Friday, 18 December 2015

The Wizard of Oz


How the fascist globalist scumbag elites con us all

I already told you about the Crown Temple, in the City of London, in my earlier Legalism/Strawman post:

The simple Wizard of Oz allegory tells you how the world really works, in some important respects. It is all hidden in plain sight as usual in our holographic "reality".

"The story of the Wizard of Oz is an allegorical representation of the Crown Temple, the controlling force behind the British Crown and all its foreign offshoots (Commonwealth countries) including the United States of America which is proven never to have really been given independence from the Crown, despite all appearances to the contrary. It tells us the covert story of who we are, our place in the New World Order and how we can end its oppression.

Although dressed-up as merely a simple, innocent children’s story written by L. Frank Baum, in fact ‘Oz’ represents gold by weight (shortened form of ounces) and the yellow brick road, bricks or ingot bars of gold. So, the ‘Wizard of Oz’ himself is one of the Elite banksters, the owners of wealth and one of the ‘powers-that-be’ who tightly control every aspect of our day to day existence.
The character known as the scarecrow or ‘straw-man’ represents your non-existent, ALL-CAPITALS legal-fiction straw-man, in other words, the PERSON that the State created as a legal representation of you with the same spelling as your birth name in order to subjugate and control you.
And what does the straw man want most of all from the Wizard of Oz? A brain. A ‘legal fiction’ PERSON does not have a brain because a ‘capitalised’ PERSON is not a living entity but all that the straw-man receives from the ‘great’ Oz is a certificate, a Birth Certificate perchance, as a newly ‘legalised’ entity – as indeed we are all regarded in the eyes of the State. He is so proud of his new ‘legal’ status, plus all the other legalisms he is graciously granted by Oz, that he lives up to his character as the brainless sack of straw, proudly clutching his Birth Certificate and defying all common sense.
This tells us much about the state of affairs today and the mind-set of the utterly brainless populace duped into believing that they have rights of freedom from servitude.
Likewise the tin man.

TIN is the US Taxpayer Identification Number. The poor TIN Man is simply a mindless, robot-like worker striving to fulfil his master’s wishes until his body literally seizes-up and stops functioning. He will eventually work himself to death because he has neither a heart nor soul and is merely just an emotion-less creature robotically carrying out his daily tasks as if he were already dead.

He is the horse pulling the carriages of the wealthy and the mule toiling under the yoke of slavery. His masters keep him numb on the outside and heartless on the inside in order to control him totally. He is the physical representation of the millions of soulless entities that throughout the ages are born, serve the system from cradle to grave and die miserably in poverty.
The pitiful Cowardly Lion is always too scared to stand up for himself. Of course, he is a bully and picks on those smaller and less powerful than himself. He represents those people who on the outside appear to possess great courage, but in reality have none at all, the kind of person who will bully his way to a minor position of authority but who is really too much of a coward to stand up to those at the apex of the pyramids. The Cowardly Lion will always back down and whimper when anyone of higher status challenges him. He desperately wants to be granted courage by the great Wizard, so he is awarded the ‘medal’ of ‘official recognition’ by the powers that be. These people thereby remain loyal to our oppressors in return for a few crumbs from the metaphorical table.
They are the armies of bullies with ‘official’ status who hide behind their ‘officially’ recognised authority and the lion represents people such as politicians, the military, the police and security forces and the legal profession who first and foremost protect the Masters of the Universe and their status and power, from the masses.
The character of Dorothy represents the ubiquitous ‘everyman’ on his / her journey through life trying to find happiness and contentment, in Dorothy’s case her trying to get home to Kansas.
The two witches, Glinda the good witch and the Wicked Witch of the West, represent the perennial struggle between good and evil. The Wicked Witch of the West is a parody of western society and its appalling values. All she cares about is procuring the legendary ‘silver slippers’ (changed to ruby slippers in the film version) belonging originally to her sister and given to Dorothy by Glinda, which she believes will increase her powers. ‘Silver slippers’ represents the wealth of the masses, that is silver the precious metal, representing our meagre wealth and our constant chasing of illusory dreams whilst the Elite do everything they can to deprive us of a share of the world’s bounty.
The journey through the field of poppies represents the fact that the Crown (and to a lesser extent the US and UK governments) control the world-wide drug trade and has done so for centuries. Even in Baum’s day, more than a century ago, there had been the long and oppressive Opium Wars. The Crown already had vast experience, for example in the conquering of all of China with drugs, so why not the rest of the world?
And it was Toto, Dorothy’s small dog who finally exposed the Wizard for what he really was. ‘In toto’ in Latin means ‘in total, all together’ and it is significant that Toto is not scared of the Wizard’s posturing, despite his diminutive stature.
The Wizard’s smoke, flames and holographic projections and booming voice are simply designed to frighten us (we the masses) into doing his every bidding. ‘Toto,’ representing us ‘all’ (when we get our collective acts together) simply looks behind the curtain, sees that it is all one big illusion and begins barking to draw it to the attention of the others (the rest of the world). This enables them to see the Wizard as he really is; just an ordinary, vulnerable, defeat-able man controlling the levers that create the illusion of his non-existent power and authority.
So, metaphorically the veil hiding the truth behind the ultimate flimsiness of the New World Order is removed and the Wizard’s illusion is easily exposed.
And the moral of the story?
We as a group do not realise how much power we really have, to expose and thereby end the current state of affairs. If we all bark loud enough, we too can draw the attention of the rest of humanity to the scam being perpetrated by the fraudsters and criminal banksters who control the world and our every move.
In reality, their façade is every bit as flimsy as the one erected by the seemingly ‘all-powerful’ Wizard behind the curtain. All we need is a brain, a heart, a soul and courage and if we can learn to somehow work together ‘in toto,’ we can change the world."

