Friday, 1 January 2016

How big oil conquered the world


The history of the oil-igarchy

This documentary really is an interesting watch/read for all those that want to know how the modern world has been created and shaped. The history that you have been taught at school, and in the media, is seriously flawed and seriously partial.

It covers the extensive hidden, or at least not well known, history from the mid 1800's to the present day. He shows how the oiligarchs effectively control all of the following industries:

* Oil industry and all its offshoots
* Banking and finance
* Education and learning
* Health and pharmaceuticals
* Agribusiness, food production and consumption

Just about everything important in other words.

"In the nineteenth century, railroad conspiracies and predatory pricing had been enough to assure the oiligarchs’ monopoly. But by the time that the British crown, the Dutch royal family, the Rothschilds and the other European oiligarchs began opening up the Middle East and the Far East to oil exploration in the early twentieth century, the goal was no longer to maximize profits or control the oil industry. It was not even to control international diplomacy. It was to control and shape the world itself. Its resources. Its environment. And its people."

Who are the oiligarchs? The Rockefellers were the first. As above, the Rothschilds, British Crown [Temple or Queen? Both I guess], Dutch royal family, and others, soon followed. They are oil based monopoly capitalists of the very worst kind. In the words of John D Rockefeller "Competition is a sin". And, on this definition at least then, they are not sinners. But they are scumbags par excellence, that is for sure. The scumbag elites who call all the shots.

As usual there are plenty of source links in the transcript.

I learned some fascinating stuff here, including:

1. How the oiligarchs suppressed the, very easy to produce, ethanol [alcohol] as a vehicle fuel. Ethanol can be produced from any fermenting vegetable matter and so could be produced anywhere to meet the local fuel requirement. The model T Ford was multi fuel; it could use petrol or alcohol. There is virtually no pollution from alcohol too. Their solution was simple: Prohibition! There was definitely the need to reduce alcohol drinking at the time, which was undoubtedly excessive. But prohibition was obviously utterly ridiculous; it was bound to fail because drinking is such a social pastime that millions enjoy. Just like Mary Jane is.

Certainly prohibition was very convenient for the oiligarchs. It helped them consolidate their oil based fuel supply monopoly to the rapidly expanding automobile industry.

2. How the oiligarchs bought all the US cities electric tramways, and then dismantled them to replace them with buses:

"“By the end of the 1940s, GM had bought and scrapped over one hundred municipal electric transit systems in 45 cities and put gas-burning GM buses on the streets in their place. By 1955 almost 90% of the electric streetcar lines in the United States had been ripped out or otherwise eliminated.”

3. How the oiligarchs deliberately engineered the oil shocks of the 1970's, to raise the price by 400%. They agreed their strategy at 1973's Bilderberg meeting. Then delegated to Henry Kissinger, Rockefellers bagman and US Secretary of State, who engineered the Yom Kippur war in Israel, which facilitated the creation of Opec and the massive price hike.

Anyone who lived through that period knew who was responsible, or at least thought that they did. Their media blamed the mooslim ayrabs. Those damned ayrabs holding us all to ransom. It was the early stage of their demonising of all muslims.

"Five months later, Bilderberg attendee and Rockefeller protege Henry Kissinger, acting as Nixon’s Secretary of State, engineered the Yom Kippur War and provoked OPEC’s response: an oil embargo of the US and other nations that had supported Israel. On October 16, 1973, OPEC raised oil prices by 70%. At their December meeting, the Shah of Iran demanded and received a further price raise to $11.65 a barrel, or 400% of oil’s pre-crisis price. When asked by Saudi King Faisal’s personal emissary why he had demanded such a bold price increase, he replied: “Tell your King, if he wants the answer to this question, he should go to Washington and ask Henry Kissinger.”

Kissinger was famously one of the managers of the Vietnam war too. For which he got the Nobel Peace Prize. A bit like Obomber did. The difference being that Kissinger managed his wars before he got the prize. With Obomber it was the other way round

If you watch/read the piece by James then you will see that the Nobel family crop up a few times too. They are oiligarchs too. But hey, they must be good guys, they created their famous philanthropic "prizes" didn't they    :-))

Lets just think about Kissinger and co for a minute.

* Nixon was the US President.
* Kissinger was the US Foreign Secretary [Secretary of State] appointed by Nixon, but in reality a Rockefeller operative. [He still is]
* The oiligarchs decided that war was necessary in the ME so they instructed Kissinger to set it up.
* Kissinger posed as a peacemaker, but was really a warmonger; all of us who were half awake then knew that at least.
* Kissinger did as instructed and set up the war by his friends in Israel. The Israelis were happy to oblige, they always love to kill ayrabs. They have been doing that for over 60 years now. Israel is Rothschildistan in reality, even down to their flag which is a Rothschild invention.

