Saturday 13 May 2017


Did JFK really die in Dallas?

Read this and you may wonder.

The term "conspiracy theorist" was originally conceived by the CIA to slander those that questioned the "official" JFK story, as delivered by the Warren Commission via the mainstream media. In those days there was no internet and, given that the mainstream media was totally controlled even then [see my last post], books were the only way of reading alternative explanations or "conspiracy theories" as the CIA slander went.

[There was the nominally independent "underground" press too. But this was comparatively tiny circulation and very likely controlled opposition in many cases. A bit like the modern alternative media is today]

The official JFK story was so obviously fake that a whole new investigative genre arose. I mean, come on, the clear patsy "assassin" was "killed" on live TV in a police station ffs. After being pronounced guilty by media within the first 24 hours. No need for a real investigation. They got their man immediately and told the whole world.

Fair trial? Due process? Really dead? Oswald was an early "terrorist death" by gunshot without any blood. How many times have we seen that recently?

[See Westminster Bridge "terrorist" for the latest iteration. In fact a dead patsy is standard operating procedure for these "terror" events. The terror is primarily in the minds of the TV audience. Your chance of death by terrorism is infinitesimally small. Just about every known risk to humans is a worse risk than "terrorism"]

The whole official JFK story was utterly stupid if you gave it any serious thought, which most didn't having been overcome by their emotions. As a result hundreds of books were written offering alternative explanations, many of which I read. So I was an early "conspiracy theorist" then.

Of course the non believers like myself were in a small minority in those days. Most people were just not interested and swallowed the main media bullshit story - hook, line and sinker. I thought that it tasted foul and spat it out immediately.

It was only after 9/11 when a similar ludicrous explanation was delivered by another very obviously rigged Commission that the term "conspiracy theorist" really took off. The blue pill swallow'rs used it to abuse the red pill non believers. Just like the CIA wanted them to - fuckwits.

Now we are legion. I am constantly surprised by the sort of people who have now taken the red pill and unplugged from the Matrix. The rapid abandonment of belief in the main media stories is snowballing. We are still in a minority but a growing minority for sure.

This is why our fascist owners are hurrying along with their New World Order programme. They know that it is simply a matter of time before we become a significant minority, maybe even a majority.

I have copied and pasted the introductory paragraphs to this thought provoking book below. 

My emphasis is in italics.

The link to the full book is at the end.

The Kennedy
Assassination as
Television Programming
Compiled and Edited for Committee Referral by
Tyrone McCloskey
“Orthodoxy means not thinking- not needing to think. Orthodoxy is unconsciousness.”
― George Orwell, 1984
Read This First
This book can be read as a spoof of JFK research or as nonfiction, your choice. Because none of the radical content of this book is provable beyond a reasonable doubt, there is no reason to insist that what is offered is fact. There are some facts included, but the premise and conclusion herein may seem more like satire than reasoned speculation. I won’t hold a gun to your head and insist you believe anything in this volume.
That said, the fact that a half-century of research has not produced a definite answer to the JFK assassination, nor has it brought anyone to justice, it is long overdue to question whether or not the assassination took place at all. And it’s reasonable to ask that question in a country that still insists it operates under the rule of law.
With that in mind, divest yourself of all assumptions about how the world works and try to keep your critical faculties engaged at the expense of your emotions. Within this fascist construct we now find ourselves, it is obvious that the faith we have had in “official” history has been misplaced. If history is, in fact, written by the victors, and there have been an endless stream of victors, what has passed for history is very likely a series of revisions building upon previous revisions until all facts are completely buried and beyond recall. But this is the method of conquerors from time immemorial: Separate the conquered from their past and they become a nameless herd to corral.
Faith Based Reality
We have been told since that fateful day in November of 1963 that the assassination of President John F Kennedy was a history-changing event. That concept, that the murder of the President affected history, is one of the common assumptions that feed the ongoing deception. It is assumed that the President of the United States has real power, that his decisions affect life on a global scale. Getting over that hurdle will be the first item of business as it is certain that real power is never seen and that the men who appear to be making decisions regarding public welfare are merely front men, or in the case of Ronald Reagan, a professional actor. [Trump too]
The other primary principle to accept for the sake of argument is that the mainstream corporate media, from which we initially derived our information about the Kennedy assassination, never reflects reality. What they do is present a parallel reality that is close in form but in fact is utter fiction; as an historical novel may utilize the histories of real people and places, so too does mainstream media, primarily television, salt their fictions with period detail to give the false reality a plausible facade.
Another way to conceive of this is that television is by its nature unable to reflect reality or it would be seen as utterly redundant; reality itself would suffice and the public would not be mesmerized by a world they need a television set to experience. Therefore, television must appear to reflect reality but skew the emotional impact of this facade to retain the viewer’s interest. To do this the television reports just enough plausible detail and then contextualizes these details within a prearranged narrative that subtly or even subconsciously sells an agenda that promotes this real time history as the only possible history, that which the unseen powers wish the public to believe is inevitable. This is history written by the victorious.

History written by the victorious? Nail on the head I think. All of our received history must surely be interpreted by us in this way, particularly the "rolling news" history that is rammed down TV news consumers throats.

This is a great piece of work by Tyrone McCloskey. It is book length so it needs a serious time commitment. This may put off the modern "sound bite" generation but those who do read through will be well rewarded.

The work is not for the fainthearted. To get the most from the book you best put your prior assumptions to one side. Something that the majority of people will not be able to do given that they took the blue pill and so are fully locked in the Matrix.

How about you?

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