Go Toto, go!!

The film The Matrix is another that gives you some very strong clues, along similar lines. Did you take the blue pill or the red? I swallowed the blue for most of my life. But I spat it out a few years ago and swallowed the red instead. And I feel so much better for it. Things make so much more sense now.

Please take some time to think about all that. Give it your sense test. Does it make sense to you? No? You must have taken the blue pill .

Never mind all that. Just keep watching the "news" and Strictly and the X Factor. Or whatever the current drivel is. "That's right folks, don't touch that dial"    :-))


Spivey might sometimes seem like the unpleasant "right wing conspiracy theorist" that some people claim that he is. But hey, you can't always have everything that you wish for can you. I think that his heart is very much in the right place; his extensive archive stands as testimony to that. Despite the fact that a court forced him to take down some of his best work.

One thing is for sure, at least for those with a twisted sense of humour like my bro, he is sometimes very funny too. Just have a look at the pictures on that link.

And, when you get underneath it all, the standard of his work really is excellent. He is fearless and has stood almost alone against the power, and the very dirty tricks, of the state. A very tough place to be for anybody.

Unless he's a spook of course. I hasten to add that, after reading a fair bit of his stuff, I don't think that he is a spook. But only he and his daughter really know which it is. After all is said and done, all of his work is in the hologram too isn't it. Just like this is   :-))

Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Global Warming. Or is that Climate Change?

Or is that a steaming pile of Globalist Horseshit?

It seems that it may be the latter.

I've realized for a long time that there are whole series of questions and problems about the "official" line, the so called "settled science", of the Global Warming/Climate Change story. [GW/CC]

My initial red flag came when it became clear to me that the overwhelming focus of the climate scientists tends to distract from all the other serious environmental issues that we have in the modern world today, viz
* Chemical pollution
* Agricultural pollution, including GMO's
* Nuclear pollution
* Pharmaceutical pollution
* Electromagnetic pollution
and more.

All these issues seem to take a back seat compared with the climate bogey. All of them receive far far less attention than they deserve. All of them are potentially as serious in their negative effects on human beings. Does the focus on GW/CC distract from the focus on all these other issues? Well they certainly get far less coverage that's for sure.

To cite just one example: the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan. At least one of the 3 destroyed reactors has a meltdown of it's radioactive core. The nuclear fuel is somewhere in the ground underneath the reactor. The radiation is so intense that it destroys all modern equipment used to detect its whereabouts. So the Pacific ocean is being contaminated every single day by massive amounts of radioactivity washed into the sea by groundwater running under the site. Four years on and nobody knows how to properly deal with the catastrophe. But the main media silence is deafening.

My next red flag was when I noticed that the GW/CC story was being driven relentlessly by the United Nations, the globalist elites political playground. The global elites vehicle for their New World Order, their Global Government, if you like. So you've got to ask yourself: is this GW/CC story entirely kosher? The logical answer: if these people are the key proponents then, probably not. They profess concern for humanity, but everything that they say and do tells you that you cannot take them on face value. Anyone who studies their methods and agendas soon realizes that there are strong hidden undercurrents that are not to humanities benefit.

But don't take my word for it, try researching their Agenda 21 for example, their "Sustainability" agenda. There is loads of stuff on t'interweb that deconstructs their hidden agenda contained within. And it isn't good for ordinary people that's for sure. It's all dressed up with fine sounding words of course, but the hidden intentions are usually ominous. In a nutshell: Increased control by them of all of humanity, including far less freedom for individuals, dressed up as save the planet. Of course the official supporters label these concerns as "right wing conspiracy theory". Hopefully most readers will have already learned that this slur is commonly used to vilify truth seekers who hit a real nerve.

Anyhow back to GW/CC.

The next big red flag for me was when I realized that there is absolutely no empirical evidence that CO2 is the cause of the so called Global Warming or Climate Change. No empirical evidence whatsoever! What do I mean by this? Well true science starts with the search for empirical evidence, the incontrovertible proof of the theory. GW/CC scientists present none at all! None!

