Monday, 4 July 2016

The angry, old, northern, working class, racist Brexiteers

After a few days of Chicken Licken mode, "the sky is falling in, the sky is falling in", [of course it didn't] then the young, born to it, politically correct, UK Establishment centric, Remaindeers of London, Edinburgh and Belfast soon worked out who was to blame.

Whilst partially distracted by the political puppet pantomime of the last week, the bird-brained, short attention span, young urbanite metros knew whose fault it was:

It was the:
poorly educated
working class
Little Englanders wot done it.

Seemingly ignorant of the pertinent facts, these ignoramuses soon abandoned their democratic principles [if they ever had any - me, me, me, me is their call] and organised a "Fuck Brexit rally". The reason people voted for Brexit, said rally organizer Billie Porter, was that "people were asked to make a decision they weren’t equipped to make".

Presumably only those for the abolition of Britain's sovereign nation state were qualified to decide, while the rest were, well, old, working class, racist, poorly educated, etc etc.

So angry, in fact, are some of these young anti-Brexiteers that they want to deny the vote to us old baby boomers. Who are going to die soon anyhow, and so should not be allowed a full democratic vote.

You've got to laugh. Otherwise you would despair.

The level of ignorance is breathtaking. To be fair to them then most people, from both sides of the debate, are largely ignorant of the pertinent facts about the EU:

* The EU was conceived and implemented by, and for the benefit of, the US/German/UK Industrial and Financial elites. The 0.0001%ers
* This tiny elite worked to a strategic plan that they conceived before WW2, and then developed during the war
* The key European Financiers and Industrialists, and their place-men, who facilitated and managed the nazis in the 1930's and 40's, survived the war largely intact. [Dying in wars is for plebs only]
* Then, in the 1950's, these same place-men moved into pivotal positions in the fledgling EU superstate, the EEC, and its associated elite supranational entities like the Club of Rome. No hangings after Nuremberg for the elites key place-men, who were largely unknown to the general public, despite their pivotal role in nazism. Hanging was only for the well known political puppets
* The EU's primary purpose was always government by corporations [the US/German Industrial cartels], and financiers [Wall Street & City of London, Bundesbank] without the inconvenience of national, or personal individual, sovereignty.
* The pre-war German elites were explicit in this. They envisaged industrial cartels based on their massive industrial might. And they wanted a form a of government that best served their purpose. ie. transnational, continent wide, with a single European currency to facilitate their industrial domination
* Government by Corporations is fascism, by definition

I guess that many readers will have difficulty accepting this but it is all available if you know where to look. Hidden in plain sight as usual. And the elites "on the payroll" historians of academia will never mention any of this, on pain of excommunication and loss of funding. It is in fact vigorously, but unconvincingly, debunked by them. Well it would be wouldn't it.

The circumstantial proof of the pudding?

Well just look at the German industrial cartels now. Just look at the German/US total domination of Europe, with Financial help and guidance from the, independent of UK, City of London. Complete political, industrial and financial domination. The strategy has been stunningly successful.

These 0.0001% elites are very clever, and very cunning. Obviously none of this strategy could be overtly available for the masses to learn before it was implemented. They had just been through the bloodiest war in history to "defeat" fascism. If they realised the game-plan then it was game over for the elites. So what did they do?

Simples. They clothed the fascist wolf in socialist sheeps clothing, and pumped this socialist meme in all their media, both left and right. The left always lauding and the right always complaining. Us old, left leaning, boomers all remember the right-wing tories who constantly moaned about the "socialist" EU.

And their media didn't ever really properly point out a few more pertinent facts:

* The unelected, and hence undemocratic, EU Commission runs the show, not the EU Parliament, which exists just for show. It has no legislative or amending powers. None
* The EU Commission receives the tens and hundreds of billions of £/€ and spends it as it sees fit. The EU commission has never been audited in its whole existence. Never. So there has never been any independent verification that they spend our money where they say that they do! If you know anything about human nature then high decibel alarm bells should be ringing when you know that

I could go on and on but.....

Let's consider the longer term aims of these scumbags. This is where the youthful ignorance becomes hilarious. The young urbanites are like turkeys voting for christmas. It is obvious to those that are paying attention that the elites plan is to remove all our national, and personal, sovereignty for the benefit of their long term goal: the absolute control of all of humanity. Using their national, and supranational, institutions, combined with their increasingly militarised, and centralised, police forces, and their "security" forces, to remove all our free born rights as a human beings. All by stealth rather than by abrupt totalitarianism.

They have relentlessly moved in this direction ever since WW2. Slowly and in socialist guise initially. The parents of us old boomers were well educated and worldly wise. They had seen and knew a lot, with plenty that was very, very, bad. But, as they faded away, then the elites NeoLiberalism economic doctrine was launched, 30 years or so ago, and the pace has cranked up a lot since then. The false flag of 9/11 allowed them to really speed up, and also to remove all our ancient rights, in the name of "security" and prevention of "terrorism". The job is almost done now.

But the me me me generation mainly doesn't know much of all this.

That is why the call to remove the old boomer vote is so hilarious. It should be the other way round! Past generations came to voting age at 21. And they acted that way. Married, kids, responsibility, in their 20's. But this "settling down" now takes place in their 30's, their 40's for many males now. Not really a bad thing, just a fact.

So I have a, very tongue in cheek, counter proposition, with zero chance of success:

Raise the voting age to 41 immediately.

At least that way then we may have a, very slim, democratic chance of stopping these scumbags.

But I hold no real hope for that. Knowledge is the key. Combined with mass consciousness. Which is exactly why they have dumbed down education so drastically, apart from their own education of course. And believe me they have dumbed it down. Something that only us old people can really verify.

But you can partially check that for yourself if you look at the sort of exam questions for 15/16 year olds that were set 50 years ago. The required level of knowledge, understanding and reasoning was exponentially higher than today's multiple choice bollox.

They would rather that you buried yourself in their social media, their mind numbing tv, their Hollywood, their mobile phones and all their other 21st C distractions.

They do not teach the Trivium anymore, other than to their own like I said. Grammar, Logic and Rhetoric are the most essential tools that a human can possess, the base for all learning. If you can't think logically for yourself, if you can't put together a reasoned argument that others can understand, if people lack proper understanding then, its game over.

Finally, I realise that, whilst this last is undoubtedly true, it may sound old person twatish. But fuck it, I'm too old to care.


  1. Finally got round to reading this ;-) Excellent, erudite as ever. Rock on Chairman Pete! I've only gone and joined Labour (June 20th) AND paid the extra £25 ;-) Boz xx

  2. Finally got round to reading this ;-) Excellent, erudite as ever. Rock on Chairman Pete! I've only gone and joined Labour (June 20th) AND paid the extra £25 ;-) Boz xx

  3. Why thank you kindly my good, old, friend xxx

    I will never vote again as you know. But I wish old Jezza the best of luck. He will certainly need it because he stands almost alone against virtually the whole of the UK Establishment.

    Chunky Mark nails it:
