Monday, 4 April 2016

Deny the globalist elites - Vote Brexit!


The only way is out baby, for you and me now

Addendum #1 - 8th April 2016
Panama papers

Addendum #2 - 8th April 2016
The Saker

Addendum #3 - 12th April 2016
Tragedy and Hope 101

Addendum #4 - 14th April 2016
700 years banking cabal

Addendum #5 - 1st May 2016
EU will allow GMO's in food chain under TTIP

Addendum #6 - 8th May 2016
The EU - A CIA covert operation

Addendum #7 - 9th May 2016
95% of the Greek bailout money went to European Banks

Addendum #8 -11th May 2016
A visit to the TTIP reading room

Addendum #9 -12th May 2016
The Collapse of the European Union
Return to National Sovereignty and to Happy Europeans

Addendum #10 - 15th May 2016
The Third Way
The Nazi international, European Union and Corporate Fascism

Addendum #11 - 15th May 2016
As the scare campaign goes full Hammer horror a new word enters the campaign...

Addendum #12 - 16th May 2016
The Undemocratic EU explained

Addendum #13 - 14th June 2016
All the reasons why you should vote for Brexit next week in one 12 minute interview

Addendum #14 - 16th June 2016
Banksters threaten Brits: Don't Brexit ....or else!

Scroll to end of original post for all addenda.

Original post - 4th April 2016

A vote to stay in the EU is a vote for the globalist fascist scumbag elites, and their undemocratic regional superstate.

Easily verifiable facts:

* The EU "parliament" has no legislative power, only advisory. It can decide nothing. It is a sham parliament, just like the Duma in the Soviet Union was

* The EU Commission has never, ever, been audited by an independent auditor!!!!! The EU Commission is the Executive authority for the EU and it spends literally £billions of our taxes each year. It is totally unaccountable financially because there has never been an independent audit, and therefore no independent verification that it does what it says it does! It is a financial "black hole" and the inevitable resulting financial corruption is on a gargantuan scale. Massive snouts in a massive publicly funded trough, with no accountability

* None of the EU Commissioners themselves are elected. They are appointed by member States governments and there is no democratic accountability for the appointment process. Jobs for insiders dished out by members of the exclusive club. They are often national politicians who have been booted out by their own electorate, or are in disgrace for one reason or another. And are then rewarded for "past services" by a good position at the trough. Think Neil and Glenys Kinnock. Think Peter Mandelson. Think Leon Brittan. Think Donald Tusk.

Democracy? What democracy?

Here are a few reasons for UK to leave the EU. There are many, many, more than I cover here but the later reasons that I give are crucial:

The EU introduced a forced and disastrous austerity régime into the so-called ‘ClubMed’ €uro zone countries [Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Cyprus]. The resulting economic crisis in all of these countries was entirely predictable. But the banksters must be obeyed. They are clearly more important than the people.

The EU bludgeoned an elected Greek government into submission and forced it into a third financial "bail out", that it knows is impossible for Greece to ever repay. It did this to repay the banksters previous reckless loans to Greece via corrupt Greek politicians, most of which went to the Greek oligarchs. None of the new bail out money went to Greece itself. The EU illegally used the European Central Bank to destabilise Greece’s banking system, and take effective dictatorial control of the elected Greek government.

Don't believe me? Then read this from the horses mouth:

The €uro banksters are clearly more important to the EU than democracy and/or the EU people are.

Far from creating an outcry in Britain, by the end of these and numerous other grossly anti-democratic actions, 40% still want to stay in the EU, with 20% undecided.

Cameron brings back a joke set of ‘reforms’ and suggests these are the key to wholesale reform of the EU. Everyone laughs out loud. There are no demands for his resignation. The 40/40% tie on EU stay or leave remains exactly the same

In Greece, they’re busy trying to work out how to live with halved pensions, doubled prices and increased taxes. In Britain, the 40/40% tie between leavers and remainders remains immovable.

In Greece the fascist globalists of the EU, after forcing the third "bail out", then forced the emasculated Greek government to "privatise" all the remaining state assets including the ports and airports. The ports, the lifeblood of Greece, are sold for pennies on the €uro to the globalist fascist scumbags and their pals.

It emerges that the controlling, globalist anti-local TTIP trade agreement [Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership] between the EU and the USA will be decided with no meaningful consultation with either the European Parliament, or the Parliaments of member States. 

This is a de jure admission that the EU is now a totalitarian dictatorship, part of the Washington Empire.

There are no riots in Paris, no demos in Berlin.

The EU is controlled, and run, by the unelected insiders of the Commission. Who are in turn controlled, and run, by their globalist fascist elite masters, via their paid for national politicians. Yet the left in Britain wants to Stay. The left, in effect, campaigning for fascism! Read on and you will understand why I say "fascism".

So far, only Kate Hoey on the British Left has volubly opposed all their actions. Jeremy Corbyn is campaigning on the Stay ticket despite his leadership campaign promise to push for Brexit. The British left is clearly as confused as ever, campaigning on behalf of the globalist fascists EU project, seemingly without realising what the globalist fascists long term game plan is. Like turkeys voting for Christmas.

It doesn't make much sense does it? Well it doesn't if you think that the political pantomime is real. But when you know that both sides kowtow to the same global elite, with their long term plan for us all, then it makes much more sense. I've already explained in previous posts how the Labour party was created, and developed, by a group of globalist elitists, the Fabians and others. So you've got to assume that Corbyn and co understand the globalists plan. The alternative is that they are just useful idiots.

So let's consider their long term game plan in a bit more detail.

The globalist elites declared long term aim is a government for the whole world, run by the Corporations that they own, using the professional politicians that they own/control.

This is not a secret, their aims are openly declared and have been for the best part of a century.

Their declared interim aims include the creation of regional superstates that they can more easily control without the interference of any meaningful democracy. Superstates like the EU, the North American Union [Mexico, USA and Canada], the Union of South American Nations, the African Union, the South Asian Union, and others. Regional superstates that are much more convenient for the elites than unpredictable, and sometimes unreliable, Nation States.

Their creation of the European currency, the €uro, was an important step in their progress to a world currency. Their next step in that direction is imminent. They have already created their "Special Drawing Rights" currency which is a basket of $, £, €, Yen and Rimimbi [China]. The SDR is their embryonic world currency and is currently confined to inter-nation financial transactions. Expect further consolidation towards a consumer world currency in the not too distant future.

Their use of trade "agreements" like TTIP, and TPP [Trans Pacific Partnership] is also pivotal. These agreements will give their Corporations a higher legal status than mere Nation States like the UK. Yes, you read that right:

TTIP and TPP will give multi-national Corporations the power to force national governments, like the UK, to comply with their wishes. Their Corporations will use a new style of international court system that will be set up by TTIP and TPP, and that, in effect, will place their Corporations above mere national governments.

No wonder they want their undemocratic EU superstate to pass this on the nod. In a real democracy such a proposal wouldn't stand a cat in hell's chance.

The globalist elites want their Corporations to run their world government.

These plans were initially formed roughly a century ago. But most people have no idea about this because they get all their geopolitical information from the elite owned, and elite controlled, mainstream media. Which never ever informs them of this reality.

I define mainstream media as follows:
* all TV programs
* all national newspapers
* all national radio
* all internet sources that you cannot directly identify as independent.

The recent "Panama papers" demonstrate the point precisely.

See this from whistleblower, and ex Foreign Office ambassador, Craig Murray:

"Corporate Media Gatekeepers Protect Western 1% From Panama Leak"

"What do you expect? The leak is being managed by the grandly but laughably named “International Consortium of Investigative Journalists”, which is funded and organised entirely by the USA’s Center for Public Integrity. Their funders include:
Ford Foundation
Carnegie Endowment
Rockefeller Family Fund
W K Kellogg Foundation
Open Society Foundation (Soros) 
among many others. Do not expect a genuine expose of western capitalism. The dirty secrets of western corporations will remain unpublished."

And this from James Corbett:

If you rely solely on this mainstream media for your financial and geopolitical information then you will be permanently "out of the loop".

However, the globalist elites have been very open about their plans among themselves. Their long term plans have been openly available, for about a century, for those that know where to look. There is absolutely no doubt about this:

The globalist elites want their Corporations to run their world government.

They are now on the cusp of the irrevocable success of their plans.

Their centralising EU, €uro, and TTIP/TPP are all key parts of their strategic plans.

All thinking people should oppose them in any possible way that they can, because:

Government by Corporations is fascism, by definition

[This is Mussolini's own definition of fascism. He was one of the first fascists]

So a vote to remain in the EU is a vote for FASCISM

If you are against fascism, then you must:

Vote Brexit!