You might be surprised to read that given all the hype that they pump out. The fact is that their so called "settled science" that the so called "warming" is caused by increasing CO2 in the atmosphere depends on correlation. They show you graphs that demonstrate the growth of temperature, and the growth of CO2, since the industrial revolution. And then say that they correlate, that the increase in CO2 is the cause of the increased temperature of the planet. This is not proof! It is only circumstantial, and not empirical, evidence. Ask any scientist if correlation is empirical. They will tell you no, that correlation is only circumstantial, it proves nothing! It is, at best, a clue. But it is not proof. The graphs themselves have been thoroughly debunked numerous times. But their mainstream media never told you that did they?

Another red flag is the fact that the Earth has not actually warmed at all for the past 18+ years! That's right, the Earth has not got any hotter for the past 18+ years. Despite the fact that CO2 has most definitely increased in that time. And the globalist GW/CC proponents at the UN, and in their main media, know that this is true. But the story continues to be spun the same way. Why do you think that Global Warming became Climate Change all of a sudden? Is it because there has been no actual warming for that long? Of course it is! Again their media never told you that did it.  :-))


So the red flags are starting to pile up, and I've just scratched the surface so far. I could say a lot lot more. But I will limit myself to a few more summary points, viz

* The fact that the climate scientists much quoted predictive models, the ones that they base their warming/change prediction theories on, have totally, utterly, failed. The real world has never, ever, matched their predictions, after over 20 years of predictions. But that doesn't put them off. The elites just tell their paid for scientists and mainstream media to keep spinning, but to keep quiet about this fact. "Shush, the plebs might realize".

* The fact that their Climate Change story is a massive money spinner for the global elites. Their carbon cap and trade is worth hundreds of millions, in fact billions, probably trillions of $. It mainly comes from the tax levies on your, and everybody else's, utility bill. Most of which goes into the pockets of those same global elites. Those same elites who own all the companies that are responsible for all that pollution that I mentioned earlier. "Shush. Just keep paying your taxes. Not that you've got a choice".

* The fact that CO2, which the climate scientists at the UN label as a pollutant, is actually an essential plant nutrient. Plants thrive when there is more CO2 in the air. How can a few extra parts per million of CO2 in the atmosphere be called pollution? "Shush. Let's not worry about nuclear, chemical, pharma, agricultural or industrial, ie. real, pollution"

* What about the fact that the label Climate Change itself is such an obvious truism, the opposite of Climate Stasis. Of course it changes! Who would ever think that the climate stays the same? Only an idiot surely.

Time for the common sense test I think. Please try and forget all your main media GW/CC conditioning for a few minutes. And use your common sense to rank the following in importance as agents for Climate Change here on Earth:

1. The Cosmos
2. The Sun
3. The Earths Biosphere
4. The Earths Geology
5. A few extra parts per million of CO2 in the Earths atmosphere

What does your common sense tell you?

Suffice to say that Global Warming/Climate Change is starting to sound a bit like a religion don't you think? Based on theory, or belief. No empirical evidence. Archbishops, bishops and vicars in the established church. All of them with a direct vested interest, or on the payroll in some way or other.

You've just got to believe :-))

So are you a believer? Maybe you have been baptised into the religion by reading too much by George Monbiot and his pals in "The Grauniad", the one time left leaning, now unashamedly NeoCon, so called newspaper.

The same George Monbiot whose categorical support for the ludicrous "pancake collapse" theory of the collapse of the 3 towers in New York on 9/11 was the subject of one of his pieces a few years ago. You know, the 3 towers [World Trade 1, 2 &7] that collapsed after being hit by 2 planes on 21st September 2001. The only skyscrapers in the whole history of the world ever to collapse due to fires. And all on the same day. Big red flag for George there wouldn't you say. Whose side is he really on?

Now I'm going to be lazy, and point you to a far far better researcher, writer and resource than I could ever be: James Corbett of The Corbett Report.

An independent, alternative, journalist/commentator of the highest integrity. One of the most highly regarded, strictly non mainstream ie. alternative, sources on the planet. James is certainly no "Conspiracy Theorist". He provides evidential links for all his assertions. And he always asks you to do your own research, using his links as the starting point if you want.

James has been running a series of pieces on the Global Warming/Climate Change story this past week or so. To coincide with the current Paris Climate Change summit. It was seeing these pieces that prompted me to write this. They make very interesting watching/reading, whether you have bought in to the religion, or not.

