It seems that it may be the latter.
I've realized for a long time that there are whole series of questions and problems about the "official" line, the so called "settled science", of the Global Warming/Climate Change story. [GW/CC]
My initial red flag came when it became clear to me that the overwhelming focus of the climate scientists tends to distract from all the other serious environmental issues that we have in the modern world today, viz
* Chemical pollution
* Agricultural pollution, including GMO's
* Nuclear pollution
* Pharmaceutical pollution
* Electromagnetic pollution
and more.
All these issues seem to take a back seat compared with the climate bogey. All of them receive far far less attention than they deserve. All of them are potentially as serious in their negative effects on human beings. Does the focus on GW/CC distract from the focus on all these other issues? Well they certainly get far less coverage that's for sure.
To cite just one example: the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan. At least one of the 3 destroyed reactors has a meltdown of it's radioactive core. The nuclear fuel is somewhere in the ground underneath the reactor. The radiation is so intense that it destroys all modern equipment used to detect its whereabouts. So the Pacific ocean is being contaminated every single day by massive amounts of radioactivity washed into the sea by groundwater running under the site. Four years on and nobody knows how to properly deal with the catastrophe. But the main media silence is deafening.
My next red flag was when I noticed that the GW/CC story was being driven relentlessly by the United Nations, the globalist elites political playground. The global elites vehicle for their New World Order, their Global Government, if you like. So you've got to ask yourself: is this GW/CC story entirely kosher? The logical answer: if these people are the key proponents then, probably not. They profess concern for humanity, but everything that they say and do tells you that you cannot take them on face value. Anyone who studies their methods and agendas soon realizes that there are strong hidden undercurrents that are not to humanities benefit.
But don't take my word for it, try researching their Agenda 21 for example, their "Sustainability" agenda. There is loads of stuff on t'interweb that deconstructs their hidden agenda contained within. And it isn't good for ordinary people that's for sure. It's all dressed up with fine sounding words of course, but the hidden intentions are usually ominous. In a nutshell: Increased control by them of all of humanity, including far less freedom for individuals, dressed up as save the planet. Of course the official supporters label these concerns as "right wing conspiracy theory". Hopefully most readers will have already learned that this slur is commonly used to vilify truth seekers who hit a real nerve.
Anyhow back to GW/CC.
The next big red flag for me was when I realized that there is absolutely no empirical evidence that CO2 is the cause of the so called Global Warming or Climate Change. No empirical evidence whatsoever! What do I mean by this? Well true science starts with the search for empirical evidence, the incontrovertible proof of the theory. GW/CC scientists present none at all! None!
You might be surprised to read that given all the hype that they pump out. The fact is that their so called "settled science" that the so called "warming" is caused by increasing CO2 in the atmosphere depends on correlation. They show you graphs that demonstrate the growth of temperature, and the growth of CO2, since the industrial revolution. And then say that they correlate, that the increase in CO2 is the cause of the increased temperature of the planet. This is not proof! It is only circumstantial, and not empirical, evidence. Ask any scientist if correlation is empirical. They will tell you no, that correlation is only circumstantial, it proves nothing! It is, at best, a clue. But it is not proof. The graphs themselves have been thoroughly debunked numerous times. But their mainstream media never told you that did they?
Another red flag is the fact that the Earth has not actually warmed at all for the past 18+ years! That's right, the Earth has not got any hotter for the past 18+ years. Despite the fact that CO2 has most definitely increased in that time. And the globalist GW/CC proponents at the UN, and in their main media, know that this is true. But the story continues to be spun the same way. Why do you think that Global Warming became Climate Change all of a sudden? Is it because there has been no actual warming for that long? Of course it is! Again their media never told you that did it. :-))
So the red flags are starting to pile up, and I've just scratched the surface so far. I could say a lot lot more. But I will limit myself to a few more summary points, viz
* The fact that the climate scientists much quoted predictive models, the ones that they base their warming/change prediction theories on, have totally, utterly, failed. The real world has never, ever, matched their predictions, after over 20 years of predictions. But that doesn't put them off. The elites just tell their paid for scientists and mainstream media to keep spinning, but to keep quiet about this fact. "Shush, the plebs might realize".
* The fact that their Climate Change story is a massive money spinner for the global elites. Their carbon cap and trade is worth hundreds of millions, in fact billions, probably trillions of $. It mainly comes from the tax levies on your, and everybody else's, utility bill. Most of which goes into the pockets of those same global elites. Those same elites who own all the companies that are responsible for all that pollution that I mentioned earlier. "Shush. Just keep paying your taxes. Not that you've got a choice".
* The fact that CO2, which the climate scientists at the UN label as a pollutant, is actually an essential plant nutrient. Plants thrive when there is more CO2 in the air. How can a few extra parts per million of CO2 in the atmosphere be called pollution? "Shush. Let's not worry about nuclear, chemical, pharma, agricultural or industrial, ie. real, pollution"
* What about the fact that the label Climate Change itself is such an obvious truism, the opposite of Climate Stasis. Of course it changes! Who would ever think that the climate stays the same? Only an idiot surely.
Time for the common sense test I think. Please try and forget all your main media GW/CC conditioning for a few minutes. And use your common sense to rank the following in importance as agents for Climate Change here on Earth:
1. The Cosmos
2. The Sun
3. The Earths Biosphere
4. The Earths Geology
5. A few extra parts per million of CO2 in the Earths atmosphere
What does your common sense tell you?
Suffice to say that Global Warming/Climate Change is starting to sound a bit like a religion don't you think? Based on theory, or belief. No empirical evidence. Archbishops, bishops and vicars in the established church. All of them with a direct vested interest, or on the payroll in some way or other.
You've just got to believe :-))
So are you a believer? Maybe you have been baptised into the religion by reading too much by George Monbiot and his pals in "The Grauniad", the one time left leaning, now unashamedly NeoCon, so called newspaper.
The same George Monbiot whose categorical support for the ludicrous "pancake collapse" theory of the collapse of the 3 towers in New York on 9/11 was the subject of one of his pieces a few years ago. You know, the 3 towers [World Trade 1, 2 &7] that collapsed after being hit by 2 planes on 21st September 2001. The only skyscrapers in the whole history of the world ever to collapse due to fires. And all on the same day. Big red flag for George there wouldn't you say. Whose side is he really on?
Now I'm going to be lazy, and point you to a far far better researcher, writer and resource than I could ever be: James Corbett of The Corbett Report.
An independent, alternative, journalist/commentator of the highest integrity. One of the most highly regarded, strictly non mainstream ie. alternative, sources on the planet. James is certainly no "Conspiracy Theorist". He provides evidential links for all his assertions. And he always asks you to do your own research, using his links as the starting point if you want.
James has been running a series of pieces on the Global Warming/Climate Change story this past week or so. To coincide with the current Paris Climate Change summit. It was seeing these pieces that prompted me to write this. They make very interesting watching/reading, whether you have bought in to the religion, or not.
Here are his pieces so far:
A message to the Environment movement
An old Corbett Report from 2009, but still relevant today
Lies, damn lies and global warming statistics
False data presentation in the mainstream media and the climate science orgs like NASA, World Meteorological Organisation. "Statistically indistinguishable from zero"
Take the $100k Global Warming believer challenge
You could win $100k if you can prove it. You've got no chance
Won't someone think of the polar bears
Ahh aren't they lovely cuddly bears - not
Maurice Strong is dead
Maurice Strong wrote the UN Climate Change rules of process. He was an oilman ffs! Bit of a clue there wouldn't you say. I strongly recommend that you watch/read this piece. No pun intended
What is the average global temperature
Or how they fiddle the temperature records
Climate Change is unfalsifiable woo woo pseudoscience
Karl Popper and his theory of falsification
Take your pick. You will definitely learn something.
And, if you are a confirmed believer in the climate change religion, then you may want to rethink somewhat, or at least do a bit more research for yourself. In that case my tip for you is: Don't start with The Guardian :-))
Addendum #1 12th December 2015
The Climate Change summit is about to agree a deal according to their main media.
Here are the key players mentioned by the main media presstitutes this morning.
