Verbatim quotation:
“It wasn’t architectural defect. The WorldTradeCenter was always known as a very, very strong building. Don’t forget that took a big bomb in the basement [in 1993]. Now, the basement is the most vulnerable place because that’s your foundation, and it withstood that, and I got to see that area about three or four days after it took place because one of my structural engineers actually took me for a tour, because he did the building, and I said, ‘I can’t believe it.’ The building was standing solid and half of the columns were blown out, so this was an unbelievably powerful building. If you don’t know anything about structure, it was one of the first buildings that was built from the outside. The steel, the reason the WorldTradeCenter had such narrow windows is that in between all the windows, you had the steel on the outside, so you had the steel on the outside of the building. That’s why when I first looked, and you had these big heavy I-beams, when I first looked at it, I couldn’t believe it because there was a hole in the steel, and this is steel that was… You remember the width of the windows of the WorldTradeCenter, folks. I think you know if you were ever up there, they were quite narrow and in between was this heavy steel. I said how could a plane, even a plane, even a 767 or 747 or whatever it might have been, how could it possibly go through this steel? I happen to think that they had not only a plane, but they had bombs that exploded almost simultaneously, because I just can’t imagine anything being able to go through that wall. Most buildings are built with the steel on the inside around the elevator shaft. This one was built from the outside, which is the strongest structure you can have, and it was almost just like a can of soup.
“I just think that there was a plane with more than just fuel. I think, obviously, they were very big planes. They were going very rapidly, because I was also watching where the plane seemed to be not only going fast, it seemed to be coming down into the building. So it’s getting the speed from going down hill, so to speak. It just seemed to me that to do that kind of destruction is even more than a big plane, because you’re talking about taking out steel, the heaviest caliber steel that was used on the building. Well, these buildings were rock-solid, and you know it’s just an amazing, amazing thing. This country is different today and it’s going to be different than it ever was for many years to come.”
It was Donald Trump, here is the proof:
Yes "The Donald", the newly selected US front man. Whatever you might think of him, he is not stupid. And he knows about skyscraper construction. That is for sure.
Did you know that all the votes in the US "presidential" election are made, and counted, by computer? The so called voting machines.
And that there is no effective supervision of the software used by the machines and no audit trail from these machines. They are black boxes that provide no verification of individual votes. So there is no proof possible that any individual vote was counted properly. And so no proof that the declared election numbers are accurate.
The voting machines are provided by 3 or 4 private companies. One of which is owned by George Soros! Yes him.
The machines were introduced after the 2000 "election" that gave us George "W" Bush as US "president". The halfwit Bush scion who was obviously not intelligent enough to decide anything important. He was proof positive that they are all puppets I think.
The 2000 election ran a psyop that led to the introduction of the voting machines. Florida was the key state. Remember the "hanging chads" that the lamestream media hammered on about for weeks after the 2000 "presidential election"? That was the psyop. In fact Florida had been a Republican gerrymandered state for decades before 2000. They could fix any election result that they wanted. They usually did too, so there was no need to make all the fuss about the chads.
So why did they fuss about "hanging chads"? It was to discredit paper ballots and facilitate the introduction of the voting machines. And it worked. Machines are used in all the US states now.
The lack of an audit trail means that the bad guys can declare any number that they want for the votes cast and counted. There is no proof at all! Do they even count the votes? I doubt it. They can sit in their penthouses, or in their country estates, or on their private islands, and declare any number they want. Why bother to count at all?
The winner is selected, not elected. It is obvious if you really think about it. There are many, many, reasons why it is obvious. This is just one of them.
Yet US people, and even UK people, fired up by the relentless media promotion, get very excited about the charade. And surprised when the unbelievably corrupt, psychopathic, war mongering, allegedly "progressive", social justice warrior, favourite loses "unexpectedly".
And what about all those hilarious predictions of doom, wailing and gnashing of teeth, from all the "progressive" supporters when the TV actor, cartoon character, far-right madman unexpectedly "wins" the race. Come on - he's an actor ffs! He reads a script. No prizes for guessing who wrote the script either..... Ok he can ad lib very well, but he's appointing NeoCons to his administration it seems. Which will ensure continuity, as always.