Here are his pieces so far:

A message to the Environment movement
An old Corbett Report from 2009, but still relevant today

Lies, damn lies and global warming statistics
False data presentation in the mainstream media and the climate science orgs like NASA, World Meteorological Organisation. "Statistically indistinguishable from zero"

Take the $100k Global Warming believer challenge
You could win $100k if you can prove it. You've got no chance

Won't someone think of the polar bears 
Ahh aren't they lovely cuddly bears - not

Maurice Strong is dead
Maurice Strong wrote the UN Climate Change rules of process. He was an oilman ffs! Bit of a clue there wouldn't you say. I strongly recommend that you watch/read this piece. No pun intended

What is the average global temperature
Or how they fiddle the temperature records

Climate Change is unfalsifiable woo woo pseudoscience
Karl Popper and his theory of falsification

Take your pick. You will definitely learn something.

And, if you are a confirmed believer in the climate change religion, then you may want to rethink somewhat, or at least do a bit more research for yourself. In that case my tip for you is: Don't start with The Guardian  :-))

Addendum #1 12th December 2015

The Climate Change summit is about to agree a deal according to their main media.

Here are the key players mentioned by the main media presstitutes this morning.

Francois Hollande - French president
Ban-Ki Moon - UN chief
Laurent Fabius - French foreign minister
Barak Obama - US president
Xi Juinping - Chinese leader
John Kerry - US secretary of state
Narendra Modi - Indian prime minister

A more disreputable cast would be hard to imagine.

Every single one of them a globalist lackey. Do you really think that any of these people give a damn about human beings? Their past record speaks for itself. You couldn't trust any one of them as far as you could throw them. Most have them have got copious amounts of blood on their hands from their numerous misdeeds.

One glance at this cast of megalomaniacs tells you all that you need to know about the Climate Change story.

Addendum #2 16th December 2015

The same message as my piece but rather more elegantly written.

Ecological Panic: The New Rationale For Globalist Cultism

"Faith in an ideology based on a desire for power over others and the need to feel personally superior without any legitimate accomplishment is perhaps the most dangerous state of being an individual or society can adopt. I would refer to such a mindset as “zealotry,” an integral element of cultism and an extreme result of the elitist side of faith.
Zealotry and cultism are not limited to the realm of the religious. Zealotry is a clever devil hiding in the woodwork of any political or academic construct, and this includes the scientific community when it strays away from empirical logic and honest data into a world of pseudoscience and social engineering. I cannot think of a better example of zealotry feeding scientific cultism than the highly propagandized climate change/global warming movement.
Anthropogenic (man-made) global warming is quickly becoming the overarching rationale for almost every policy toward global centralization, as well as a scapegoat for nearly every major crisis from mass shootings and the rise of ISIS to geopolitical shifts in economic structures. Global warming has been projected as a magical force deviously underlying everything. It is presented by climate scientists and activists as an all-encompassing behemoth of cause and effect, yet nearly all of this frantic pontificating is supported by faith, rather than hard data."

Addendum #3 31st January 2016

A follow up from James Corbett.

Meet Maurice Strong

"There is no doubt that Strong led a charmed life. And given the persistent presence of Rockefeller interests in that life from his earliest years, there is no doubt why doors seemed to open for him wherever in the world he went.
But still, one has to ask how and why a high school dropout who made it big in the oil patch thanks to his big oil connections would go on to become the single most important figure in the international environmental movement. Was he genuinely interested in protecting the environment?"

Rockefeller, big oil and the environment movement? Of course. That is how the fascist globalist elites operate.

Addendum #4 13 March 2019

Mother Nature demands child sacrifice:

"The propagandists are in overdrive shoving “climate grief” down our collective throats. And the next step in that indoctrination, the acceptance of climate eugenics to atone for our climate sins, is almost here. Join James for this week’s important edition of #PropagandaWatch dissecting the dangerous lies that are being pushed in the name of the environment."

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Legalism: Your strawman and you

Addendum 24th January 2016

Origins of our deceptive & deceiving language:

The word-smith fallacy:


This work sits comfortably alongside my earlier post about governments.

I will start this with a post from another blogger called Clint Richardson. Not that I would presume to compare myself with Clint by any means. He has a large body of good work, and I am a mere greenhorn amateur by his standards.

Although his name did attract me, he has the same surname as my mother. His brief bio is on the tab at the very top "Who am I?". The first lines of his bio:

"Clint Richardson is my real name. I stand up and take responsibility for any and all content and actions by myself. No Pseudo, corporate, or stage names necessary. For I am living without straw."

That sounds good to me. Same goes for me too, apart from the straw. This "straw" bit will become clearer as you read on.

You should probably read his bio first, it is not very long. Certainly I hope that it doesn't put you off from reading this, longish, work by me. I can confidently say that you will learn something worth knowing if you hear me out.

Here is his Clint's recent piece:

Legalism: A Civil Life Without Moral Concious

And here are 3 quotes from Clint's piece, my emphasis:

"The legalistic view is one of an insurable lack of conscious responsibility, of licensed innocence from duty. With this recycling meme, the ceremonial act of disposing of that which should have never been created in the first place triggers a chemical reaction in the brain that replaces moral thought with a self-similar non sequitur. Logic is tempered into false reasoning, and the crime is justified through the fallacious notion of solving the problem while at the same time actively being the creator of it."


