I recently heard this statement from a friend: "this is a virus that has killed at least 45,000"
On the face of it his assertion is correct, at least according to the official stats.
But he is most definitely factually incorrect and I will explain why in this post
First some background, I understood at the very start of the crisis that the most reliable death data in England and Wales is from the Office of National Statistics, the ONS, it comes from all the registered deaths across the country. So I have carefully monitored the weekly ONS registered death data each week since the start. The ONS issue a weekly registered deaths downloadable spreadsheet, 11 days in arrears. I have downloaded and analysed each spreadsheet since the start in order to give the true mortality picture to my family, primarily to allay their fears
Some very interesting facts have emerged as a result
The key point to understand is that the ONS covid data that is used by the government as the authoritative mortality info set is not about the deaths of people who died OF covid like he claimed. Rather it is of people who died WITH covid. Specifically they say: "From 31st March.... these figures also show the numbers of deaths involving covid19...". They state this fact on every single spreadsheet that they have issued since then
Think about this, it is a massive difference, it changes everything. Yes the 45k figure that he quoted died WITH covid but not necessarily OF covid like he stated. Two simple words but a world of difference, why so?
Here is why: the majority [as much as 80%] of people WITH Covid are asymptomatic. This means that there is no indication whatsoever that they are ill, there are no symptoms, and so the only way to know they have covid is by the test [which itself is inherently unreliable with a high % of false positives]
There is more but just ponder all that before reading on. This means that the government and medical establishment is misleading us all about the real impact of covid on the general population.........
The second key point to understand is that a large majority, over 85% I think, of UK covid deaths have a comorbidity. This is explicitly admitted by the ONS but not quantified by them. For most death certificates there are multiple causes listed
I first spotted this issue in the Italian stats, when their director of their health institute reported that over 95% of Italian covid deaths had a comorbidity. Estimates of the British comorbidity % range from 80 to 95%.
This is extremely significant too, because it means that most of UK covid deaths were already dying of something else, that they would have died anyway soon enough. Nobody knows exactly when they would have died without covid of course but most of the victims were already very seriously ill
Obviously the combined effects of these 2 key points are devastating for the mainstream narrative.
Further, to add to this unforgivable misrepresentation then here are a few more important facts that are not widely known:
1 Lockdown itself has caused significant excess deaths, there is no doubt about that because I can prove it on their spreadsheets. This is probably because other medical services in England and Wales were badly neglected as a result of the covid obsession, particularly cardiac and oncology. Independent estimates range from 30 to 60% of the excess deaths total being due to lockdown. My spreadsheets show about 30% but we have no way of knowing for sure given the overstated covid fatalities [excess deaths are defined as the number of deaths that week higher than the last 5 years average for that week]. Further most of the excess deaths came after lockdown started. This is the same for most western countries too, there were virtually no excess deaths before lockdown, or since it finished. Wow!
2 Government policy instructions to UK doctors and medical professionals about recording of deaths were changed at the start of the crisis. The rules were loosened significantly allowing a lower level of medical supervision of the death certificate and, incredibly, allocation of covid as a reason on the certificate by diagnosis only, with no test! This inevitably further inflates the died WITH covid stats because covid symptoms are common with many other illnesses. Further, many dying old folk were unnecessarily tested on their deathbed. I know from direct family experience of an old man who was dying of cancer. He was tested positive on the day before he died, having been in hospital for over 2 months, and thus became part of the died WITH covid stats, despite the fact that he died of cancer! So even more inflation of the WITH numbers. Further I know of a man who fell off his stepladders and died later in hospital having been tested for covid and, being positive, he was added to the WITH numbers [I made that last up but you get the idea] ;-))
3 Nearly 84%+ of all the WITH covid deaths were of people over 70 years old. The average overall age of WITH covid death was over 80. UK average mortality age isn't much higher than that!
4 Just over 0.03% of the total WITH covid deaths have been aged under 20, less than 2% have been under 50
I can directly demonstrate all of the above, bar the comorbidity rate, because I hold all the source ONS spreadsheets on my computer.
Here are 2 good data sources that are not tainted by international media corporations or governments:
So, you do the math, if you are under 50 and you have got no comorbidity then you've got a similar chance of dying driving your car to work as dying of covid. This is particularly instructive for teachers ........
People have been utterly petrified by the propaganda from the media etc and they have not engaged their critical thinking. They've virtually shut down the entire economy, specifically all the young workers, who are not at real risk, have been furloughed or laid off. This shut down will certainly cause a future economic catastrophe of, as yet, unknown magnitude. The day of reckoning has been postponed by the very expensive furlough scheme. The health impacts of economic depressions are well known and understood, so this future catastrophe will certainly be bad enough to cause more deaths than the total real deaths OF covid. Go figure......
They should have protected the old and vulnerable, quarantined the sick and let it rip amongst the young. They did the exact opposite with their ludicrous quarantine of the not at risk young healthy, their closure of the schools and their abject failure to protect the at risk and the elderly, particularly in the care homes and those that should have been in cardiac/cancer wards but were either too frightened to attend, or had their appointments postponed
As to why all this has happened then I have plenty of ideas about that too, as you might imagine. I don't think that it has anything to do with party politics either, the issue is far wider than that. But that is a whole other matter for another time