What price politicians in this system? Nixon was irrelevant although nominally the boss. Do you think that it is any different now? I don't. I think that it still works exactly the same way. And that it is the same system in the UK & all of EU.

Who do you think funds all these politicians, overtly or covertly, including Labour? Corporations. Who owns all the big corporations? The oiligarchs. Bit of a clue there.

And yet people still believe that voting for these puppets makes a difference. 60% of Brits voted in the last general election ffs. Wtf for? Don't vote, it just legitimises them. They could not maintain the pretense if nobody voted.

What price the main media in this system? Did they ever tell us about Kissinger being a Rockefeller stooge? No they did not. Do you think that they didn't know? Of course they knew. Anyone could find out if they did a bit of research like James did.

But to reveal it probably meant instant dismissal. Just the same now I expect. For mainstream journalists the truth about some subjects is strictly off limits at pain of losing your job. For example 9/11.

What is even worse many people still believe the shite that the main media spews out. Well, lots do anyhow. Lots have already wised up thank god. Personally I think that you need to question everything that they tell you. Every single thing. My default mode is that they are always lying in some way. Even if only by omission. 

Back to the the piece, there is far more including:

4. How the oiligarchs took over the US education system and then deliberately dumbed it down. Before their malign influence there was a very high literacy rate in the US. They require a compliant uneducated populace to "farm".

In their own words:

"“In our dream, we have limitless resources, and the people yield themselves with perfect docility to our molding hand. The present educational conventions fade from our minds; and, unhampered by tradition, we work our own good will upon a grateful and responsive folk. We shall not try to make these people or any of their children into philosophers or men of learning or science. We are not to raise up from among them authors, orators, poets, or men of letters. We shall not search for embryo great artists, painters, musicians. Nor will we cherish even the humbler ambition to raise up from among them lawyers, doctors, preachers, politicians, statesmen, of whom we now have ample supply.”

Wow! We have an ample supply of politicians! Proof positive from the horses mouth  :-))

And more from James:

"But a nation of individuals who could think for themselves was anathema to the monopolists. The oiligarchs needed a mass of obedient workers, an entire class of people whose intellect was developed just enough to prepare them for lives of drudgery in a factory. Into the midst stepped John D. Rockefeller with his first great act of public charity: the establishment of the University of Chicago."


"Although Rockefeller’s resources weren’t exactly limitless, they might as well have been. In 1902 he established the General Education Board to help implement Gates’ vision for the country school of tomorrow with a staggering $180 million endowment.

The Rockefeller influence on education was felt almost immediately, and it was amplified by help from fellow monopolists of the era who were approaching the topic of philanthropy from the same angle."

Wow again. $180 million in 1902. Serious dosh in those days. Equivalent to $billions now.

It is clear to old timers like me that the same story applies here in UK as well. As usual we get there a bit later than the US, but there is no doubt in my mind that the same dumbing down of education has occurred here too.

The Liberal Arts based education has the primary goal of teaching the student how to think for them self. It surely should be the primary objective of any good schooling.

Grammar, Logic and Rhetoric are the Trivium, the base of learning. Wikipedia:
"The Trivium is a systematic method of critical thinking used to derive factual certainty from information perceived with the traditional five senses: sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell. The trivium was the lower division of the seven liberal arts, and comprised grammarlogic, and rhetoric (input, process, and output)"

Arithmetic, geometry, music and astronomy are the Quadrivium, the number skills. Wikipedia:
"the quadrivium may be considered to be the study of number and its relationship to physical space or time: arithmetic was pure number, geometry was number in space, music number in time, and astronomy number in space and time."

The only way to get a proper Liberal Arts education at school here in the UK is if you pay for it. Most of the UK public [typically British wording, they are actually private fee paying] schools use these subjects as their base for learning, and actually teach pupils how to think for them self. The state doesn't want that. Nor do the oiligarchs. It's in neither of their interests.

5. How the oilgarchs took over western medicine and doctors. And created the pharamceutical industry which they own, and which has marginalised natural medicine. Which is of course difficult, if not impossible, to effectively monetise.

"Pharmaceuticals provided a lucrative new opportunity for the oiligarchs, but in a turn-of-the-century America that was still largely based on naturopathic, herbal remedies, it was a tough sell. The oiligarchy went to work changing that."