"The expression of moral will has been trumped by social engineering, and the legal foundation of law, which is opposed to all forms of natural law, makes moral action impossible. We have been transformed into automatons, reprogrammed for optimal performance without conscious application of mind."


"In the end, it seems every facet of personal responsibility has been monetized and insured and re-insured. Nature is only a trade-able commodity, as are apparently aborted fetuses and body parts of the living and dead adult population. Nothing is sacred in legal consideration, because everything has a value in this system of mammon (money), especially the heads (capita) of men. Capitalism is only human trafficking, commerce in souls, counting us all by the head as human resources to be exacted and extorted from according to our usage of natural resources.

Meanwhile, the hungry remain hungry, the homeless remain without homes, and the Red Cross and United Way continue to suck billions from that stagnant pond of legal citizens seeking to buy their way out of the laws of nature through legal, monetary means.

But hey, at least we get a colorful rubber bracelet for our legal, monetary efforts, so that we can show our social network that we care!"

There is much more in the piece.

The fact that Nature has become a "trade-able  commodity", as Clint puts it, is central to our evident loss of direction as a species. It truly is madness by any objective analysis. And it is at the root of our destructive ways I feel. But it is the norm now, and it is against all of our interests as potentially free human beings.

I say potentially free because I think that 2 of the biggest causes of this evident loss of direction, and loss of human freedom, are hidden in plain sight. We need to open our eyes to the reality of our existence, and not rely only on what the media, or government controlled education, tells us.

Those 2 causes are our system of money, and our legal system. This piece will address some fundamentals about the latter, our legal system. Fundamentals that you will not hear about in any government educational institute. Our system of money will have to wait for another day, but I can assure you that it is a similar, actually worse, situation there.

I suggest a pause for thought here. This second part of my piece leads us down the rabbit hole somewhat. I suggest that you read Clint's link above before reading on. It is useful background to this next section. It touches upon both our money and our legal systems. Please pay particular attention to his use of the words law and legal. Most people think they are the same, but they are not. They are 2 different things, which I will try to explain in this next section.

What follows is in 4 sections:

1 Your legal fiction, your strawman
2 Sources, for those that want to know more
3 Legal fiction ownership in the US
4 Legal fiction subjects in the UK

I hope that you get to the end because section 4 exposes our shackles here in the UK.

1. Your legal fiction, your strawman

When Clint talks in his piece about "natural law" and "legal fiction", or "fictions of law that display the unimaginably lifeless properties of personification", then he is referring to the fact that each of us has 2 identities, as follows:

1. Our lawful existence as human beings. Pete the human being, the flesh and blood me, subject to the law; natural, or Gods, law that is, which stops you harming other humans, or their property. No belief in God is actually required for this, thank god. Natural law is human law and it applies to all humans, pretty well everywhere.

2. Our legal fiction existence. PETE [all caps] the legal construct, my strawman, my legal shadow, subject to legal statute. The stuff that all governments use to coerce you, and take your money off you. Legal statute is not for humans, it is for strawmen, for your legal fictionFiction being a very appropriate word to use. Because it is not real, it is not flesh and blood. It is a legal construct, something in your mind, or written in documents, only. Literally a legal fiction. This will become clearer as we proceed, I hope.

Read those two definitions again carefully before carrying on. And be aware that natural law is always superior to the legal system. Well it has clear seniority, because it came first, and it applies to human beings, not to strawmen.

Now here is the rub. Your legal fiction does not exist when you are born. It is created with your birth certificate! The registration of your birth with the government is what creates the fiction. This is true in both the US & UK, and most countries in the world I suppose. I repeat, you are assigned your legal fiction when your parents register your birth. Which is not something that anyone of us had much of a say in!

This legal fiction existence, that we all have, is something that nobody is ever told about, by anyone in authority, ever. Do think that there may be a good reason why we are never told? I expect that you will if you manage to reach the end of this piece.

Well, you may say, so what? What difference does it make?

Stop and think for a moment. Under natural/gods/human law then, any, and all, contracts that exist between 2 parties are valid only if both parties consent. And both parties usually signify that consent by signing a contract agreement, although that is not essential, verbal agreement will suffice. Do you remember doing that when you were a week old? Do you remember ever being asked, when you were a week old, or even when you got to pay your first tax, whether you agreed to your legal fiction, your contract with the government, that was created by your birth certificate? Did you ever have a choice, to opt in, or opt out, after weighing up the pros and cons? No, of course not. You were not told, or asked, nobody ever is.

Stop and think for another moment. What I am saying is that you were contracted to the government by the creation of your birth certificate when you were, at most, a few weeks old. And that the government never told you about that contract. And that the contract binds you to them for the rest of your life. You must obey all their statutes and pay all their taxes, fines, fees etc etc. All based on your birth certificate. which registers you, or your legal fiction, in their system of control.