I intend to update this post regularly as the fateful June referendum day approaches.

There is far more to say including:

* How the EU will be even more dominated by centralised Corporate priorities in future
* The ongoing neutering of EU national member States rights and independence. This is already well advanced and will be very difficult to reverse

* How the fascist elites own the corporations, and the banksters, who rule over the EU
* How the fascist elites pay for, blackmail, and therefore control, pretty well all the key politicians in the EU member Nation States
* How the people of the EU are the last consideration in all of this

Democracy? What democracy?

I am also wrestling with a fundamental personal conundrum. I never vote in elections anymore because I believe that by voting I give my consent to the current political process. That, by voting, I in effect give my consent to the deeply corrupt politicians of the current system to act as they see fit [are instructed more like] during the term of their so called "mandate" ie. the 5 years or so after the election.

The same politicians who, under the orders of their fascist elite masters, create wars and many other human disasters, and thereby kill innocent people in their millions.

I do not give them my consent, by voting.
I thus deny them their legitimacy, as far as I am concerned.
They do nothing in my name.

I will never vote in an election again unless there is major reform of this stinking rotten system.

So should I vote in the referendum? I've not thought it through properly yet. Probably I will because this vote does not imply consent. If I do then, it will be to leave, obviously. ie. Brexit

More information:
Here is a good independent Brexit information and comment source for those that rely primarily on the dumbed down, globalist controlled, mainstream media for their geopolitical information. There are plenty of others if you care to look:

Please note:
Wherever I write "globalist fascist elites", I could just as well say:

* international capitalists
* the 1%
* the oligarchs
* the plutocrats
* the super rich
or other similar labels

It doesn't really matter which label you choose to use. It's the same bunch that I've written about in most of my earlier posts.

Finally, I do not mean to imply that there are not significant differences among different factions within this small elite group. They are not unanimous in their tactics by any means.

But they all work within the wider general strategy, which is regularly reviewed, and updated, at their secret private meetings in democracy-free organisations like:
The Royal Institute for International Affairs [Chatham House, UK]
The Council on Foreign Relations [US sister to RIIA]
The Trilateral Commission [US, UK, Japan]
Bilderberg [Western World: Corporations, Banksters & Politicos]
and other even less well known meeting places that the elites use.

If you want to do your own research then those orgs are a good place to start.

Addendum #1 - 8th April 2016

Opinion is certainly not unanimous about the Panama Papers by any means.

Here is Joseph who writes extensively about the nazi/US/EU links. This vid is a very interesting watch for students of geopolitics. With his usual "high octane speculation" too:

Joseph references "Zero Hedge" which is a must read for such students. Their main focus is the financial aspect of the mad geopolitical game. Here is their main page:

And here is Ken who writes about the big picture strategy of the globalists. His theories will be far too off the wall for most people:

However, I am sure that both would agree with the main point of my post, even though both would undoubtedly see it as entirely too simplistic and unsophisticated  :-))

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Addendum #2 - 8th April 2016

That acute observer of the black hats, the Saker, writing about the EU and Ukraine.

"The Bottom Line
The bottom line of this mess is this: what the US and the EU did in the Ukraine (and elsewhere, really) was fantastically stupid. But the US can afford such mistakes, while the EU clearly cannot. As for Russia, yes, she most definitely has been hurt by these policies, but this pain has been channeled by the Kremlin to make Russia stronger on many levels, from the political, to the military and even the economy, although here the progress has been minimal and the 5th column is still very much in charge, though I remain hopeful of a much needed purge.

What the EU has done is essentially a form of “suicide by reality denial”. What follows next will have to be regime change, not for one country, but for the entire continent. I think that such regime change is inevitable, but the big question is how long this slow and painful EU agony will last. Alas, this could take many years, I think. EU leaders will not elegantly apologize and resign, there is an entire class of parasites which now lives from the EU structure which will desperately resist any meaningful reforms, nevermind regime change, and which will always put their narrow comprador class interests above their people or even common sense.

As for the people of the EU, they will find out that they don’t have the means to impose political change by the ballot, that they live in a pretend-democracy, and that everything they have been told and promised is just an empty, ugly, lie. The Ukraine did not become Europe, but Europe became the Ukraine."