"In 1901 John D. established the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research. The Institute recruited Simon Flexner, a pathology professor at the University of Pennsylvania, to serve as its director. His brother, Abraham, was an educator who was contracted by the Carnegie Foundation to write a report on the state of the American medical education system. His study,The Flexner Report, along with the hundreds of millions of dollars that the Rockefeller and Carnegie Foundations were to shower on medical research in the coming years, resulted in a sweeping overhaul of the American medical system. Naturopathic and homeopathic medicine, medical care focused on un-patentable, uncontrollable natural remedies and cures was now dismissed as quackery; only drug-based allopathic medicine requiring expensive medical procedures and lengthy hospital stays was to be taken seriously."

The big pharma money centered US medical system is well known. But just because our UK system is socialised does not make it any less of a money drain into pharma. The pharma capture of doctors is all encompassing here in the UK. They often act like pharma reps now. Rarely a physical examination. Just stare at a screen and then print a 'script.

Natural cures are never ever offered. Despite the fact that they are far more relevant for many conditions. Got a snotty nose? Here have some antibiotics. Got an unruly child? Here have some Ritalin.

There is far more in the piece.

James finishes by explaining that the oiligarchs have big plans for the future too. All our futures in fact.

"But the oiligarchs are not done yet. Their next project, launched in the late 20th century, is almost too ambitious to be comprehended. It is not about oil. It is not about money. It is about the monopolization of life itself. They have spent decades preparing the path for this takeover and marshaled their mind-boggling resources in service of the task.
And the vast majority of the world’s population, still playing the shell game that the oiligarchs perfected and abandoned long ago, are about to fall right into their hands yet again."

Final thoughts:

The scumbag elites virtual 100% ownership of the media is key to their evil ambitions. I mean media in the widest sense, including Hollywood, and all TV output, and all famous academics, and all famous scientists, and all famous artists. If you are famous then you are media owned. How else could you actually be famous? They can make you. Or destroy you.

Can you believe anything that their media tell you? You might do, I certainly don't.

It is so easy for them. Show us a video, or a picture, and it must be real. This is the norm now. We all know about Photoshop etc. But the image is everything.

Witness the ISIS "beheadings". I watched most of them, and I can tell you that they were low grade Hollywood. But they were accepted as real by their main media. And they were swallowed hook, line and sinker by a majority of the people.

"That's right folks don't touch that dial"

[For the conspiracy minded, or if you don't believe me about the main media then, as an example, you should thoroughly research "Stanley Kubrick" and/or "Moon landings". It will take time, but if you spend time to cut through the disinfo fog, and think it through for yourself, then you will be amazed. Here is your starter from the "European Agency for Safety at Sea":

You could even earn $1 million, but I doubt it. Maybe I will post about Kubrick sometime. I will certainly provide you with a view from right down at the bottom of the rabbit hole in an upcoming post]


What about democracy in a world run by the oiligarchs and their mates? It is an almost meaningless concept. These scumbag elites make all the key decisions. Do you seriously believe that Obomber or Cameron have any say in the big issues? I don't. I think that they just read the script from their teleprompter. And try to look concerned when something bad happens.

Same applies to all of the others too, including Jeremy Corbyn; he surely must know all this. Well he did join the Queen's Privy Council didn't he? Another big clue there. One of the big UK oiligarchs own, private and secret, democratic subversion clubs. All past UK leaders have been members too, including all the Labour leaders ffs, all of them.

The Establishment response is so British. "Convention old chap, just ceremonial, no real power". Yeah, sure.

Actors should surely make the best national politicians. That is the main requirement for the job after all.


You will recall from my Climate Change post that Maurice Strong, who wrote the CC rules of process for the UN, was a Rockefeller operative, just like Kissinger. He was an oil man who was feted as one of the fathers of climate science. How does that work? Isn't the oil industry supposed to be against climate science?

If you believe their media it is. But not in the real world of the oiligarchs. They own the media.They own all the big corporations and most of the minerals, commodities and utilities. They own all the famous politicians. They control all the transnational political institutions via their place men/women. Like George Carlin said: "It's a big fuckin club. And you ain't in it".

They have all the money that they could possibly ever need. They always make money off both sides of any argument. They own the banks too, so they can create money whenever they want.

It's not about money for them. It's all about human control.

They have plenty ways to exercise that control too. The nation states are controlled by them via their puppets. Even though they have no national allegiance themselves; they truly are "International Monopoly Capitalists".

But there is so much more:

* "Sustainability for the 21st century", and such like, from their UN

* Trans Pacific Partnership [TPP] from their NAFTA

* Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership [TTIP] from their EU

Make no mistake they fully own all those things.

But all this will only work for them if we let it.

By believing what their corrupt media tells us.

By voting for their corrupt politicians, and thereby giving them our consent.

They really do fear our awakening. We outnumber them massively.

We know in our hearts that our world is on the wrong path. That we cannot carry on like this.

It is up to us really.

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