Do you think that this is fair and equitable? You might, I certainly don't.

And, like I said, they never tell you about this, never. They want you to think that both your lawful and legal identities are one and the same. But they are most definitely not.

It is very clever, they even use the same words, the difference being that lower case is law, and all higher case is LEGAL. I will come to that later [if you get that far!] But as quick evidence then, check any of the following for yourself:
* credit card
* bank statement
* any financial documents
Your name is always written in all higher case, or capital letters. Because it is not the living, breathing you that is contracting, it is your legal fiction, your strawman.

All governments hate natural/Gods/human law, because it is beyond their control. But they love legal fiction, because they create that, and they can use it to control you.

Can you see why that is? If not then I suggest that you read this section over again.

To sum up then: You were inducted into the governments legal fiction identity shortly after you were born, without your knowledge, but in a way that binds you to them for the rest of your life.

Ever feel that you've been had? I know that I did when I first found out about all this.

I can understand that many people will say that this is all an arcane, academic, irrelevance. What does it really matter? I would reply that, if the government can mislead everybody about such a fundamental aspect of our relationship to them then, what else do they mislead you about? 

The more fundamental point is that your legal fiction is in direct conflict with natural human law for the reason that I explained earlier. No contract is valid without the consent of both parties. And you never consciously gave that consent did you? Maybe you did technically by signing your tax return, or something similar. But that is pure artifice, you never really gave your consent, because you were never told! How can you consent to something that you don't know about?

Maybe you think that government is a good thing for you, that it is always on your side. There surely must be some doubt in your mind after you just learned about your legal fiction, and its use as a legal, but not lawful, human control mechanism.

Particularly so if you understand who it is that actually controls governments.

And no, I'm not talking about David effin Cameron, or the House of effin Commons.  But that is a whole other story, one that will have to wait for another day :-))

2. Sources, for those that want to learn more:

I can recommend Clint's archive to learn more about this. It is a resource written in laymans terms for those that want to understand the nature of the legal fiction con that shackles us all to our government for the whole of our natural life.

Specifically the STRAWMAN links. And, for those with a head for figures, the CAFR links.

Here are his 2 key STRAWMAN pieces. They are expressed in straightforward terms and reasonably easy to understand. I found that listening to the audioblog, whilst reading the words, was useful. He includes all his source links, which are extensive:

These pieces explain how it is possible to kill your strawman in the US. To become truly free from government control. Clint recommends a year of serious study before anyone attempts that.

Please note that Clint's analysis of the strawman, or legal fiction, in these 2 links is all about the US. He goes right down the rabbit hole too, see this next section for my summary.

3. Legal fiction ownership in the US

You may want to have a look at the 2 links immediately above to understand this summary better.

Firstly, in the US, each legal fiction person is capitalized as a corporation, or company! Yes, each and every citizen is also a corporation, or at least their legal fiction is. Their birth certificate is their certificate of incorporation as a company! Each new born baby is currently capitalized at ~$7 million. And the exact value of an individuals legal fiction corporation is readily available from any stockbroker, who can look it up using the birth certificate number. Wow! I knew that the yanks were into money, but this surely takes the biscuit?

Further, each individuals legal fiction person/corporation, all the PETEs, SHARONs, DAVEs, JANEs,  etc etc etc are owned by the UNITED STATES corporation, which is not the same thing as the United States country! [Each time, same words, different meaning, signified by the capitals]. So every citizen of the United States, the country [no caps], is also, in effect, an indentured slave of the UNITED STATES, the corporation [all caps], or at least their legal fiction is. And most US citizens have no idea about it whatsoever, they are never told. Double wow! Corporatocracy or what?

Furthermore, all the legal fiction person/corporations, all the PETEs, SHARONs, DAVEs, JANEs,  etc etc etc, and the UNITED STATES corporation itself, are registered and owned in Washington DC, which is most definitely not actually lawfully, or physically, part of the country, the United States! So it is outside US law. Triple wow! Fallen off my chair just now.

Who owns it all then? Take a deep breath before quadruple wow.

You'll have to read Clint's 2 pieces to find that out  :-))

But cynics like me, who have some knowledge of the Perfidious Albion deep state, will not be surprised. 

But if you can't be bothered with Clint's 2 links then you'll get some big clues in this final section.

4. Legal fiction subjects in the UK

It is certainly different here in the UK, each legal fiction person here has a similar, but different basis to the US. The birth certificate is still the key document, it still creates your legal fiction. But each legal fiction person here is a subject, of the British Crown, I think. Is that the same as owned by? It probably is in practice.

I need to do more research on this, that is because I am not as clear in my mind about the UK, as I am for the situation in the US thanks to people like Clint.