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Addendum #3 - 12th April 2016

Tragedy and Hope 101

Here is a must watch/read for students of geopolitics. It is very relevant to my post in that it provides access to important info about the globalist's mindset, and methods, going back to the late 1800's:

The first link in the "Show Notes" [I copied it below],  gives free online access to the book that they are talking about in the vid. "Tragedy and Hope 101" is a very important work that provides easy access to the essential elements of the daunting [600k words, 1,300 pages of small typeface, equivalent 2,000 pages if in normal type!] original by Quigley, "Tragedy and Hope" itself. This detailed summary reveals the important bits in the original and it opens the doors to a clear view of how geopolitics really works, and has done for over a century. And it certainly isn't pretty. I was too kind calling it fascism, they are worse than fascists:

From chapter 1:

"Again, as Quigley points out, the “power structure” that he exposed isn’t loyal to Communism, or Socialism, or Fascism, or capitalism. The Network is happy to exploit the rhetoric of any movement or ideology, prop up any dictator or tyrant, and support any economic or political model, provided it serves their one overarching aim. That aim, to bring “all the habitable portions of the world under their control,” is as old as the lust for power itself. The death and suffering that their policies have already caused in pursuit of this aim are incalculable. Allowing them to continue as they have will only bring more of the same. As W. Cleon Skousen states in The Naked Capitalist:

As I see it, the great contribution which Dr. Carroll Quigley unintentionally made by writing Tragedy and Hope was to help the ordinary American realize the utter contempt which the network leaders have for ordinary people. Human beings are treated en masse as helpless puppets on an international chess board where giants of economic and political power subject them to wars, revolution, civil strife, confiscation, subversion, indoctrination, manipulation and deception.

Skousen hit the nail on the head. Tragedy and Hope revealed something even more important than “one of the most powerful influences in the twentieth-century American and world history.” It inadvertently revealed the mind-set of those who wield such power. It exposed the astonishing arrogance and hypocrisy of those who feel they have the right to rule billions of other human beings.

If there is one goal for this book, it is to expose the attitude and inherent nature of those who seek to dominate others. Don’t worry about remembering all of the dates and names that have been listed. Don’t worry about trying to recall all of the specific events. (All of that information will always be here if you need to find it again.) Instead, make it a point to simply verify the following: there is no lie that these men will not tell. There is no crime that they will not commit. The only measure of “right” and “wrong,” in their view, is whether their tactics succeed or fail. This might sound like hyperbole now, but by the end of this short book you will understand the truth of this assertion. (The Network’s game is won by those who calculate properly, and moral considerations only impede accurate calculation.)"

Psychopaths and sociopaths is not too strong a description for these people. It's all about human control for them. They care nothing for ordinary folk. Absolutely nothing.

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Addendum #4 - 14th April 2016

700 years Banking Cabal by William Stewart

"The EU was planned in secret, in Canada, in 1942. The bankers who met to discuss the EU were directly related to those who paid for the Russian revolution and were involved in other wars. So in 1942 the bankers who bankrupt Hitler moved rapidly out of the way and abandoned him and began to plan for their future during the peace years."


"So, when we are dealing with the EU, we are dealing with yet one more step into a society that is controlled by bankers and run by bankers. And has very little to do with human freedom, dignity and liberty"

Start at minute 39.00 if you don't want to listen to the whole interview. If you are interested in geopolitics then the whole interview is a "must listen".

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Addendum #5 - 1st May 2016

EU will allow GMO's in food chain under TTIP

This demonstrates why we need to leave the EU. GMO's are poison. Nobody wants them in Europe. Other than US corporations.

Obama had the brass neck to tell us that we may miss out on trade agreements if we vote Brexit. He used this as a reason to stay in ffs.

"A joint report conducted by Greenpeace, Corporate Europe Observatory and Gene Watch UK issued a briefing paper last week entitled “Commission fails to regulate new GMOs after intense US lobbying.”
In essence, the European Commission has effectively deserted its principles when it comes to GMO’s entering the food chain within the 28 nation bloc. Intense lobbying by United States representatives for the EU Commission to disregard current GMO rules which require stringent safety tests and labelling has proved successful. The result is that genetically modified organisms produced through a modified technique called ‘gene editing’ will be allowed. Gene editing is all but the same as anything we understand about GMO’s generally.
Freedom of Information documents show the scale of US lobbying has overwhelmed the EU Commission who now stand accused of bowing to US pressure and abdicating to the corporations and rejecting citizen concerns. The documents reveal that US representatives pushed for the EU to disregard its own GMO rules on the basis that the EU were simply putting up barriers and stifling trade under the proposed TTIP negotiations. The papers state that the EU should completely ignore health and environmental safeguards to pave the way for successful negotiations.