Francois Hollande - French president
Ban-Ki Moon - UN chief
Laurent Fabius - French foreign minister
Barak Obama - US president
Xi Juinping - Chinese leader
John Kerry - US secretary of state
Narendra Modi - Indian prime minister
A more disreputable cast would be hard to imagine.
Every single one of them a globalist lackey. Do you really think that any of these people give a damn about human beings? Their past record speaks for itself. You couldn't trust any one of them as far as you could throw them. Most have them have got copious amounts of blood on their hands from their numerous misdeeds.
One glance at this cast of megalomaniacs tells you all that you need to know about the Climate Change story.
The same message as my piece but rather more elegantly written.
Addendum #3 31st January 2016
A follow up from James Corbett.
Meet Maurice Strong
"There is no doubt that Strong led a charmed life. And given the persistent presence of Rockefeller interests in that life from his earliest years, there is no doubt why doors seemed to open for him wherever in the world he went.
Rockefeller, big oil and the environment movement? Of course. That is how the fascist globalist elites operate.
Addendum #4 13 March 2019
Mother Nature demands child sacrifice:
"The propagandists are in overdrive shoving “climate grief” down our collective throats. And the next step in that indoctrination, the acceptance of climate eugenics to atone for our climate sins, is almost here. Join James for this week’s important edition of #PropagandaWatch dissecting the dangerous lies that are being pushed in the name of the environment."
I've realized for a long time that there are whole series of questions and problems about the "official" line, the so called "settled science", of the Global Warming/Climate Change story. [GW/CC]
My initial red flag came when it became clear to me that the overwhelming focus of the climate scientists tends to distract from all the other serious environmental issues that we have in the modern world today, viz
* Chemical pollution
* Agricultural pollution, including GMO's
* Nuclear pollution
* Pharmaceutical pollution
* Electromagnetic pollution
and more.
All these issues seem to take a back seat compared with the climate bogey. All of them receive far far less attention than they deserve. All of them are potentially as serious in their negative effects on human beings. Does the focus on GW/CC distract from the focus on all these other issues? Well they certainly get far less coverage that's for sure.
To cite just one example: the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan. At least one of the 3 destroyed reactors has a meltdown of it's radioactive core. The nuclear fuel is somewhere in the ground underneath the reactor. The radiation is so intense that it destroys all modern equipment used to detect its whereabouts. So the Pacific ocean is being contaminated every single day by massive amounts of radioactivity washed into the sea by groundwater running under the site. Four years on and nobody knows how to properly deal with the catastrophe. But the main media silence is deafening.
My next red flag was when I noticed that the GW/CC story was being driven relentlessly by the United Nations, the globalist elites political playground. The global elites vehicle for their New World Order, their Global Government, if you like. So you've got to ask yourself: is this GW/CC story entirely kosher? The logical answer: if these people are the key proponents then, probably not. They profess concern for humanity, but everything that they say and do tells you that you cannot take them on face value. Anyone who studies their methods and agendas soon realizes that there are strong hidden undercurrents that are not to humanities benefit.
But don't take my word for it, try researching their Agenda 21 for example, their "Sustainability" agenda. There is loads of stuff on t'interweb that deconstructs their hidden agenda contained within. And it isn't good for ordinary people that's for sure. It's all dressed up with fine sounding words of course, but the hidden intentions are usually ominous. In a nutshell: Increased control by them of all of humanity, including far less freedom for individuals, dressed up as save the planet. Of course the official supporters label these concerns as "right wing conspiracy theory". Hopefully most readers will have already learned that this slur is commonly used to vilify truth seekers who hit a real nerve.
Anyhow back to GW/CC.
The next big red flag for me was when I realized that there is absolutely no empirical evidence that CO2 is the cause of the so called Global Warming or Climate Change. No empirical evidence whatsoever! What do I mean by this? Well true science starts with the search for empirical evidence, the incontrovertible proof of the theory. GW/CC scientists present none at all! None!
