may be labelled a non violent extremist under the new laws being introduced by our UK government. Even though I'm retired, and I've never left my back kitchen, and have only spoken with my wife during the writing. Always new laws, always newly defined "crimes" being created by our masters in government to make us do what they want.
In fact all governments are coercive. Government is legalized coercion, by definition. And coercion is immoral, by definition. Coercion is inefficient too. And coercion is unnecessary for human life and fulfillment. It is simply bullying by another name. Bullies need to be stood up to and denied, not legitimized by voting for them. Even just by writing this I may be labelled a non violent extremist under the new laws being introduced by our UK government. Even though I'm retired, and I've never left my back kitchen, and have only spoken with my wife during the writing. Always new laws, always newly defined "crimes" being created by our masters in government to make us do what they want.
Yet most people still think that governments are a good thing, in spite of the evidence in front of their eyes. And, even more amazingly, they go out and vote for them every 4 or 5 years, despite this horrendous track record of coercion and death. Over 60% of the UK electorate voted in the general election earlier this year I think. These voters all clearly have a short term memory problem. They forget all about the coercion and death, and go and elect more psychopaths who continue more of the same. On and on it goes with no end ever in sight. I was cured of voting by Tony Bliar. Because of his corrupt death dealing ways, and because of his many war criminal chums in the Labour Party, who all got off scot free. A few of them have seats in the House of Lords. Still in government in other words. Don't vote, it only encourages them.
And it gets worse. Nations are being subsumed into even bigger forms of regional government wherever you look, a similar pattern across the globe.
The EU decides all the big issues here in the UK now. Issues like the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, which will allow even more power to global corporations it seems. To give them even more power than our already bloated governments. The UK government will rubber stamp the EU government decision without any real power of veto. Citizens will have to fight even to read the legislation that is going through the EU government. They want to pass the whole shebang in secret if they can. We will end up with an EU regional government run by corporations. Government run by corporations is fascism, according to Mussolini's definition. But it is still government.
Cameron's EU "renegotiation" is a farce, and all the politicians know it. It will change nothing of real substance. We are locked in tight by all the numerous treaties that the monarch, and past governments, signed without explaining to us what they were really doing, as usual. All the politicians are globalists themselves anyway. All the UK parties want to stay in the deeply corrupt EU. Corbyn does too. The very first thing that he did upon being elected was to agree to change one of the key policies that he was elected on. He did a 180 degree turn to support remaining in the EU. Despite not even knowing what the "renegotiated" terms are! That tells you all that you need to know about Corbyn. He wants more, and bigger, government. In fact all the politicians do, whatever they claim in their hollow rhetoric. They are all in the same big club, and you ain't in it. All of them globalists, and all with an evident self interest in more and bigger governments. With an even bigger trough to stick their snouts in.
Btw, it is very noticeable that the only place that they don't want more government is locally. Local government has been emasculated. Everything important is centralized in national and regional supra government. Why do you think that is? Is it because local people may disturb their globalist, bigger and bigger government, plans? To act locally in ways that are outside their control?
The EU decides all the big issues here in the UK now. Issues like the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, which will allow even more power to global corporations it seems. To give them even more power than our already bloated governments. The UK government will rubber stamp the EU government decision without any real power of veto. Citizens will have to fight even to read the legislation that is going through the EU government. They want to pass the whole shebang in secret if they can. We will end up with an EU regional government run by corporations. Government run by corporations is fascism, according to Mussolini's definition. But it is still government.
Cameron's EU "renegotiation" is a farce, and all the politicians know it. It will change nothing of real substance. We are locked in tight by all the numerous treaties that the monarch, and past governments, signed without explaining to us what they were really doing, as usual. All the politicians are globalists themselves anyway. All the UK parties want to stay in the deeply corrupt EU. Corbyn does too. The very first thing that he did upon being elected was to agree to change one of the key policies that he was elected on. He did a 180 degree turn to support remaining in the EU. Despite not even knowing what the "renegotiated" terms are! That tells you all that you need to know about Corbyn. He wants more, and bigger, government. In fact all the politicians do, whatever they claim in their hollow rhetoric. They are all in the same big club, and you ain't in it. All of them globalists, and all with an evident self interest in more and bigger governments. With an even bigger trough to stick their snouts in.
Btw, it is very noticeable that the only place that they don't want more government is locally. Local government has been emasculated. Everything important is centralized in national and regional supra government. Why do you think that is? Is it because local people may disturb their globalist, bigger and bigger government, plans? To act locally in ways that are outside their control?
The globalist politicians want to subsume all the individual nations into big regional governments like the EU. [I bet that they won't voluntarily give up their pay packets when that process is complete]. And they are well down that road. That job is almost done. How long will it be before these regional governments are subsumed into one world government? One generation? Two?
The process seems inexorable. What will stop it? Only we the people have that power. Governments are our servants in theory.
They are supposed to work for us, but they don't in practice. But they should be working for us, and we still have the power to make them do that, if enough of us demand it. We need to be smart, use everything that we've got, and to act fast, it is almost too late. In a real democracy we the people would decide these big issues. Not these corrupt death dealing, coercive, psychopathic, politicians. They will have us all over a barrel if we allow governments to get even bigger and bigger.
They are supposed to work for us, but they don't in practice. But they should be working for us, and we still have the power to make them do that, if enough of us demand it. We need to be smart, use everything that we've got, and to act fast, it is almost too late. In a real democracy we the people would decide these big issues. Not these corrupt death dealing, coercive, psychopathic, politicians. They will have us all over a barrel if we allow governments to get even bigger and bigger.
We must find a way of cutting centralizing national and regional governments down to size before it is too late.
As a first stage they need to be tasked with fulfilling our basic managerial needs only. The more locally based, and with more direct citizen involvement, the better. And stopping doing all that other coercive shit that they do. All the things that natural human law says that we can decide, and pay for, by ourselves, without government interference. We don't really need most of the things that they do now. We can do far better by ourselves with direct peer to peer systems. I trust ordinary people above politicians every single time. Why do we need such a massive, death dealing, coercive and controlling, middleman in our lives at all?
As a first stage they need to be tasked with fulfilling our basic managerial needs only. The more locally based, and with more direct citizen involvement, the better. And stopping doing all that other coercive shit that they do. All the things that natural human law says that we can decide, and pay for, by ourselves, without government interference. We don't really need most of the things that they do now. We can do far better by ourselves with direct peer to peer systems. I trust ordinary people above politicians every single time. Why do we need such a massive, death dealing, coercive and controlling, middleman in our lives at all?
Go Chairman Pete, I'd vote for you.. Oh I forgot you're against voting ;-) . Your blogspot appeared in my "Flipboard" android news gathering app. Impressive. When are the Hacktivists going to re-distribute the wealth? :-)) Boz xx