Certainly, the Crown is not the monarch herself, as most people think. It implies the Queen, but is not her, it is something else. The Crown is part of the Crown Temple, which is a private club, an Establishment institution. It is a partnership which has membership by invitation only. It is a secret society if you like, with no written rules, or public face. Typically British then.

The Queen is a member, and I bet that the Rothschilds are too. The Crown is certainly part of the Crown Temple, in the City of London, which is also most definitely not actually lawfully, or physically, part of the country, the United Kingdom! So it is outside UK law.

A major elite watering hole then, in a different country to you or I. So it is not subject to the same law as you or I, but that controls the UK legal system that we all have to live by. The same legal system that shackles us all for life to our governors, our government. The same legal system that you were signed up for without your knowledge.

Does that sound reasonable to you?

Wtf? Crown? Temple? Yes, the Crown Temple.

Here is an informative link about the Crown Temple:

Not the video, the article that follows: By Rule of Mystery Babylon

This piece is also primarily about the US, but there is an overview of the Crown Temple within it. The Crown Temple is the epicenter of the whole worlds legal system.

I know that this article may be a stretch too far for some, and I am certainly not testifying to it's veracity, although it does confirm quite a few of Clint's points. I am only pointing you to 3 of its sections to explain some more about the Crown, and the Crown Temple, viz

"The Templars of the Crown", at the start,
"Definitions you never knew", which elaborates on the meaning of legal words and,
"The Four Inns of Court to the unholy Temple" which further elaborates about the Crown
Although the section: 
"Websters 1928 Dictionary" is worth a look too.
The rest of the piece is interesting, but gets into the US constitution, the Roman Church based at the Vatican, the Wizard of Oz, yes really, and some religious stuff.

Well, considering that the Vatican in Rome is also not actually lawfully, or physically, part of the country, Italy! Then that completes the set, wouldn't you say?  :-))

So I've told you about the Vatican in Rome, the City of London and Washington DC. They are the worlds 3 key centers for human control, or human farming if you like. In order of importance too, according to my final link.

Think of them like the 3 head offices of the Global Human Farmers Private Partnership  :-))

Whatever, read the links and judge for yourself.

Confused by all this? Well that's exactly what they want you to be. But hopefully you will have learned something from this blog. You will learn even more if you follow the links too. You will never learn about this shit from any government, or any of their institutions of learning, that's for sure.

Maybe a trained lawyer will blow all this final section up with some logic and precision. I'm not precious, at least I try not to be. I will happily retract if I am proved wrong. But I'll not hold my breath whilst waiting. My guess is that most lawyers are not properly told about any of this either.

Thursday, 29 October 2015

Governments should be our servants, not our masters

Addendum #1 - 17th February 2016

The occult definition of government

"The word government originated from the Old French word governement, meaning “control, direction, administration”. To find the occult definition of the word government, you need to split it into two words, transforming the word government into “govern-ment” or “govern ment“.

One of the origins of the word govern is the Latin word gubernare, which translates to English as “to direct, rule, guide, govern”. The suffix ment has a few different origins. One of them comes from the Latin word ment, meaning “mind”.

Based on these occult definitions, the word government means “to rule the mind” or “govern the mind“."

More here:


The biggest single cause of unnatural human death is by government.

What other cause is, or has been, greater? Just look at the Middle East today. All those deaths caused by governments, not least the US & UK governments of course, but many other governments too. Governments were responsible for over two hundred and sixty million unnecessary deaths in the 20th C. Over a quarter of a billion murdered by their government. Six times more than all the combatants that died in all the 20th C wars. So, if you add in the combatants in those wars, that is over 300 million deaths attributable to government in the 20th century.

Chapter and verse here:

People left to their own devices would not kill other people, >99% of us are psychologically hard wired to avoid killing others. And civil society is well capable of dealing with the other <1%. It is well established that, even when being shot at, most soldiers shoot to miss because of this hard wiring. But governments have found ways round this inhibition. Incredibly effective ways that result in this horrendous death toll that is still going on and on. This applies to governments of every possible different political persuasion: fascist, liberal, social democratic, socialist, communist etc etc. All these types of government have acted in this way over the last 100 years. The Labour/Blair body count is in the millions and they were supposedly a moderate government.

Individual liberty is surely far too important to leave in the hands of governments. They will never ever look after it properly for us, never. They care nothing for human life. Their actions prove that.

Now let's consider the current refugee crisis in the EU as an example of the coercive nature of government. It shows us the incredible power that governments have to impose their will on us all. Even when it is against our own interests.

