You've got to wonder.
Whilst the whole UK Establishment, with it's lickspittle puppets in politics and the media, runs around like Chicken Licken, shouting "The sky has fallen in!" and other such guff. What has actually changed for ordinary people? Has the sky fallen in? No of course it hasn't.
What has actually happened before and after the vote is very instructive though.
The "markets" have tumbled. Well so what? How does that effect the ordinary people, who are not rich? Answer: it doesn't. The "markets" are simply for rich people only. They are all rigged in their favour anyway. The presstitutes bang on about the markets as though we are all dependent on them in some way. Why should we worry that a few rich twats have taken a fall?
The whole of the Western finance capital system has been teetering on the edge since 2008. They've been conjuring money out of thin air for over 100 years now. Ever since the Federal Reserve was founded in 1913. Why do you think that the US $ has fallen in value by over 95% since 1913? The City of London has been at it far longer of course. The Bank of England has been conjuring money out of thin air for centuries. Why has the national debt doubled under Osbourne? Because they've been inventing funny money to prop up their markets. Their so called "Quantitative Easing". Without it a whole raft of UK and European banks would undoubtedly already have failed. Ultimately this "Quantitative Easing" [invented money] will be paid for by us, out of our taxes. It is purely to prop up their corpse of a finance system.
So is Brexit the cause of the market falls? No of course it isn't. The crash was coming well before Brexit was even a possibility. They've been kicking the crash can down the road all this century for sure.
It seems that this tsunami of bad economic news, which has been coming at us for years and years, was almost certain to hit us in 2016. The observers of the financial world, who did not believe the presstitutes of the media line , that "all is well", have understood this for some time and made preparations accordingly. I certainly have. The systemic flaws in the western finance capital system have been plain for all who cared to look. But if you rely on their controlled main media then you will be out of that loop entirely. That is why the coming crash will be a shock to so many.
Will that crash have been caused by Brexit? Do me a favour; of course it won't. The crash has been in the pipeline since well before Brexit was a twinkle in Nigel Farages eye. Nige knows that too I expect. He was a City of London operative when he actually worked for a living.
So I smell a rat. It is all too convenient for the powers that be. They cause a crash with their rapacious financial behaviour, over many decades. Then they engineer a crisis with their head puppet, Cameron, calling an EU referendum that he had no need to call at all. He called it purely as a means of managing dissent in his political party, the Blue Tories. Why call a referendum and then campaign to remain? It makes no sense. The only logical reason to hold a referendum is if you want the status quo to change, and will campaign for that change.
Consider Borisconi the so called "leader" of the Brexit campaign. He was a remaindeer up until February this year. I smell another rat. Does he really want a Brexit? His first declaration after "winning" the vote was to say that there is no rush to invoke article 50, the treaty provision that will formalise the Brexit. Why would that be if he really wants Brexit.
What about the Red Tories, the so called "Labour" Party, that was conceived, and set up, by the Industrial and Financial elites all those decades ago. [It looks more and more like controlled opposition as time passes]. This is their golden opportunity surely? The Brexit decision was driven by the constituents in their heartlands. So what to they do? They have a leadership coup, driven by the Real Red Tories, the Blairites! Ha ha ha ha. Controlled opposition for sure. Blair still has a cabal in the Party; despite the fact that he is a war criminal by any reasonable definition. All very convenient for the powers that be. Looks like we will have 2 new leaders soon. Both the Blue Tories and the Red Tories will have a new face at the helm.
Who cares? Not me. These guys are all just puppets. That becomes more and more clear as time passes. Is there a heavyweight politician out there? One who has lived a real life, rather than a smooth path out of Uni, into the political wonk world, and then on to media fame. Is there? Who then?
I can't sum up without mentioning their big trigger policy: Immigration. I smell another rat. Lets consider what has happened recently. After a decade, or more, of an expanded EU, the Brits, who are tolerant friendly people, accept and welcome mass immigration from Eastern Europe. Despite the pressures on public services, housing, wage rates etc etc.
Then in the year of the Brexit campaign a few important things happen:
* A decision is taken to allow the millions of refugees from the Mid East and African wars, who are mainly in camps in Turkey, into the EU. The EU navies are sent to the Med, not to stop the flow across the sea but seemingly to facilitate it. A million refugees flood into Germany, with another million spread around the rest of the EU. How does this happen? Who decided to open the doors? Who decided that an asylum seeker has the right to live in a specific country? "I want to go to Germany". Who caused all this? We are never told, but we all know that we were never consulted. Somebody decided surely. These things don't happen by accident. The wide awake know who is responsible, but without the certainty of proof.
* A whole load of false flag operations are conducted by the deep state operatives, the "security" services. Charlie Hebdo, Paris, Orlando and more. False events, false deaths, blatant propaganda. They employ third rate scriptwriters and each event is outed as false within the first 48 hours. But all those that don't read the alternative media, the majority, have no idea about this. All these events demonise Muslims and remind people that "immigrants" are the problem.
* Negotiations between Germany and Turkey are started in the months just before the referendum. The Germans are willing to pay the Turks to close the door again. The Turks want payment and they also require open visas to the EU for their 80 million citizens! Potentially 80 million more Muslims wandering round the EU then.
Most of their controlled main media demonises all the Brexiteers as racist [some undoubtedly are]. They call us racist because we dare to question all this! The barefaced cheek of them. Did anyone ever ask us if we wanted such levels of immigration? Do we even know who decided to open the gates? Is it racist to ask these question? No of course not. Proof enough that the media are all under orders I think.
It is all starting to feel like a psyop to me. So here are my predictions:
1. The puppet politicians will do nothing to formalise the Brexit decision.
2. They will let the tsunami of economic shite wash over us all. The tsunami has been coming for decades but most people have no idea about that.
3. They will then blame everything on Brexit. Which will be a blatant lie, but which will be believed by the masses who receive all their info from their fully controlled mainstream media.
[What most people fail to realise is that the main media is NOT independent. It is actually the mouthpiece of the rich elites. So it is entirely untrustworthy and lies whenever told to. All of them lie as required by the elites. The BBC and Guardian included. They are 2 of the worst liars now. How low they have sunk]
4. There will never be a Brexit. There is a much bigger picture that is more important to the global elites. Brexit will be subsumed into their wider geopolitical game plan. Which in essence is a shock doctrine. Shock everyone into submission and then present us with their "solutions" which are already planned and ready to roll. With the global elites and their puppets ready to act in new roles.
I suspect that Brexit is the first of many such "shocks".
I hope that I'm wrong. We should know soon enough
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