Saturday, 16 July 2016

The Government will not protect you

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Update #1 - 18th July 2016

Richard Gutjahr and his Israeli Intelligence Officer wife.

Update #2 - 23rd July 2016

Richard Gutjahr was also at Munich! Ha ha ha ha

Original post

The Government will not protect you from tractor trailers.

The Government itself is the problem.


"As the Problem-Reaction-Solution (Nice edition) plays out as expected, it is time to remind ourselves: The government is not your daddy and it will not protect you from the boogeyman. The government creates the boogeyman to scare you. Giving more power to the government in the wake of every tragedy only incentivizes them to terrorize you further."

"Stop suckling!"

Update 18th July 2016

If you saw the pictures of the truck after it was stopped, and the driver killed, then you will know that the truck could not have killed over 80 people. There is no blood anywhere! None.

They think that we are all stupid it seems. No way that that truck killed 2 or 3 people, never mind 80. No way whatsoever. There would have been blood everywhere ffs.

Here is the truck video that the worlds media kept repeating over and over:

Did you ever wonder why there was no significant, or revealing, footage of the truck from the thousands of other people at the Bastille day celebration? Where is all their mobile phone footage? Very strange don't you think?

[Words in italics above added on 21st July after a pedant pointed out that they were originally omitted]

So who took this film then?

It was Richard Gutjahr a German tv "personality" journalist. Here is his script:

And who was with him when he took the film? It was his wife Einat Wilf.

Who is she then?

Only an Israeli ex member of the Knesset who was an Intelligence Officer when she did her national service! [Once a spook, always a spook is the usual bon mot]

See this:

Come on people: wake up and smell the coffee.

--------------------------------update ends-----------------------------------

Update #2 - 23rd July 2016

Richard Gutjahr was also at Munich! Yes really. The biggest coincidence? Or what?

"There's some discussion in deep state research circles about how blind to this information the consumer classes are. There was a time when we could have understood why people refused to question 9/11 or Sandy Hook. However, now it's in your face and impossible to explain.

There's now quite  a lot of speculation as to what kind of programming is going on inside consumer's heads? Is it fear, endocrine disruptors, Tell Lie Vision Programming, GMO foods? Whatever it is, it's a freak show to observe.

There's no explanation for it. A willful inability to explore basic checkable facts such as Richard Guthyahr's close association with the Israeli deep state through his wife and his presence at the last two socially engineered 'terrorist' dramas.

I'm not saying people didn't die but I don't care any more. There's too many calling cards at each of these events. Call it what you will. There's an element of False Flag action and no mistake."

Watch the video on this link. They really do think that we are all stupid.


27th July 2016 - Lots more detail here:

I am as puzzled as Charles is about how the 'in your face' nature of these false, or at least partially false, events is not recognised by many more people. The deceptions are so blatant now.

My assumption is that many people are suffering from "Cognitive Dissonance", or maybe "Doublethink".

The deceptions are coming thick and fast now, at least one a week. Usually they are exposed within the first 48 hours. But not by the BBC or Guardian of course.

It does not bode well either. I think that this summer will have some even bigger, more spectacular, events than we've seen so far.

So, for what it is worth, my advice, for if and when they do happen, is as follows:

Don't believe a word that they say, or anything that they show either

Question everything


It seems that the French Government has ordered the destruction of Nice urban CCTV footage of the Bastille Day attack:

Why would they do that if the official story is true?

A final word about Nice.

A cursory examination of the bio of the conveniently dead perp [The usual dead patsy?] says it all. We are supposed to believe that the atrocity was perpetrated by:

A recently converted, but very devout, boozing, drug taking, whoring, petty criminal mooslim extremist ISIS supporter.

Ffs. Who writes these scripts?

--------------------------------update ends-----------------------------------

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