On the EC website the very first paragraph reads: “The European Union has established a legal framework to ensure that the development of modern biotechnology, and more specifically of GMOs, takes place in safe conditions.”"

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Addendum #6 - 8th May 2016

The EU - A CIA covert operation

Some interesting history about the formation of the EU in the link below. It was conceived, and implemented, by fascists.
And he doesn't mention the fact that the conceptual origins of the EU lay in the Third Reich. Or that the globalists used the 1955 Rome meeting of ‘The Bilderbergers’ to implement their plan. [Bilderberg is a secret society of elitist globalists whose role is to set the agenda for a super centralised world – in which the most powerful oligarchs retain 100% control over the evolution of society]:

"The fact of the matter is that it is far easier for Washington to control Europe with one central authority at the reins than it is dealing with dozens of separate sovereignties. Indeed, the very idea of national sovereignty as the foundation of international relations is something the empire-builders of the Beltway, and their bag-men in the capitals of Europe, would like to do away with. For this time-honored idea stands in the way of the “democracy”-promotion crusades we have been engaged in since the end of the cold war, and contradicts the left-internationalist doctrine of the “responsibility to protect” that has sparked wars from the Balkans to Libya and Syria.
Globalism is the name of the game for our deracinated elites, and nationalism – ofany kind, including the American variety – is the enemy. That’s why we’re seeing both the Obama administration and the ostensibly “Conservative” Party leadership of the British state undertake a combined assault against Euro-skepticism and the threat of “xenophobia.” If you don’t want to see your country absorbed into the Euro-Borg, then you’re a “racist,” a right-wing extremist, and a hate-criminal to boot.
Yet the EU never had popular support in the countries it now lords over: that’s why they had to stage multiple elections until they got the “right” result in FranceIrelandand Denmark. Which brings to mind that State Department memo about creating an aura of the inescapable around the EU project.
Britain, which has been the most resistant to European “integration,” has never had a referendum, and this upcoming test is crucial to the survival of the EU. If the Brits vote to exit, the CIA’s longest-running campaign, begun under the administration of Harry Truman, will have ended in failure.
The globalist idea is a central canon of the War Party. For if national borders are to be erased – and the very concept of national sovereignty relegated to the dust heap of history – then the job of justifying Washington’s wars is made much easier. The claim that there is a “higher” principle operative in international affairs than the inviolability of national borders – “humanitarianism,” “democracy”-promotion, women’s rights, gay rights, etc. – gives the War Party a green light to rampage over the earth to its heart’s content.
What they want is a world empire with no borders – and June 23 is a day when they could very well be turned back."
I certainly hope that they are turned back. How about you? Do you want to stay in the Empire of Chaos that is run by the War Party?
A vote to remain is a vote for the globalists. And thus a vote for the War Party.

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Addendum #7 - 9th May 2016

95% of the Greek bailout money went to European Banks

More evidence of the EU fascist imposition on Greece, which is no longer a sovereign nation thanks to the EU.

"Some 95 percent of the 220 billion euros disbursed to Greece since the start of the financial crisis as loans from the bailout mechanism has been directed toward saving the European banks. That means about 210 billion euros was eventually channeled to the eurozone credit sector while just 5 percent ended up in state coffers, according to a study by the European School of Management and Technology (ESMT) in Berlin.
“Europe and the International Monetary Fund have in previous years mainly saved the banks and other private creditors,” concluded the report, published yesterday in German newspaper Handelsblatt. ESMT director Jorg Rocholl told the financial newspaper that “the bailout packages mainly saved the European banks.
The economists who took part in the study have analyzed each loan separately to established where the money ended up, and concluded that just 9.7 billion euros – less than 5 percent – actually found its way into the Greek budget for the benefit of citizens.
“This is something that everyone suspected, but few people actually knew. That has now been confirmed by the study."
Confirmation of what I said in the original post then. The EU was desperate to save its ridiculous Euro. So it screwed the Greek people whose only realistically viable way out was to leave the Euro and launch a new Drachma. But the EU fascist thugs took over the Greek banking system and imposed their solution to save their big European banks. Fascist thuggery from the EU technocrats. Hidden in plain sight as usual.

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Addendum #8 -11th May 2016

A visit to the TTIP reading room by an Irish MEP.

This short vid speaks for itself.

I've already explained that MEP's have no legislative power. That they can "advise" the un-elected Commissioners, but not instruct them. They are members of a sham parliament.

The vid demonstrates that MEP's aren't even allowed to tell their constituents verbatim what is in the TTIP agreement! The most important "trade deal" ever is secret from ordinary people and MEP's it seems.

Why do you think that is? I think that it is because, if people realised what the "trade deal" will do then, there would be massive opposition. People on the streets rioting even.

Democracy in the EU? You're 'avin a laugh!!

This is not a matter of left/right politics. It is far far more important than that.

The globalists want their corporations to govern the planet. The EU is a key part of their plan to abolish the nation state. Did anyone, any politician even, ever ask you whether that is a good idea? No? I thought not.

It is almost too late to stop them. If they pass TTIP then we're all screwed.

Forget political dogma. That will not help you with this decision.

Forget all the economic and other scare stories. They are pure bullshit to fool you into supporting the globalists. The City of London will continue like it has done for over a millenium, whether in or out of the EU.

It's time to see the big picture.

Deny the globalists - vote Brexit on 23rd June

It may be your last chance.

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Addendum #9 -12th May 2016

The Collapse of the European Union
Return to National Sovereignty and to Happy Europeans

A sobering appraisal of the impact of TTIP.

"Under the TTIP, the citizens of Europe would lose out on all fronts. Europeans would become literally subjects of a corporate empire, led by the United States of America. EU countries would stop being sovereign nations, even more so than is already the case under the current Brussels dictate. As the secret TTIP documents reveal, the agreement would be the death knell for Europe. Here is what Susan George, philosopher and political analyst and President of the Planning Committee of the Transnational Institute in Amsterdam has to say:

The food we import would be chemically treated, would be genetically modified, would have no labels. You wouldn’t know exactly what is in your food. You could buy chicken that has been rinsed in chlorine, you could have beef that was raised with hormones, you could have biosynthetic food made out of one gene of a plant another of an animal, and this would not be labeled.

In the area of agriculture again, it is very likely that we would lose a great many farmers, because if we lower the tariffs of agriculture we will have a flood of American [highly subsidized, GMO]-corn and basic grains flooding into Spain and that will ruin a lot of farmers, exactly the way the ”campesinos” in Mexico were ruined by the North American Free Trade Agreement, the NAFTA.

ln the area of health, the pharmaceutical companies [want] to get rid of generic drugs. They have already succeeded in forcing the generic drug companies to repeat all of the clinical trials that they have already had to do with the same identical medicine but which has a brand name. To make it a generic drug you have to start all over again: clinical trials, blind tests, and so forth. So medicine would become much more expensive.

But most important:

[The TTIP] is about giving corporations the freedom to sue governments if they don’t like a law that the government has passed.

We have a lot of examples now, because in hundreds of bilateral treaties this private judiciary system exists, and for example, the government of Egypt raised the minimum wage and a company, an important company, Veolia, from France, sued them because they would have to pay their workers more. This case has not been decided yet, but one case that has been decided is for example, Ecuador, which refused that an American petroleum company could drill in a particular region. Well, they said this is a protected area and you cannot drill here. And the company said, ah, we will sue you; and they won. And they have a fine on Ecuador of 1.8 billion dollars which is a lot of money for a small and fairly weak country.

This simply means that private corporate courts would be above the laws and courts of sovereign nations. There would be no sovereignty left; not even the little idependence Brussels has not yet destroyed. EU nations would all be under the rules of an Anglo-American led corporate empire.
But all is not lost. TTIP has to be passed by all 28 members. There is at least some democracy in each member state, unlike the EU.

And the French, and others, smell a rat:

"There is hope that even if ‘negotiations’ by the secret EC traitors and Washington should come to conclusion, at least some of the 28 EU countries may not approve. To be valid, the treaty needs to be approved in unanimity. The new rightwing Austrian frontrunner for Austrian’s Presidency, Norbert Hofer, has already said he would not sign the TTIP agreement. Similar remarks have been made by the French Minister for Foreign Trade, Matthias Fekl, who said, “There cannot be an agreement without France and much less against France."
Vive La France!

See the whole article for lots more info and detail.

Brexit will certainly put a spanner in the globalists works.

Vote Brexit!

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Addendum #10 - 15th May 2016

"The Third Way
The Nazi international, European Union and Corporate Fascism"

I am currently reading a book of that title by Joseph P Farrell whose website is here:

It is relevant to the Brexit debate because Joseph details some fascinating history, with many detailed references, about the period between the 2 world wars leading up to the creation of the EU after WW2. Among other topics he covers the following:

* the role of Hjalmar Schact, Hitlers finance maesto, in facilitating the finance of the Nazis using Wall Street banks. [For chapter and verse on this see Antony Sutton's "Wall Street and the rise of Hitler", online book here: ]

* how Schact and the Nazis, with US oligarchs help, created some massive corporate cartels, steel, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, engineering etc that are still the basis of German industry today. These cartels largely survived the war intact. So did Schact. His bio was whitewashed by the US at Nuremberg, and he participated in many post war financial developments to the advantage of Germany

* how Wall Street banks and US oligarchs were natural financial partners for the Nazis because they were fascists themselves [they still are]

* the role of Schacht in the creation of the Bank of International Settlements in Switzerland. The BIS is the central bank for central banks, a role it still discharges today, although most people have never heard of it. There were many German directors of the BIS before and during WW2. The governor of the Bank of England was a big pal of Schact and helped him, even though England was at war with Germany! The bankers were above all politics and wars, these are just for plebs. Plus ca change

* how the Nazi party in Germany was not a signatory to the surrender document that ended WW2. The German state and German military both signed, but not the Nazi party itself

* how the US oligarchs facilitated the Nazi diaspora to the Americas, North and South. Creating shadow financial systems in the process. ie. finance outside the reported financial economy. The BIS was central in this shadow system which is still in use today

* how the European Union was the brainchild, and subsequent creation, of these nefarious forces. The EU is essentially a US/Nazi construct that has been used to facilitate US imperial control of Europe, and to further US corporate interests

* [Of course the EU wore "socialist" clothes for many years. That was a cover for the international/oligarch/fascist/financier/banksters, who have always used socialism and communism in this way. See "Tragedy and Hope 101" in addendum #3 for chapter and verse. There were many social advances from the EU in the early days, but the underlying forces were undoubtedly always corporate and fascist]

* how their ridiculous €uro was created by the same forces. The €uro was planned decades before it was implemented

So the EU was conceived, created and developed by fascists.

So a vote to remain is a vote for fascism

Deny the globalists - Vote Brexit!

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Addendum #11 - 15th May 2016

As the scare campaign goes full Hammer horror a new word enters the campaign... BREXSHIT

"It’s Official: there are now more media, political leaders, globalists, lenders, hasbeens and trolls bombing the LeaveEU campaign than countries bombing Syria. In fact, taken as a whole, they’re the same people."

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Addendum #12 - 16th May 2016

The Undemocratic EU explained

"The EU's law-making process is fundamentally undemocratic. Power is vested in the unelected and unaccountable elite who make laws - in secret - to preserve the status of large multinationals at the expense of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Multinationals achieve their preferential status by spending enormous sums of money on lobbying. They create a complicated regulatory framework, which only large companies with their Human Resources departments can comply with. This drives small competitors out of business, destroys competition and encourages monopolies, forcing the consumer to pay a higher price for poorer quality goods and services."


"This is not a Parliament in any real sense, as they have no right to propose laws. Instead it is a façade, created to make the EU look democratic, rather than give the public a choice over those who makes their laws. The Parliament does vote and can make amendments on laws proposed by the Commission, but the Commission must accept any of the amendments proposed for the changes to become effective, showing where the power lies. 

Additionally, once something becomes an EU law, the Parliament has no ability to propose a change to this law. All the power is given to the Commission. It is clear the public's elected representatives do not matter in the EU. It's a 'club' to push through laws which would be rejected by national Parliaments. Once the Parliament approves an EU proposal, it is sent to the European Council."
"The EU is a highly undemocratic organisation ratcheting more and more power with every passing day. It is impervious to public opinion. The people who matter in the law-making process are unelected and therefore unaccountable."
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Addendum #13 - 14th June 2016

All the reasons why you should vote for Brexit next week in one 12 minute interview.

Almost the whole of the UK Establishment wants you to vote Remain. Reason enough to vote for Brexit I would have thought.

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Addendum #14 - 16th June 2016

Banksters threaten Brits: Don't Brexit ....or else!

One by one, the Brexit dominoes are falling.
First it was the surprise ORB poll last Fridayshowing those in favor of Britain’s departure from the EU a whopping 10 points in the lead.
Then it was two new polls this week confirming that the “Leave” camp has taken a convincing lead with just 10 days left to go before the vote.
Then it was Murdoch’s Sun urging its readers in its typical low key and understated fashion to “BeLEAVE in Britain!”
Now even serious journalists like The Telegraphs’s Ambrose Evans-Pritchard are encouraging Britons to vote for separation from the EU in next week’s referendum:
“Stripped of distractions, [the referendum] comes down to an elemental choice: whether to restore the full self-government of this nation, or to continue living under a higher supranational regime, ruled by a European Council that we do not elect in any meaningful sense, and that the British people can never remove, even when it persists in error.
“[…]We are deciding whether to be guided by a Commission with quasi-executive powers that operates more like the priesthood of the 13th Century papacy than a modern civil service; and whether to submit to a European Court of Justice (ECJ) that claims sweeping supremacy, with no right of appeal.”
I couldn’t have said it better myself. Well, actually I could, but fewer people would listen.
BrexitmomentumSo the bookmakers may still be giving the winning odds to the “Stay” camp (for the compulsive gamblers out there, it’s 4-7 for stay vs. 7-4 for leave), there is significant movement behind the push to extricate the UK from its 43 year entanglement with the EUreaucracy.
So of course the banksters are doing what they always do when things are not going their way: threatening, intimidating and generally trying to scare the living daylights out of the public.
Accordingly, the bankster mouthpiece media has been breathlessly reporting for months now on the number of economists who have lined up to warn that the sky will fall and dogs will start marrying cats (economically speaking) if Britain asserts control of its own territory: 200! No, 88% of 600!! No, 9 out of 10!!!
…Or is that 14.7%? Bah, there’s no time to check the facts, just trust the experts. It’s time to be afraid!
And they’re not necessarily wrong. After all, the financiers control the central banks which have been dictating the global equities and bond bubble we’ve been living through since Lehman, so if and when they decide to pop it they just have to start calling in their debts and sucking the air out of the economy.
And so we get a series of catastrophic headlines:
suicide_bankerThis should surprise precisely no one. Remember when public outcry against the $700 billion bankster bailout of 2008 was so loud that Congress overwhelmingly rejected the bill? Remember what Brad Sherman later admitted on the floor of Congress?
“Many of us were told in private conversations that if we voted against this bill on Monday that the sky would fall, the market would drop two or three thousand points the first day and a couple of thousand on the second day, and a few members were even told that there would be martial law in America if we voted no.”
Remember when the banksters showed they were willing to follow through on their warnings, with $1.2 trillion of wealth being wiped out of the stock marketthe day that congress voted to reject the bill? Remember how Congress caved and passed the bill after a second vote a few days later?
Well why would we expect anything different this time around? The banksters want Britain in the EU and they’re not afraid to hold a gun to the head of the global economy in order to get their way.
There are a couple of points to take away from this. Firstly, should voters allow the inevitable backlash from the powers-that-shouldn’t-be stop them from doing what they feel is right come referendum day?
And secondly, isn’t it instructive that the only response the banksters really have is to take their ball and go home when things don’t go their way? I mean, sure, the “ball” is the global debt-based finance capital economy they’ve constructed in their image and that keeps the wheels of commerce as we know it today greased (and thus is more or less directly responsible for the gainful employment of almost everyone), but still…all they can do is try to take that away from us.
brexit-800x500So, once again, doesn’t it all come down to an even more fundamental question: what could the banksters threaten us with if we were building communitiesboycotting and buycotting, usingalternative currenciesguerilla gardeningpeer-to-peer tradingengaging in agorism and otherwise completely rejecting the bankster system?

Sadly, we don’t live in a world where those practices are mainstream (yet), so on June 23rd the Brits need to ask themselves one simple question: Are they going to vote out of fear of the consequences, or are they going to vote for what they believe to be right?

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