Monday, 29 June 2020

Who funds the Black Lives Matter movement?

Here are some BLM funding facts. I start with a press article from Washington DC, I’ve not included further confirmation links because this is long enough as it is but supporting links are easy to find. Bold is my emphasis

"For all its talk of being a street uprising, Black Lives Matter is increasingly awash in cash, raking in pledges of more than $100 million from liberal foundations and others eager to contribute to what has become the grant-making cause du jour.

The Ford Foundation and Borealis Philanthropy recently announced the formation of the Black-Led Movement Fund [BLMF], a six-year pooled donor campaign aimed at raising $100 million for the Movement for Black Lives coalition.

That funding comes in addition to more than $33 million in grants to the Black Lives Matter movement from top Democratic Party donor George Soros through his Open Society Foundations, as well as grant-making from the Center for American Progress."

Press article source:

So BLM is funded by those US "philanthropic" tax avoiding super rich oligarchs then. Those oligarchs who are just so caring about black people that they damage the lives of millions of them [plus white, brown and yellow lives too] while they extract resources and wealth from all over the planet......

Here is some brief detail about those 4 funders:

The Ford Foundation was created from Henry Ford's family money but it is not linked with the motor company anymore. It has an endowment of $12billion. It is known to be very close to the U.S. Deep State and was a major collaborator with the CIA in “cultural” projects during the Cold War

Borealis Philanthropy is a shadowy "philanthropic intermediary" that is hard to analyse because of lack of info. Its website is mostly uninformative, not even giving a location. But "Influence Watch" says it "specializes in matching donors and creating or finding groups that support the donor’s policy preferences" and that it has assets of $7million. So its donors keep their anonymity under cover of Borealis then. It is actually based in Minneapolis which just happens to be the place where the George Floyd drama played out, entirely coincidentally I'm sure [I've purposefully left out solid info about that episode to avoid unnecessary conspiracy distraction from my main theme. Suffice to say that it wasn't at all that it seemed]

I guess that most half awake people already know something about the exiled Hungarian George Soros [real name Schwartz György, Schwartz means dirty or black in German, seems appropriate] and his Open Society Foundation. He creamed a cool £billion from British taxpayers on Black Wednesday in 1992. At least that episode woke Brits up to the dangers of joining the €uro. Soros is notorious in conspiracy circles for his funding of colour revolutions in Eurasia and around the world. The “revolutions” in Serbia, Georgia, Turkey, Ukraine have his fingerprints all over them and are admitted. The US deep state has had a pop at "revolutions" all over the place, Egypt, Syria, Hong Kong, Iran being just recent examples. Soros political/society "philanthropy" is often part of the softening up process ahead of the action. Hungarian PM, Orban, kicked his OS Foundation out recently, fearing something similar there I guess. Soros is supposed to be "left wing" but he's one of the super rich multi billionaire oligarchs and he is an identitarian left winger, not an economic one. He's a super rich arch capitalist so he cannot possibly be left wing in reality 

His roots in Hungary are shrouded in mystery. He is a jew who somehow survived the nazi occupation of Hungary during WW2. Wiki says "In 1947, Soros immigrated to England and became a student at the London School of Economics." Just like that! So easy for some.... This is not the bio of a poor refugee then, he was obviously connected to wealth/power somehow

I’ve saved the best for last.....

The Centre for American Progress is a think tank based in Washington DC and was “founded”, ie it was fronted for oligarchs, by none other than John Podesta of Killary “Pizzagate” fame. He’s a long term Clinton stooge who was White House Chief of Staff for Bill for 3 years in the ‘90’s, he was “Counsellor” to Barry Obummer in 2014/15. He was central to the Killary email scandal in 2016 and should have been tried for treason with her. But he is above the law like the rest of them of course. He skated under cover of the ludicrous Trump “Russiagate” psyop that obsessed the chattering classes for a couple of years. They ran the “Pizzagate” psyop for the conspiracy community at the same time to make sure everyone’s eyes were off the ball. Not that Podesta wasn’t consorting with some seriously deviant mofos, he most definitely was. He’s a seriously deviant mofo himself as his “art” collection testifies.

CAP receives funding from Open Society, Ford Foundation, Tides Foundation and Walmart amongst others. It's a cosy “Liberal/Left” philanthropy world isn't it, the same names crop up all the time. In 2017 CAP has net assets of $55million and revenues of $51million

So which came first, the $100million egg or the BLM chicken? I’m guessing that the egg hatched into the current BLM, rather than the real grassroots BLM laying the $100m egg

Further I easily found lots more that shows other many other big corporate donors like, Apple, Amazon, Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Walmart and more and more and more......

Just one example, fashion from Vogue: "These 34 Brands Are Donating Their Sales Proceeds to the Black Lives Matter Movement "

Further, as we have seen in the English Premier League soccer that has started again recently then, BLM is also very heavily promoted by all the big media corporations [including the tax funded BBC ffs].

In fact BLM also promotes Establishment causes itself. See below it's Coronabaloney page which is Establishment to the core and also urges US people to vote in the 2020 Presidential election!

US "elections" are selections by oligarchy in reality. The Primaries are blatantly gerrymandered now, they don’t even hide that any more. Witness Joe Biden who is senile and barely coherent. Yet the “Democratic” Party machine installed him instead of sheepdog Bernie. They rigged the key Primaries again, just like they did for Killary Clinton last time. The Dems VP will inevitably be the new CEO if paedo Joe “wins” for them. Anyone for Killary? Jeez...  [My bet is that Trump will be reselected, he’s played his role very well for them].

Then there are the voting machines that are exclusively used to "count" the vote. Owned by just 4 corporations [one of which is owned by Soros I think], no public oversight of the software, no public audit trail to link back to the voters roll. You couldn't make it up.......

This is all common knowledge now. Do you think that a real grassroots opposition campaigning org wouldn't know that? If they were serious then they wouldn't say it out loud but surely they wouldn't promote the sham electoral process if they were real? That would be like the yellow vests urging people to vote for Macron in the French Presidential election....

Finally, at last you might say, there are a few questions hanging over all this. Starting with: why do these rich oligarchs want to control and manipulate such noble intentions as those expressed by the real grassroots supporters of BLM? Because this is clearly what they are doing with BLM

In fact it is their usual MO. They always subvert noble intentions by capturing organic grassroots organisations with money and their agents. [witness the Greens movement and many others]. They then use them for their own nefarious purposes. Often, and apparently in this instance too, they create divisions within society that distract from their sleight of hand elsewhere. Money and control are always in that mix somewhere

See this recently from OffGuardian:
The Co-opting of Activism by the State

"These days, rather than using coercion to suppress sedition, there is a body of evidence to suggest the state has devised more nefarious methods for countering subversion. Involving the co-opting of grassroots movements, in its bid to transform the unbridled ideals of activism into genuflections of corporate and political interest."

In fact you can’t trust the likes of Soros as far as you can throw them. If his type are involved then, there is a hidden agenda. The difficulty is usually in identifying just what that hidden agenda is. This latest BLM promotion by all the western Establishment in unison has been comprehensive and coordinated.. It’s clearly linked to the Covid coronabaloney and the coming Great Economic Reset too. So, as usual then, don't be distracted but follow the munneee, and also watch out for the new improved social controls that go alongside the raging theft

Humanity is currently under massive psychological attack. We must question everything and resist the onslaught in any way that we can

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