Citizens across the EU, Germans particularly, are currently being told something like this by their governments:
"You must accept all these traumatized, misogynist, god fearing Syrians in your town. They will never integrate with your society because they have their own culture which precludes that. But you have no choice, it is the only decent humanitarian thing to do. No matter that their plight is absolutely nothing to do with you, or your town. We have decided to allow 1.5 million refugee arrivals into Germany this year. Your town is obliged to take its fair share. Get used to it"

Is this fair? Did any of these citizens vote for any of this? Did any of these citizens do anything to cause the refugee crisis in the first place? No, no, and no again, of course not. The poor refugees are refugees because of the actions of governments of course. As usual. And these same governments have it well within their power to stop the war and look after the refugees in their own countries, within their own culture. They can create hundreds of billions of $ or £ as "quantitative easing" when ever they want, with the flick of a switch, to "bail out" their corporate friends. But can they find a few millions to look after refugees properly in their own countries? No. But they can choose to coerce their own citizens. As usual. There are far too many other examples of the coercive nature of government. I could go on and on and on. Most of us just accept them without a second thought, they are ingrained into the way things are; into our psyche.

In fact all governments are coercive. Government is legalized coercion, by definition. And coercion is immoral, by definition. Coercion is inefficient too. And coercion is unnecessary for human life and fulfillment. It is simply bullying by another name. Bullies need to be stood up to and denied, not legitimized by voting for them. Even just by writing this I may be labelled a non violent extremist under the new laws being introduced by our UK government. Even though I'm retired, and I've never left my back kitchen, and have only spoken with my wife during the writing. Always new laws, always newly defined "crimes" being created by our masters in government to make us do what they want.

Yet most people still think that governments are a good thing, in spite of the evidence in front of their eyes. And, even more amazingly, they go out and vote for them every 4 or 5 years, despite this horrendous track record of coercion and death. Over 60% of the UK electorate voted in the general election earlier this year I think. These voters all clearly have a short term memory problem. They forget all about the coercion and death, and go and elect more psychopaths who continue more of the same. On and on it goes with no end ever in sight. I was cured of voting by Tony Bliar. Because of his corrupt death dealing ways, and because of his many war criminal chums in the Labour Party, who all got off scot free. A few of them have seats in the House of Lords. Still in government in other words. Don't vote, it only encourages them.

And it gets worse. Nations are being subsumed into even bigger forms of regional government wherever you look, a similar pattern across the globe.

The EU decides all the big issues here in the UK now. Issues like the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, which will allow even more power to global corporations it seems. To give them even more power than our already bloated governments.  The UK government will rubber stamp the EU government decision without any real power of veto. Citizens will have to fight even to read the legislation that is going through the EU government. They want to pass the whole shebang in secret if they can. We will end up with an EU regional government run by corporations. Government run by corporations is fascism, according to Mussolini's definition. But it is still government.

Cameron's EU "renegotiation" is a farce, and all the politicians know it. It will change nothing of real substance. We are locked in tight by all the numerous treaties that the monarch, and past governments, signed without explaining to us what they were really doing, as usual. All the politicians are globalists themselves anyway. All the UK parties want to stay in the deeply corrupt EU. Corbyn does too. The very first thing that he did upon being elected was to agree to change one of the key policies that he was elected on. He did a 180 degree turn to support remaining in the EU. Despite not even knowing what the "renegotiated" terms are! That tells you all that you need to know about Corbyn. He wants more, and bigger, government. In fact all the politicians do, whatever they claim in their hollow rhetoric. They are all in the same big club, and you ain't in it. All of them globalists, and all with an evident self interest in more and bigger governments. With an even bigger trough to stick their snouts in.

Btw, it is very noticeable that the only place that they don't want more government is locally. Local government has been emasculated. Everything important is centralized in national and regional supra government. Why do you think that is? Is it because local people may disturb their globalist, bigger and bigger government, plans? To act locally in ways that are outside their control?

The globalist politicians want to subsume all the individual nations into big regional governments like the EU. [I bet that they won't voluntarily give up their pay packets when that process is complete]. And they are well down that road. That job is almost done. How long will it be before these regional governments are subsumed into one world government? One generation? Two?

The process seems inexorable. What will stop it? Only we the people have that power. Governments are our servants in theory.

They are supposed to work for us, but they don't in practice. But they should be working for us, and we still have the power to make them do that, if enough of us demand it. We need to be smart, use everything that we've got, and to act fast, it is almost too late. In a real democracy we the people would decide these big issues. Not these corrupt death dealing, coercive, psychopathic, politicians. They will have us all over a barrel if we allow governments to get even bigger and bigger.

We must find a way of cutting centralizing national and regional governments down to size before it is too late.

As a first stage they need to be tasked with fulfilling our basic managerial needs only. The more locally based, and with more direct citizen involvement, the better. And stopping doing all that other coercive shit that they do. All the things that natural human law says that we can decide, and pay for, by ourselves, without government interference. We don't really need most of the things that they do now. We can do far better by ourselves with direct peer to peer systems. I trust ordinary people above politicians every single time. Why do we need such a massive, death dealing, coercive and controlling, middleman in our lives at all?