It is all an obvious, blatant, charade for tv and media. None of it is real. None of it. Donald Trump and Bill Clinton are actually the best of mates. Donald and Bill both flew on Jeffrey Epsteins "Lolita Express". His paedophile orgy "fun plane". And visited his paedophile "sex slave" island. Google "Lolita Express" if you don't believe me, you will find plenty of links.
As for "progressive" Killary, Bills missus, she is a real piece of evil, in some ways worse than Bill. And with similar sexual preferences according to many accounts. Google "Clinton body count" and "Mena airport" and "Clinton foundation corruption".
The US president has been a very well remunerated US front man/teleprompter reader for decades, probably far longer. Most of the recent ones have been closely associated with the Bush crime syndicate. Certainly all of them since Reagan.
You think its really any different here in the UK? Of course it's not. Thatcher, Major and Bliar all made tens of millions, maybe more, after they left office. Pay offs for services rendered? Who knows. Cameron will probably do the same. But he has no real need, he is already stinking rich, Sam Cam is an Astor ffs.
Currently we have:
Exhibit #1 in the "right" corner - Terry "no balls" May. He was selected, not elected. He's gonna give us Brexit.
Exhibit #2 in the "left" corner - Tony "war criminal" Bliar with his new best pal John "grey man" Major. They are surely selected, which normal person wants anything to do with Bliar? They're gonna save us from Brexit.
Ha ha ha ha ha........ It's all bullshit
Yet US people, and even UK people, fired up by the relentless media promotion, get very excited about the charade. And surprised when the unbelievably corrupt, psychopathic, war mongering, allegedly "progressive", social justice warrior, favourite loses "unexpectedly".
And what about all those hilarious predictions of doom, wailing and gnashing of teeth, from all the "progressive" supporters when the TV actor, cartoon character, far-right madman unexpectedly "wins" the race. Come on - he's an actor ffs! He reads a script. No prizes for guessing who wrote the script either..... Ok he can ad lib very well, but he's appointing NeoCons to his administration it seems. Which will ensure continuity, as always.
It is all an obvious, blatant, charade for tv and media. None of it is real. None of it. Donald Trump and Bill Clinton are actually the best of mates. Donald and Bill both flew on Jeffrey Epsteins "Lolita Express". His paedophile orgy "fun plane". And visited his paedophile "sex slave" island. Google "Lolita Express" if you don't believe me, you will find plenty of links.
As for "progressive" Killary, Bills missus, she is a real piece of evil, in some ways worse than Bill. And with similar sexual preferences according to many accounts. Google "Clinton body count" and "Mena airport" and "Clinton foundation corruption".
The US president has been a very well remunerated US front man/teleprompter reader for decades, probably far longer. Most of the recent ones have been closely associated with the Bush crime syndicate. Certainly all of them since Reagan.
You think its really any different here in the UK? Of course it's not. Thatcher, Major and Bliar all made tens of millions, maybe more, after they left office. Pay offs for services rendered? Who knows. Cameron will probably do the same. But he has no real need, he is already stinking rich, Sam Cam is an Astor ffs.
Currently we have:
Exhibit #1 in the "right" corner - Terry "no balls" May. He was selected, not elected. He's gonna give us Brexit.
Exhibit #2 in the "left" corner - Tony "war criminal" Bliar with his new best pal John "grey man" Major. They are surely selected, which normal person wants anything to do with Bliar? They're gonna save us from Brexit.
Ha ha ha ha ha........ It's all bullshit
This selection by elites of the public face, the teleprompter reader, is yet another reason to ignore the false left/right dialectic that their media pumps 24/7.
Here is the first rule of corporate media promotion:
If it's heavily promoted in the corporate media then, it's probably bullshit. It's probably not true.
So the most important issue is not the constantly media promoted: left v right.
It is something that they rarely talk about in the media: us v them.
The people v the hidden elites and their placemen.
It is something that they rarely talk about in the media: us v them.
The people v the hidden elites and their placemen.
Finally, listen to Larry. He tells it like it is:
"Say No to the System" - Larry Pinkney