You might be surprised to read that given all the hype that they pump out. The fact is that their so called "settled science" that the so called "warming" is caused by increasing CO2 in the atmosphere depends on correlation. They show you graphs that demonstrate the growth of temperature, and the growth of CO2, since the industrial revolution. And then say that they correlate, that the increase in CO2 is the cause of the increased temperature of the planet. This is not proof! It is only circumstantial, and not empirical, evidence. Ask any scientist if correlation is empirical. They will tell you no, that correlation is only circumstantial, it proves nothing! It is, at best, a clue. But it is not proof. The graphs themselves have been thoroughly debunked numerous times. But their mainstream media never told you that did they?
Another red flag is the fact that the Earth has not actually warmed at all for the past 18+ years! That's right, the Earth has not got any hotter for the past 18+ years. Despite the fact that CO2 has most definitely increased in that time. And the globalist GW/CC proponents at the UN, and in their main media, know that this is true. But the story continues to be spun the same way. Why do you think that Global Warming became Climate Change all of a sudden? Is it because there has been no actual warming for that long? Of course it is! Again their media never told you that did it. :-))
So the red flags are starting to pile up, and I've just scratched the surface so far. I could say a lot lot more. But I will limit myself to a few more summary points, viz
* The fact that the climate scientists much quoted predictive models, the ones that they base their warming/change prediction theories on, have totally, utterly, failed. The real world has never, ever, matched their predictions, after over 20 years of predictions. But that doesn't put them off. The elites just tell their paid for scientists and mainstream media to keep spinning, but to keep quiet about this fact. "Shush, the plebs might realize".
* The fact that their Climate Change story is a massive money spinner for the global elites. Their carbon cap and trade is worth hundreds of millions, in fact billions, probably trillions of $. It mainly comes from the tax levies on your, and everybody else's, utility bill. Most of which goes into the pockets of those same global elites. Those same elites who own all the companies that are responsible for all that pollution that I mentioned earlier. "Shush. Just keep paying your taxes. Not that you've got a choice".
* The fact that CO2, which the climate scientists at the UN label as a pollutant, is actually an essential plant nutrient. Plants thrive when there is more CO2 in the air. How can a few extra parts per million of CO2 in the atmosphere be called pollution? "Shush. Let's not worry about nuclear, chemical, pharma, agricultural or industrial, ie. real, pollution"
* What about the fact that the label Climate Change itself is such an obvious truism, the opposite of Climate Stasis. Of course it changes! Who would ever think that the climate stays the same? Only an idiot surely.
Time for the common sense test I think. Please try and forget all your main media GW/CC conditioning for a few minutes. And use your common sense to rank the following in importance as agents for Climate Change here on Earth:
1. The Cosmos
2. The Sun
3. The Earths Biosphere
4. The Earths Geology
5. A few extra parts per million of CO2 in the Earths atmosphere
What does your common sense tell you?
Suffice to say that Global Warming/Climate Change is starting to sound a bit like a religion don't you think? Based on theory, or belief. No empirical evidence. Archbishops, bishops and vicars in the established church. All of them with a direct vested interest, or on the payroll in some way or other.
You've just got to believe :-))
So are you a believer? Maybe you have been baptised into the religion by reading too much by George Monbiot and his pals in "The Grauniad", the one time left leaning, now unashamedly NeoCon, so called newspaper.
The same George Monbiot whose categorical support for the ludicrous "pancake collapse" theory of the collapse of the 3 towers in New York on 9/11 was the subject of one of his pieces a few years ago. You know, the 3 towers [World Trade 1, 2 &7] that collapsed after being hit by 2 planes on 21st September 2001. The only skyscrapers in the whole history of the world ever to collapse due to fires. And all on the same day. Big red flag for George there wouldn't you say. Whose side is he really on?
Now I'm going to be lazy, and point you to a far far better researcher, writer and resource than I could ever be: James Corbett of The Corbett Report.
An independent, alternative, journalist/commentator of the highest integrity. One of the most highly regarded, strictly non mainstream ie. alternative, sources on the planet. James is certainly no "Conspiracy Theorist". He provides evidential links for all his assertions. And he always asks you to do your own research, using his links as the starting point if you want.
James has been running a series of pieces on the Global Warming/Climate Change story this past week or so. To coincide with the current Paris Climate Change summit. It was seeing these pieces that prompted me to write this. They make very interesting watching/reading, whether you have bought in to the religion, or not.
Here are his pieces so far:
A message to the Environment movement
An old Corbett Report from 2009, but still relevant today
Lies, damn lies and global warming statistics
False data presentation in the mainstream media and the climate science orgs like NASA, World Meteorological Organisation. "Statistically indistinguishable from zero"
Take the $100k Global Warming believer challenge
You could win $100k if you can prove it. You've got no chance
Won't someone think of the polar bears
Ahh aren't they lovely cuddly bears - not
Maurice Strong is dead
Maurice Strong wrote the UN Climate Change rules of process. He was an oilman ffs! Bit of a clue there wouldn't you say. I strongly recommend that you watch/read this piece. No pun intended
What is the average global temperature
Or how they fiddle the temperature records
Climate Change is unfalsifiable woo woo pseudoscience
Karl Popper and his theory of falsification
Take your pick. You will definitely learn something.
And, if you are a confirmed believer in the climate change religion, then you may want to rethink somewhat, or at least do a bit more research for yourself. In that case my tip for you is: Don't start with The Guardian :-))
Addendum #1 12th December 2015
The Climate Change summit is about to agree a deal according to their main media.
Here are the key players mentioned by the main media presstitutes this morning.
Francois Hollande - French president
Ban-Ki Moon - UN chief
Laurent Fabius - French foreign minister
Barak Obama - US president
Xi Juinping - Chinese leader
John Kerry - US secretary of state
Narendra Modi - Indian prime minister
A more disreputable cast would be hard to imagine.
Every single one of them a globalist lackey. Do you really think that any of these people give a damn about human beings? Their past record speaks for itself. You couldn't trust any one of them as far as you could throw them. Most have them have got copious amounts of blood on their hands from their numerous misdeeds.
One glance at this cast of megalomaniacs tells you all that you need to know about the Climate Change story.
Addendum #2 16th December 2015
The same message as my piece but rather more elegantly written.
Ecological Panic: The New Rationale For Globalist Cultism
"Faith in an ideology based on a desire for power over others and the need to feel personally superior without any legitimate accomplishment is perhaps the most dangerous state of being an individual or society can adopt. I would refer to such a mindset as “zealotry,” an integral element of cultism and an extreme result of the elitist side of faith.
Zealotry and cultism are not limited to the realm of the religious. Zealotry is a clever devil hiding in the woodwork of any political or academic construct, and this includes the scientific community when it strays away from empirical logic and honest data into a world of pseudoscience and social engineering. I cannot think of a better example of zealotry feeding scientific cultism than the highly propagandized climate change/global warming movement.
Anthropogenic (man-made) global warming is quickly becoming the overarching rationale for almost every policy toward global centralization, as well as a scapegoat for nearly every major crisis from mass shootings and the rise of ISIS to geopolitical shifts in economic structures. Global warming has been projected as a magical force deviously underlying everything. It is presented by climate scientists and activists as an all-encompassing behemoth of cause and effect, yet nearly all of this frantic pontificating is supported by faith, rather than hard data."
Addendum #3 31st January 2016
A follow up from James Corbett.
Meet Maurice Strong
"There is no doubt that Strong led a charmed life. And given the persistent presence of Rockefeller interests in that life from his earliest years, there is no doubt why doors seemed to open for him wherever in the world he went.
But still, one has to ask how and why a high school dropout who made it big in the oil patch thanks to his big oil connections would go on to become the single most important figure in the international environmental movement. Was he genuinely interested in protecting the environment?"
Rockefeller, big oil and the environment movement? Of course. That is how the fascist globalist elites operate.
Addendum #4 13 March 2019
Mother Nature demands child sacrifice:
"The propagandists are in overdrive shoving “climate grief” down our collective throats. And the next step in that indoctrination, the acceptance of climate eugenics to atone for our climate sins, is almost here. Join James for this week’s important edition of #PropagandaWatch dissecting the dangerous lies that are being pushed in the name of the environment."
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